3.1. Research Design

According to Borg and Gall 2003:567 evaluation plays a key role in educational research and development R D. They think that educational R D is an industry based development model in which findings of research are used to design fresh products and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and refined until they meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or similar standard. Borg and Gall also stress that educational R D, accounts for less than one percent of each education dollar. Nonetheless, it has promised for improving education because it involves a close connection between systematic program evaluation and program development. The writer uses R D because this research develops the formative assessment on recount for the ten graders of senior high school 11 Semarang. He divides this R D into two phases: the first, the need assessment for English teachers to know the formative assessments which are needed or not. The second is developing the formative assessment. The researcher carried out his research on developing formative assessment on recount by doing the thirteen steps in the model of writing formative assessment on recount: 1 need assessment to identify the need of formative assessment; 2 Analysing curricullum 2013; 3 studying core competences; 4 analyzing basic competences related to recount; 5 determining materials related to recount, expression grateful, analyze social function, linguistic elements of recount; 6 writing indicators; 7 writing draft I formative assessment on recount; 8 revision by English teacher; 9 writing draft II formative assessment on recount; 10 revision by senior © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 40 English teacher; 11 writing draft III formative assessment on recount; 12 validated by Hartoyo, MA, PhD.; 13 formulating final product of formativer assessment on recount.

3.2. PopulationSamples