Kemp’s Model Instructional Design Model



In this chapter the writer will discuss the theories which are related to the topic. This chapter will be divided into two parts. The first part is Theoretical Description which presents the discussion of any literature related to the topic. The second part is Theoretical Framework which discusses the framework based on the theory.

A. Theoretical Description

There are several theories which are used to develop the materials. Those are instructional design model which consists of Kemp’s and Yalden’s model, Quantum Teaching, second grade of dance department and theory of teaching language.

1. Instructional Design Model

Teachers have to design material before teaching. To design material, teachers need a model as the guideline. There are some models of instructional design. The writer will take two models as the references. The first model is according to Jerold E. Kemp and the second is according to Yalden.

a. Kemp’s Model

In Kemp’s model, the plan consists of eight parts Kemp 1977: 8-9, those are: consider goals, list topics, and then state the general purposes for teaching each topic; enumerate the important characteristics of the learners; specify the objectives; list the subject content that support each objectives; develop pre- assessment to determine the students’ background; select teachinglearning activities and instructional resources; coordinate support services; and evaluate students’ learning. Figure 2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model 1 Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Instructional design planning starts with a recognition of the broad goals of the school system or institution. Within the curriculum areas, topics are chosen for learning, in which the teacher explicitly expresses the general purposes what students generally are expected to learn as a result of instruction. Goal, topics and general purposes Learner characteris tics Learning objectives Subject content Pre- assesment Evaluation Support services Teaching learning activities resources Revision 2 Learners Characteristics There are two characteristics which are needed when designing an instructional plan: a. Academic factors: number of students academic background, grade-point average, level of intelligence, study habits, background in the subject or topic, motivation for studying the subject, expectations of the course, vocational and cultural aspirations. b. Social factors: age, maturity, attention span, special talents, physical and emotional handicaps, relations among students and socioeconomic situation. 3 Learning Objectives Objective for learning can be grouped into three major categories Kemp, 1977: 24-26 : cognitive domain the domain we give most attention to in educational programs, psychomotor domain it treats the skills requiring the use and coordination of skeletal muscles, as in the physical activities of performing, manipulating, and constructing and affective domain it concerns attitudes, appreciations, values, and all emotion. 4 Subject Content A student’s learning experiences must involve subject content. The content must be closely related to the objectives and to the student’s needs. 5 Pre-assessment The aim of this part is to determine whether students have the appropriate background preparation for the topic through prerequisite test and to determine which of the objectives students may already have achieved through pretest. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 Teachinglearning Activities and Resources The designer should determine the most efficient and effective methods and then select materials to provide learning experiences that will utilize the content associated with each objective. 7 Support Services The services include funds, facilities, equipment, and personnel whose time must be scheduled for participation in the instructional plan. Support services must be considered at the same time when instructional plans are being made and materials are being selected. 8 Evaluation The objectives indicate what the evaluation should be. When the criteria are set and students successfully attain them, the concept mastery is realized.

b. Yalden’s Model

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