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34 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional D promote its image around the world by hosting the latest international dancing competition. Although the event was widely advertised, not many people participated in the competition. The connection of ideas is better than in the first example. The latest international dancing competition was held at the hotel, which is one of the most well-known hotels in this region. The hotel spent a lot of money on advertising the event since it wanted to enhance its international reputation; however, it failed to attract many people. The connection of ideas is better than in the first example. Created by Young-Kyung Min, PhD ykminuwb.edu Sumber: http:www.bothell.washington.eduwaccfor-udentseslhandbookcoherence Teks 2 Setelah Anda membaca materi mengenai kohesi dan koherensi dari suatu teks, Anda dapat membaca tentang bagaimana mengajarkan kohesi dan koherensi dari suatu teks. Setelah membaca, Anda dapat mendiskusikan dengan para kolega Anda tentang pengajaran hal-hal dimaksud terhadap teks deskriptif. Methodology: Coherence and cohesion By Scott Thornbury Type: Reference material Can a cohesive text be incoherent? Is coherence subjective? Scott Thornbury takes a look at the difference between coherence and cohesion and suggests some practical ways that we can teach both in an EFL context. Whats the difference between coherence and cohesion? Also, what are some practical ways to teach coherence and cohesion? Thank you, Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Pedagogik D 35 Hall Houston Very briefly: a text is cohesive if its elements are linked together. A text is coherent if it makes sense. It should be clear that these are not the same thing. That is, a text may be cohesive i.e. linked together, but incoherent i.e. meaningless. Here is one such invented text: I am a teacher. The teacher was late for class. Class rhymes with grass. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But it wasnt. Each sentence is notionally linked to the one that precedes it, using both lexical and grammatical means, but the text is ultimately senseless - to me anyway and I wrote it. The following much quoted exchange, however, is coherent to most people, even though there are no obvious links between its parts: A: Theres the phone. B: Im in the bath. A: OK. It is coherent because we can easily imagine a context in which it would make sense. Just as albeit with more ingenuity perhaps we can imagine a context in which the following would make sense: A: Whose hands are these? B: Theyre your hands. A: Good. Put simply, then: cohesion is a formal feature of texts it gives them their texture, while coherence is in the eye of the beholder - that is to say, it is the extent to which the reader or listener is able to infer the writers or speakers communicative intentions. Thus, cohesion is objectively verifiable, while coherence is more subjective. A text may be coherent to you, but incoherent to me. 36 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional D The exact relationship between cohesion and coherence is a matter of contention, however. While it is true that a sequence of unlinked utterances can make sense, it is often the case that some form of linking, e.g. with cohesive devices such as and, but, so, can make it easier for the reader or listener to process and to make sense of what they read or hear. Nevertheless, a text which is basically poorly organised is not going to be made more coherent simply by peppering it with moreover, however and notwithstanding. The following text devised by the writer on writing, Ann Raimes is an example of a text that is over-egged with cohesive markers, and which is typical of the kind of texts that many students produce as a result of an over-emphasis on linking devices at the expense of other ways of making texts cohesive of which probably the most important is lexis: Louie rushed and got ready for work, but, when he went out the door, he saw the snowstorm was very heavy. Therefore, he decided not to go to work. Then, he sat down to enjoy his newspaper. However, he realized his boss might get angry because he did not go to the office. Finally, he made another decision, that he must go to work. So, he went out the door and walked to the bus stop.[i] So, to return to the second part of the question, what are some practical ways to teach cohesion and coherence? The way that textual cohesion is achieved is best learned through paying close attention to the way sentences are linked in texts. There are a variety of cohesive devices, both lexical and grammatical, of which linkers and, so ,but are just one. For a comprehensive list, see the entry under cohesion in An A-Z of ELT, Macmillan, 2006. Cutting short texts up and asking learners to order them is a good way of drawing attention to the way that they are linked. I am fond of using short articles from childrens encyclopedias. Identifying lexical chains in texts - that is, repetitions, the use of synonyms and hyponyms, and words from the same lexical field - is also a useful way of alerting learners to the key role that lexis has in binding a text together. Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Pedagogik D 37 Coherence is more elusive but it has a lot to do with the way that the propositional content of texts is organised. If the content of a written text is organised in such a way that it fulfills the readers expectations, it is more likely to achieve its communicative effect. This means that learners can be helped to write coherent texts through the analysis of the generic features of particular text types. This has long been the approach to teaching business, technical, and academic writing. More important still, is second-guessing the intended readers questions, and then answering them. This means that it is important that, when doing writing tasks, students have a clear idea both of the purpose of the text, and of the intended readership. Good writers are able to keep their reader in mind. Keeping your reader in mind does not guarantee coherence, but it would seem to be a prerequisite. For more ideas on how to teach both cohesion and coherence, see Chapters 2 and 3 of my Beyond the Sentence, Macmillan, 2005. [i] Raimes, A. 1983. Anguish as a second language? Remedies for composition teachers. In Freedman, A., Pringle, I., and Yalden, J. Eds., Learning to write: First languagesecond language. Longman. http:www.onestopenglish.commethodologyask-the-expertsmethodology-q uestionsmethodology-coherence-and-cohesion154867.article

D. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pengantar : Mengidentifikasi isi materi Diskusi Kelompok, 1 JP Aktivitas 1 : Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif dan menganalisisnya Aktivitas 2 : Mendiskusikan hasil analisis teks deskriptif Aktivitas 3 : Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi tentang teks deskriptif. Aktivitas 4 : Menyimpulkan dan merefleksi hasil kegiatan Aktivitas 5 : Menyusun Rencana Tindak Lanjut 30 menit 38 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional D

E. LatihanKasusTugas

Lembar Kerja 2 Discuss on how to apply coherence and cohesiveness in teaching descriptive texts in your class.

F. Rangkuman

Bagian ini membahas kohesi dan koherensi dari teks. Berdasarkan artikel dari Young Min t.t. pada bacaan di atas, koherensi berarti hubungan antargagasan pada tingkatan gagasan ideas level sedangkan kohesi adalah hubungan antargagasan pada tingkatan kalimat. Koherensi mengacu pada aspek retorika pada tulisan termasuk gagasan yang mendukung argumen penulis. Contohnya pernyataan thesis, sintesis dan integrasi bacaan-bacaan, organisasi dan klarifikasi gagasan-gagasan. Kohesi lebih menitikberatkan pada aspek-aspek tata bahasa dari teks. Menurut Thornbury t.t., perbedaan kohesi dan koherensi adalah kohesi dalam suatu teks berarti apabila semua elemen berpadu dalam suatu teks. Teks yang koheren itu bermakna yang sangat jelas bagi pendengar atau pembaca. Menurut Thornbury, pengajaran kedua hal tersebut memiliki strategi tersendiri. Pengajaran kohesi tekstual dapat dilakukan melalui fokus pada bagaimana kalimat bertautan satu dengan yang lain. Piranti-piranti kohesi Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Pedagogik D 39 cohesive devices adalah melalui leksikal dan gramatikal. Teks tertulis yang dipotong-potong dan pembelajar diminta untuk menyusun teks tersebut adalah cara yang baik untuk mengajarkan teks yang kohesif. Dalam hal ini, pembelajar akan memelajari rantai-rantai leksikal lexical chains seperti repetisi, sinonim dan hiponim dan kosa kata-kosa kata dari suatu teks. Sedangkan koherensi dari suatu teks adalah melihat organisasi atau isi yang proposional dari suatu teks. Apabila isi dari teks itu memenuhi harapan para pembaca, teks tersebut berarti memiliki aspek komunikatif. Dalam pengajarannya, pembelajar dapat memelajari aspek-aspek generik atau umum dari teks-teks tertentu. Hal ini diterapkan dalam pelajaran menulis akademik academic writing. Pembelajar dapat memelajari tujuan dari teks, dan kepada siapa teks itu ditujukan intended readership. Diterjemahkan dan disarikan dari ESL: Coherence and Cohesion From the ESL Student Handbook by Young Min, PhD dan Methodology: Coherence and cohesion, Scott Thornbury

G. Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut

Setelah Anda mempelajari materi pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2, apa saja yang sudah Anda dapatkan? Topik apakah yang bisa Anda pelajari setelah memahami kohesi dan koherensi dalam deskriptif teks? Tuliskan semua pengalaman Anda dalam mempelajari kohesi dan koherensi pada jurnal belajar berikut: My Learning Log Tabel 9: Jurnal Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2 Date : What did you learn? : What have you learned : 40 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional D What have not you learned? : How will you teach your students? Kunci Jawaban LatihanKasusTugas Functional Texts - Descriptive Texts 1 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1: Lembar Kerja 1 Kunci Jawaban 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. Langkah pembelajaran yang benar: Alphabet Stages No. A Show a picture of Salib Putih Agrotourism and ask “Have you ever been here? Or What place is it? ” 3 B Ask the students to describe them by mentioning nounsnoun phrase referring to the place. 4 C Ask students to mention any adjective to describe the place. 5 D Ask students what to do in that place. 7 E To start describing that place, make a group of 4 to rearrange the jumbled sentences to make a coherence text. 8