Integrated Material Quantum Teaching Vocational School SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan

2. Integrated Material

Integrated material is a learning material which focuses on the mastery of the integrated communicative skills Richards and Rodgers, 2001:64. In this study, integrated material combines four basic skills in English: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each unit will consist of those skills, which can be divided into several meetings.

3. Quantum Teaching

Quantum is an interaction which changes energy into light. Quantum teaching is much interaction in a learning process. The interaction is done to make the learning process runs effectively and change the students’ ability and talent into light which can be useful for themselves and others. The interaction is between the teacher-students, students-students, and also the experiences in the process.

4. Vocational School

Based on Vocational High School Curriculum from the 2004 edition, a vocational high school is an institution for the vocational education of students to prepare them with knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they can be productive people who can directly work according to their field. According to Pedoman Model Penilaian Kelas KTSP, vocational high school curriculum is competency-based curriculum which uses broad-based curriculum and life skill development approach. Learning activities in vocational PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI high school apply Pendidikan Sistem Ganda PSG. It means that the learning activities are done both in the school and in the real working world based on the curriculum which is arranged by the school according the field needs. Competency-based curriculum not only focuses in improving the students’ knowledge, but also improving all competencies of reflection of the knowledge, skills, and attitude, according to each subjects’ characteristics.

5. SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan

SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan is an art school which is located in Kasihan, Bantul. This school has four departments; those are Dance, Karawitan, Pedalangan, and Theater. Dance department has three classes, while Karawitan, Pedalangan, Theater, have only one class. When there were cultural events held, this school is often asked to participate in those events, not only in this country but also abroad. In this school, English is taught as an adaptive lesson.

6. Second Grade of Dance Department

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