Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis esai berbentuk deskriptif

16 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional D 4. Menentukan koherensi dan kohesi teks tertulis berbentuk deskriptif. Sebuah teks memerlukan unsur pembentuk teks agar teks dapat berterima. Kohesi merupakan salah satu unsur pembentuk teks yang penting. Brown dan Yule 1983 dalam Rani 2004 menyatakan bahwa unsur pembentuk teks itulah yang membedakan sebuah rangkaian kalimat itu sebagai sebuah teks atau bukan teks. Sebuah teks harus memiliki keterpaduan bentuk kohesi dan keterpaduan makna koherensi. Kohesi adalah hubungan antar bagian dalam teks yang ditandai oleh piranti kohesi cohesion devices. Sedangkan koheren adalah keterpaduan antar kalimat yang saling mendukung. Sebuah teks yang kohesif belum tentu koheren. Namun teks yang koheren biasanya kohesif. Piranti untuk menunjukkan kalimatparagraph yang kohesif: Tabel 5: Piranti kohesi Meaning Function Examples Meaning Function Examples Addition Furthermore, too, Moreover, also, in the second place, again, in addition, even more, next, further, last, lastly, finally, besides, and, or, nor, first, second, secondly, etc. Time While, never, Immediately, after,later, earlier, always, when, soon, whenever, meanwhile, sometimes, in the meantime, during afterwards, now, until now, next following, once then, at length, simultaneously so far, this time subsequently Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Pedagogik D 17 Meaning Function Examples Meaning Function Examples Place Here, there, nearby, beyond, wherever opposite to, adjacent to neighboring on, above, below Exemplification Illustration to illustrate to demonstrate specifically for instance as an illustration e.g.for example Comparison in the same way by the same token similarly, likewise in like manner in similar fashion Contrast Yet, and yet, nevertheless nonetheless after all, but, however, though otherwise, on the contrary in contrast not withstanding on the other hand at the same time Clarification that is to say in other words to explain i.e., that is to clarify to rephrase it to put it another way Cause because since on account of for that reason Effect Therefore, as a result, consequently, thus, accordingly, hence Purpose in order that so that, this end, to that end, to for this purpose Qualification Almost, nearly, never Probably, always, Frequently, perhaps, Maybe, although Intensification Indeed, yes, no, to repeat, by all means, of course,