CharacteristicsofCurriculum2013 Basic Curricullum Framework 1. Philosophical Basis

33 There may come a time at which members of the organization find themselves frustrated. This test has been in place for years Why do we have this test? Why cant we change it? Grumbling and hallway complaint may reach a crescendo, and if funding is available often it is not then finally, we are changing this test. 2.11.Curricullum 2013 Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System states that the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose, content, and teaching materials and methods used to guide the organization of learning activities to achieve specific educational goal. Based on this definition, there are two dimensions of the curriculum, the first is a plan and setting the objectives, content, and material, while the second is the means used for learning,activities.

2.11.1. CharacteristicsofCurriculum2013

Curriculum 2013 is designed with the following characteristics: develop a balance between the spiritual and social development of attitudes, curiosity, creativity, cooperation with intellectual and psychomotor abilities; schools are part of that provides a planned learning experience; develop the attitudes, knowledge and skills and apply them in various situation in school and community. The curriculum aims to prepare the 2013 Indonesian people that have the ability to live as individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization. © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 34 2.11.2. Basic Curricullum Framework Philosophical Basis Philosophical foundation for curriculum development to determine the quality of students who will achieve the curriculum, the source and content of the curriculum, the learning process, the position of learners, learning outcomes assessment, student relationships with the community and the surrounding natural environment.The curriculum was developed in 2013 with the philosophical foundation that provides the basis for the development of all human potential learners become qualified Indonesian listed in the national education goals. Basically, none of the philosophy of education that can be used specifically for the development of curriculum that can produce quality human. Accordingly, the 2013 curriculum was developed using the philosophy as follows: 1 . Education rooted in the cultural life of the nation to build the nations present and future. This view makes the 2013 curriculum was developed based on a variety of Indonesian culture, geared to build the present life, and to build the foundation for a better life in the nations future. It implies that the education curriculum is designed to prepare the young generation of the nation s life. Thus, the task of preparing the young generation becomes the main task of a curriculum. To prepare for the life of the present and future learners, the curriculum in 2013 to develop learning experiences that provide opportunities for learners to master the competencies necessary for life in the present and the future, and at the same time continuing to develop their capacity as their nations culture and people who care about the problems of contemporarysociety and the nation. 2 . Learners are developing their nations into creative culture. In the view of this philosophy, the nations achievements in various fields of life in the past is something that should be included in the curriculum for students to learn. The education process is a process that provides an opportunity for learners to develop her potential into ability to think rationally © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 35 and academic excellence by giving meaning to what is seen, heard, read, learned of the cultural heritage based meaning that the lens is determined by culture and in accordance with the level of maturity psychological as well as physical maturity learners. In addition to developing the ability to think rationally and brightest in the academic curriculum in 2013 to position the cultural superiority studied to create a sense of pride, applied and manifested in personal life, in social interactions in the surrounding communities, and the nation s life today. 3 . Education aimed at developing the intellectual and academic excellence through education disciplines. This philosophy determines that the content of the curriculum is the discipline and learning is learning disciplines essentialism. This philosophy requires that the curriculum has the same name with the name the lessonsdisciplines, always aiming to develop intellectual abilities and academic excellence. 4 . Education to build the life of the present and future better than the past with different intellectual abilities, communication skills, social attitudes, concerns, and participate in community life and build a better nation experimentalism and social reconstructivism. With this philosophy, curriculum 2013 intends to develop the potential of learners into reflective thinking skills in the settlement of social problems in the community, and to build a democratic peoples lives better. Thus, using philosophy ascurriculum 2013 over the life of the individual in developing learners in religion, art, creativity, communication, and the various dimensions of intelligence value that corresponds to a self- learner and neededcommunity , nation and mankind. Basis Curriculum 2013 was developed on the theory ofstandards-based education standards - based education , and the theory of competency-based curriculum competency- based curriculum . Education basedstandard provides for national standards as a minimum quality © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 36 standard of citizens broken down into content, process standards, competency standards, teachers and standards, infrastructure standards, management standards, standard finance, education and assessment standards. Competency -based curriculum is designed to provide the widest possible learning experience for students in developing the ability to act, knowledgeable, skilled, and act. Curriculum 2013 adheres to: 1 the teachers teach curriculum in the form of a process developed in the form of learning activities in the school , classroom, and community, and 2 direct the learning experience of students learned - curriculum in accordance with the background, characteristics, and the ability of early learners. Learning experience directly into individual learners learning outcomes for themselves, while learning outcomes across the curriculum learners into results.

2.11.3. Curricullum Structure 2.11 3.1. Core Competencies