Aktivitas Pembelajaran modul GP Bhs Inggris SMA KK D1 Profesional

26 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional D How is the ring? It‟s … . A. Silver C. a blue sapphire B. Precious D. Made by order 4. Menentukan koherensi dan kohesi dari teks descriptif teks tertulis berbentuk descriptive dengan tepat. “I love this very much.” The underlined word ref ers to …….................................................................. A. the stone C. the ring B. the silver D. The jewellry 5. Menentukan cara pengajaran teks deskriptif dengan tepat. Title Salib Putih Gambar 3 Sumber: https:c1.staticflickr.com540434685151681_04b15e23a3_b.jpg Identification Salib Putih is one of the tourist attractions or destinations in Salatiga, Central Java. It is on the slope of Merbabu mountain slope of 4 kms, or 15 minutes travel from Salatiga to Kopeng tourism spot. Salib Putih is named after the name of the village. Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Pedagogik D 27 Description of parts, quality, and characteristi cs. This place comprises tea and coffee plantations, silk-cotton tree plantation integrated with cows breeding. There are also some social activities like an orphanage and nursing homes. To support the activities, there are also Salib Putih Teenage Cottage with 50 modern designed rooms, Salib Putih Camping Ground, and a swimming pool. People can enjoy Rawa Pening swamp and Salatiga city from here, have training, outbound, seminar, reunion, and so forth. You will teach a certain place, Salib Putih Agrotourism. How will you do it? These are steps represented in each alphabet. The steps are not in the correct order. Write the number showing the processsteps on the coloumn provided. Alphabet Stages No. A Show a picture of Salib Putih Agrotourism and ask “Have you ever been here? Or What place is it? ” B Ask the students to describe them by mentioning nounsnoun phrase referring to the place. C Ask students to mention any adjective to describe the place. D Ask students what to do in that place. E To start describing that place, make a group of 4 to rearrange the jumbled sentences to make a coherence text. F Ask some of the students to read the text loudly. G Ask the students to answer the questions in group. H Discuss the coherence text. I Give the students assignment to find any places of interest they like