The Causes of Gender Discriminations

E. Gender Discriminations

Gender discrimination happens as the cause of different treatment based on gender that applied by the society. The inequality and gender discrimination also affect both women and men. It means that gender discrimination does not occur because of difference in sex, but it is different treatment because of their gender. This different treatment creates a distinction on the roles and social position between women and men. Because of the discrimination, women suffer a lot of social restrictions on private life and social life Walby, 1990:46. In private life, women suffer from restrictions to participate beyond her role as a wife. Meanwhile, in social life, women suffer from restrictions to participate in social institutions. Based on two types experienced limitations, there are causes and effects that are important to understand.

1. The Causes of Gender Discriminations

Patriarchal system generally is a system in which men have control to manage all social rules in the society. According to Walby 1990:64, patriarchy is a system of social structures and practices, in which men dominate, oppress and exploit women. This system is formed by the power of male domination on controlling sexuality, reproduction and production for women. This control is also reinforced by several ideology agents, such as family, religion, education, literature, culture, and law. As an impact, women are trapped in the patriarchal system that restrict or eliminates their right to equal in the society. In other words, the patriarchal system plays an important role to control the entire social institutions. Family as one social ideology agents becomes a primary institution to inject social values. In family, the head of a family is led by a man or a father. Man is associated with the head of the family who has complete control to the other family members. However, a father would control individuals based on their gender. According to Lerner 1987:127, family plays important roles in creating a hierarchical system as it not only mirrors the order in the state and educates its children but also creates and constantly reinforces that order. Thus, family is an important agent in socializing the values of patriarchal system. For example, every boy is directed to be a man who is brave, leadership, and aggressive, while women are taught to be a passive, caring and a sense of compassion. As an impact, when they grow to mature, men will have the responsibility to be breadwinners, and to lead the family. It differs for women. They have a responsibility to take care of the children and other family members. From these examples, family is not only the instrument on creating patriarchal systems, but it also plays a role in the creation of gender stereotypes. Through the creation of gender stereotypes, women will experience the disadvantage. It can be discrimination and or violence. The disadvantage will also affect the opportunity to get an education. An assumption that women do not need to get a higher education because of the role of women at home is the only reason patriarchal system continues to exist.

2. The Effects of Gender Discriminations