5.1 Conclusion

In a way to develop the formative assessment on recount, the researcher used three main stages: the need assessment, draft of assessment on recount, revision by the teachers in the same school, try out 1, judgment by the expert on assessment, try out II, final assessment on recount, try out III. Based on the quantitative data and qualitative data above, the researcher draws a conclusion: 1. On December 10, 2012 the researcher collected 15 existing formative assessments constructed by English teachers in state senior high schools in Semarang municipality. He then analyzed them by using the tools: validity, number of items, and grammar. He found out that the result of 15 existing formative assessments are 3 English teachers got A, 4 English teachers got B+, 8 English teachers got B. The researcher took mark 80 or B as the standard of the developing formative assessment. 2. Based on the result of the need assessment;the writer formulates a model of flochart on model of developing formative assessment on recount for the ten graders of senior high school 11 Semarang as follows elaborating in flowchart 2. 3. The tryout was done in SMA 11 Semarang three times. It was done in class X IPA 4. The first try out was done on September 12, 2013, the second try out was done on September 26, 2013, and the third try out was done on October 10, 2013 in classroom of X IPA 4. The data were analyzed by using SPSS vol.16 to find out the significant difference among the try out test of recount text. the result of trying out will be presented in the © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 70 following discussion in details. The table 3 in chapter four shows that the mean score of try out 2 is greater than the mean score of try out 178.0 72.0. It also shows that the value of t o is2.881 with the level of significant is 0.007 and dfis on 34. The value of t t on df 34 at the level of significant 0.005 is 2.03. The value of t o is greater than the value of t t 2.881 2.03. It means that there is significant difference score of try out 1 and try out 2. Therefore it can be concluded that try out 2 is effective. It means that formative on recount try out 2 is more effective than try out test Recount 1. The mean score of try out 3 is the greatest of all 81.4 78.0 72.0. It can be concluded that the development of formative test on Recount is proved effective based on the limited try out. 4. In constructing formative test there are somerules for our guidelines, the main important rules are: test item must comply with indicator, the arrangement of option should be constructed from the largest characters or from the least characters, capital letter must be used in the initial position, names, or after full stops, distracters must be grammatically correct, the stem of questions should be formulated clearly and firmly, the stem of questions do not give clues to the correct answer, options should be parallel and logical in terms of material, the length of response options should be relatively the same, the option do not contain the statement All options above answer is wrong right, the options in the form of numbers or time must be arranged in order of the size of the numeric value or chronological time, figures, graphs, tables, diagrams, and the like contained in the questions should be clear and functional, the formulation of stem does not use the phrase or words must not be ambiguity, the stems do not depend on the answer to the previous question. © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 71

5.2. Suggestions