Daftar perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan keamanan

Daftar perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan keamanan

1. Data Fellows http://www.datafellows.com/ Menyediakan SSH (secure shell), server dan client, untuk sistem UNIX dan Windows. Juga menyediakan proteksi virus.

2. PGP Internasional http://www.pgpi.com Menyediakan implementasi PGP versi internasional (yang dapat digunakan di luar Amerika Serikat).

3. Secure Networks http://www.securenetworks.com

Sumber software / tools

1. Apache-SSL: versi web server Apache yang menggunakan SSL http://www.apache-ssl.org

2. Auditd: monitor and log system calls dari HERT ftp://ftp.hert.org/pub/linux/auditd

3. Autobuse: identifikasi abuse dengan memonitor logfile http://www.picante.com/~gtaylor/autobuse

4. Fwconfig: front end tool untuk ipfwadm http://www.mindstorm.com/~sparlin/fwconfig.shtml

5. GnuPG, GNU Privacy Guard http://www.d.shuttle.de/isil/gnupg

6. icmpush: send arbitrary ICMP packet http://hispahack.ccc.de

7. ipchains: Linux kernel packet filtering yang baru, yang akan mengganti- kan ipfwadm http:// www.rustcorp.com/linux/ipchains

8. ipfwadm: Linux kernel packet filtering yang lama http://www.xos.nl/linux/ipfwadm

Keamanan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Internet - Budi Rahardjo


9. IPlog: berisi iplog, icmplog, udplog http://www.ojnk.org/~eric

10. Karpski, network monitor berbasis GTK+ http://mojo.calyx.net/~bxx/karpski.html

11. Ksniff http://www.mtco.com/~whoop/ksniff/ksniff.html

12. libpcap: library untuk menangkap (capture) packet ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/libpcap.tar.Z

13. Nessus: security auditing tools (Linux) http://www.nessus.org

14. netwatch: monitor network, text-mode

15. nmap (UNIX): probing, OS fingerprinting http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ http://www.dhp.com/~fyodor/nmap

16. ntop: memantau penggunaan jaringan http://jake.unipi.it/~deri/ntop/

17. OpenSec: koleksi tools http://www.opensec.net

18. OpenSSH: Implementasi SSH terbuka http://www.openssh.org

19. OpenSSL: Open Source toolkit SSL v2/v3 dan Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) http://www.openssl.org

20. queso: OS fingerprinting http://www.apostols.org/projectz/

21. Retina: scanning Windows NT http://www.eeye.com

22. Saint http://www.wdsi.com/saint/

23. SBScan http://www.haqd.demon.co.uk/security.htm

24. Shadow: intrusion detection system dari SANS http://www.sans.org

Keamanan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Internet - Budi Rahardjo

Sumber software / tools

25. SING: send arbitrary ICMP (including garbage) http://sourceforge.net/projects/sing

26. SSLeay: free SSL crypto library & applications http://www.ssleay.org

27. snort (UNIX), packet logger, IDS http://www.snort.org

28. Socks, proxy server http://www.socks.nec.com

29. Squid: web proxy server http://squid. nlanr.net

30. tcpdump: popular packet capture (dump) untuk sistem UNIX, harus memiliki libpcap yang dapat diperoleh dari tempat yang sama ftp://ftp.lbl.ee.gov

31. TCP wrapper (UNIX), official site ftp://ftp.porcupine.org/pub/security/

32. tcplogd: memantau adanya probing http://www.kalug.lug.net

33. Trinux (Linux) http://www.trinux.org

Keamanan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Internet - Budi Rahardjo


Keamanan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Internet - Budi Rahardjo


.htaccess 77 /etc/aliases 46 /etc/hosts.allow 64

/etc/hosts.deny 64 /etc/inetd.conf 48, 63, 64 /etc/passw 44

/etc/passwd 61 /etc/services 48 /etc/shadow 62

/etc/utmp 46 /var/adm 68 /var/adm/auth.log 68

/var/adm/daemon.log 68 /var/adm/mail.log 68 /var/adm/syslog 68

/var/lo 68

airport 8 attack 67 Audit 68 Authentication 16 Availability 17

Back Orifice 96 Ballista 47 BIND 68

block cipher 29 bugtraq 88

Caesar Cipher 31 CERT 70

CGI 79 cipher 28 ciphertext 28 Code Red 7 Cops 47 courtney 54 crack 47, 61 cracker 22 Cryptanalysis 28 Cryptanalyst 28 cryptography 28

CVE 117 Cyberkit 53 Cyberlaw 101, 107

Data Encryption Standard 37 decryption 28 Denial of Service 89 denial of service attack 8 DES 37 dig 86 DoS 89

EDI 11 electronic commerce 11

encipher 28 encryption 28 Enigma 35 Enkripsi 28

Fabrication 19 fingerprinting 45

FIPS PUB46 38 Firewall 64


hacker 22 Hackerlink 25 health care 15 Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act 15, 105 host 84

ICMP 95 IDCERT 25 IDEA 72 IIS 88 IMAP 68, 70 imapd 70 Integrity 16

Interception 19 Playfair 34 Interruption 18

POP 68 intruder 67

POP3 48 IP spoofing 44

portsentry 54 ipchains 66, 119

Privacy 14 ipfwadm 66, 119

Public Key Partners 104 iplog 120 iptraf 57

ISO 7498-2 28 queso 45, 55, 120


Kecoa Elektronik 25 RISK 118 key escrow 105

Rootshell 47 klikBCA 17

ROT13 31 RSA 72, 78, 103, 104

land 47, 89

latierra 47, 90 Sam Spade 86 libpcap 120

SANS 118 Linux Debian 64, 68

SBScan 47, 120 Secure Socket Layer 78

sendmail 8, 68 MD5 41

setuid 46 Modification 19

SHA 41 Morris 8

Shadow 120 SirCam 7

smart card 17 NetBus 98

SMTP 48 netdiag 57

smurf 91 NetLab 53

sniffer 15, 56 netwatch 57

Sniffit 93 nmap 45, 55, 120

sniffit 56 ntop 57, 120

SNMP 56 Socks 66

Squid 66, 121 Ogre 53, 79

SSH 72 OpenSSL 78, 120

SSL 78 SSLeay 79, 120

Stallings 18 password 60

Statistik Sistem Keamanan 5 Password, shadow 62

stream cipher 29 pau-mikro 25

strobe 52 Perl 32

Stronghold 78 PGP 36

SunOS 64 ping-o-death 47

syslog 54, 68 plaintext 28


tcpd 64 WebXRay 56 tcpdump 56, 93

whois 85 tcplogd 54, 121

Windows 95 89 tcpprobe 52

windump 93 tcpwrapper 64

winuke 47 tftp 88

Wordstar 12 TLS 120

wu-ftpd 69 trafshow 57 Tripwire 47, 67

Trojan Horse 95 zone transfer 86 trojan horse 16