Research Instruments This research used interview and questionnaire as the instruments. Data Gathering Technique

c. Participants for the field testing Field testing was done on the students of second grade of Dance Department students in SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan. This school has three classes of dance department in the second grade. The writer used one class for the field testing. The class consisted of 15 students. So, there were 15 participants for the field testing.

C. Research Instruments This research used interview and questionnaire as the instruments.

Interview was used in the need survey to obtain the learners’ need and characteristics. The interview was divided into two parts. The first part was for the English teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan. The interview was conducted to know the condition of the English lesson, including the students’ motivation and level, the students’ marks, and the situation in learning English. The second was done to the second grade of the dance department students to know their opinion about the English learning and their interest in learning English. The answers of the interviews were analyzed to find the information about the learners’ need and characteristic. Questionnaire was used in the preliminary testing and field testing. There were two types of questionnaires: structured or close and unstructured or open questionnaires Ary et al, 2000:175. In preliminary testing, the writer used open questionnaire that allowed the participant to give their opinion. In field testing, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI questionnaire was used as the reflection of the students through the classroom activities in field testing.

D. Data Gathering Technique

This research applied two techniques to gather the data. The first was through interview. The writer interviewed the English teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan to know the condition of the English lesson, including the students’ motivation and level, the students’ mark, and the situation in English learning. This interview was also conducted to know their expectation of the English lesson. The writer also interviewed four students from the second grade of dance department of SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan to know their opinion about English and also the teaching learning activity. The same with the previous interview, the writer also wanted to know their expectation in learning English. This was a part to gather the data in the need analysis. Through the interview, the writer knew deeper about the learner’s needs and characteristics. The second techniques were questionnaire and observation. Questionnaire was done in the preliminary testing to obtain the feedback of the materials from the lecturer and the teachers. This data was used to improve the materials. Questionnaire and observation were done in field testing to know the effect of the material to the students. The writer observed the class activity during the learning process to know the effect of the material and the teaching learning activity. The writer also used questionnaire to know the students’ reflection of the activity in the field testing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

E. Data Analysis Technique

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