2.1 Translitrasi Sesuai Fungsi

1. Mary

in a house that had 150 clocks Theme, topical

Subject past finite

live predicator



process material

location : place

2. But Mery

the right time topical Theme Rheme

never knew

Mood Residue Subject

compliment Senser


past finite

know, predicator

process: material, cognitive


3. Mary’s grandfather



Theme, topical


Mood Residue Subject

past finite

collect, predicator


Actor process: material goal

4. Jenny

with Mery’s mother and father Theme, topical



Mood Residue Subject

past finite

Live, predicator


Actor process: material accompaniment, comitative

5. so


all the clocks

Conjucntion, textual, interpersonal

Mood Finite subject Process: material


6. Jenny had a special big room which had clocks arround the walls and on the floor Theme,

Rheme topical Mood Residue Subject finite complement Possessor, carrier

process: relational

attriute, possessed


7. she had the clocks she liked best beside her bed and on the dressing table Theme, topical


Mood Residue Subject past finite have

complement adjucnt


Actor process: material


location: place

8. Jenny

a big workshop Theme, topical

Mood Residue Subject adjucnt past finite complement Possessor, carrier process: material



9. she spent most of her time there making and mending cloks. Theme, topical


Mood Residue Subject finite spend,

complement adjucnt


Actor process material range location manner

10. Mary loved

the stories Jenny told about the clocks Theme,

to listen to

Rheme topical Mood Residue Subject finite love, predicator complement adjunct Actor process :material behaviour


11. she told Theme,

Rheme topical Mood Residue Subject finite tell, predicator Sayer

process: verbal

12. how they were made

Theme Rheme Re- Mood -sidue Adjunct subject finite predicator Manner, goal

process: material

13. and where they

Textual topical Re- Mood -due Adjunct subject finite come,predicator adjunct Spatial actor process:material


14. there were big grandfather clocks, with swinging pendulums Theme Rheme Mood Residue Subject finite complement Process: existential


15. they stood

on the floor

Theme, Rheme topical Mood Residue Subject finite stand, predicator adjunct Actor process:relational location

16. and made

a loud gong every quarter of an hour Theme

Rheme Textual, topical

Mood Residue Subject (they) finite make, predicator

adjunct Proces: material


range extent: temporal, frequency

17. Some clocks chimed

every quarter of an hour

Theme Rheme Mood Residue Subject finite chime, adjunct



process: material

extent: temporal, frequency

18. others


a tune

Theme, topical


Mood Residue Subject finite play: predicator complement Actor process: material range

19. Mary often waited

for the cuckoo

Theme, Rheme topical Mood Residue Subject adjunct finite play: predicator

complement Actor process: material range

20. to pop out

of the cuckoo clock

Rheme Residue Predicator adjunct Process: material

spatial, motion

21. she liked best

Theme, topical


Mood Residue Subject finite like, predicator adjunct Senser process: mental manner

22. when it


12 o’clock



textual topical Mood Residue Subjet finite complement Carrier proces: relational

attriute, circumstantial

23. the bird



twelve times then

Theme, topical


Mood Residue Subject finite say, predicator complement adjunct adjunct Sayer

proces: verbal


extent: frequency


24. there was

a clock

Theme Rheme Mood Residue Subj. finite


Proces: existential

existent entity

25. where a little man and a little lady took

it in turns to come out of their clock

house Theme


Textual topical Mood Residue Subj. finite take, predicator com- adjunct plement Carrier proces: relational at- manner -tribute

2.2 Translasi Menurut Ekuivalensinya

14. there were big grandfather clocks, with swinging pendulums

English texts (bahasa sumber)

15. they stood on the floor

1. Mary lived in a house that had 150

16. and made a loud gong every quarter of clocks

an hour

2. but Mery never knew the right time

17. Some clocks chimed every quarter of

3. Mary’s grandfather collected clocks

an hour

4. Jenny lived with Mary’s mother and

18. others played a tune


19. Mary often waited for the ‘cuckoo’

5. so did all the clocks

20. to pop out of the ‘cuckoo‘ clock

6. Jenny had a special big room which had

21. she liked best

clocks arround the walls and on the

22. when it was 12 o’clock


23. the bird said ‘cuckoo’ twelve times then

7. she had the clocks she liked best beside

24. there was a clock

her bed and on the dressing table

25. where a little man and a little lady took

8. Jenny also had a big workshop it in turns to come out of their clock

9. she spent most of her time there


making and mending cloks.

10. Mary loved to listen to the stories Jenny

Bahasa Indonesia (bahasa sasaran)

told about the clocks

1. Mary tinggal di suatu rumah yang di dalamnya ada 150 jam

11. she told

12. how they were made

2. tetapi Mary tidak pernah mengetahui waktu yang tepat

13. and where they came from

3. Kakek Mary adalah kolektor jam morfologis dapat digambarkan dengan

4. Jenny tinggal bersama ayah dan ibu ‘enrich’ berasal dari awalan en- + rich, serta Mary

awalan ‘en-‘ dalam hal ini berfungsi untuk

5. di sanalah semua jam tadi berada mengubah kata sifat menjadi kata verba. Hal

6. Jenny memiliki sebuah kamar khusus yang serupa dapat dilihat pada uraian di atas

yang besar dimana lantai dan (bab 2) bahwa suatu teks dapat dindingnya penuh dengan jam tersebut

diterjemahkan secara ‘functional grammar’

7. dia memiliki sebuah jam yang paling ialah Theme, Rheme, Mood, Residue, suka yang ditempatkan di samping

Trnasitivity, dan menemukan tempat tidurnya di sebelah neja hiasnya

ekuivalensinya. Jadi pada uraian tersebut

8. Jenny juga mempunyai sebuah ruang dapat dilihat suatu proses translasi sebanyak kerja yang besar

empat sistem yang berbeda.

9. dia lebih lama berada di kamar tersebut Jumlah klausa sebagai data yang untuk mengatur dan menyetel jam

digunakan dalam bahasa sumber tersebut tersebut

adalah sebanyak dua-puluh lima, dan

10. Mary senang mendengarkan ceritra dari melalui proses translitrasi tersebut akan Jenny mengenai sejarah jam tersebut

kelihatan fungsi yang berbeda dari setiap

11. dia menceritrakan kata yang digunakan dalam teks tersebut:

12. bagaimana cara jam tersebut dibuat klausa. Demikian juga sewaktu proses

13. dan darimana jam tersebut datangnya translasi untuk menemukan arti yang paling

14. ada sebahagian kakek jam itu yang mirip ataupun ‘equivalence’ di dalam bahasa mempunyai pendulum

sasaran terdapat juga beberapa pergeseran.

15. jam tersebut terletak di atas lantai rumah

16. dan berbunyi sangat nyaring setiap 15


menit Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of

17. Beberapa jam lainnya berbunyi setiap 15 menit sekali Translation: an essay in applied

linguistics . London: Oxford Univ.

18. yang lainnya mengeluarkan bunyi



19. Mary sering menantikan bunyi ‘cuckoo’ Gentzler, E. 1993. Contemporary Translation

20. untuk membunyikan ‘cuckoo’ tersebut Theories. London: Routledge.

21. Mary sangat menyukainya Halliday, MAK. 1978. Language as Social

22. pada pukul 12 Semiotic: the social interpretation of

23. jam tersebut berbunyi ‘cuckoo’ 12 kali language and meaning. London:

24. lalu ada satu buah jam


25. di mana seorang lelaki kecil dan seorang ……………….. 1985. An Introduction to gadis kecil muncul pada kotak jam

Functional Grammar. London: tersebut.

Edward. Halliday, MAK. Dan Hasan, R. 1985.

Language, Context, and Text: aspects Dari uraian di atas dapat kita


of language in a social semiotic simpulkan bahwa bila selama ini ada

Victoria: Deakin pemikiran bahwa proses menerjemahkan


University Press.

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Structure . Amsterdam: John kata dalam bahasa sumber pada bahasa


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functional Linguistic-oriented proses translasi untuk mencapai suatu

Discourse Analysis. Singapore: komunikasi yang sukses. Umpamanya,


proses translitrasi yang terjadi secara

Steiner, E. 1996. Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation: some points of contact . (Makalah dipresentasi pada International Systemic Functional Congress July 1996). Sydney: University of Technology.

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