Dr. Alfred : Where the hell do you think you're going? Fine, get out of

Dr. Alfred : Where the hell do you think you're going? Fine, get out of

The dialogue happens in Vanderbilt Experimental Surgery Laboratory where Vivien does the experiment. The dialogue occurs between Dr. Alfred and Vivien. Dr. Alfred is a young cardiologist who seems to be self-confident to the point of arrogance. Vivien, an African-American without a college degree, is a gifted mechanic and toolmaker with hands splendidly adept at surgery. When Vivien comes to Dr. Alfred, he works as janitor. Then Dr. Alfred recognizes that Vivien has the excellent memory. Therefore, he asks him to be his lab-technician.

They have not known each other very well since Vivien is a new lab technician. Moreover, they have different role and status in their work. Vivien is the black- lab-technician without college degree that has big passion to his work, while Dr. Alfred is the white person who works as a doctor and the head of the laboratory.

Dr. Alfred walks in to the laboratory where Vivien is preparing for the experiment. When Dr. Alfred asks Vivien about the experiment tools, Vivien answers that everything is ready for the experiment. After discussing some method and theory of operating, Dr. Alfred asks Vivien to start the experiment, operating a dog. He watches how Vivien operates the dog, he feels satisfied because Vivien does all his instruction very well. However, there are some misunderstandings between them.

After finishing the experiment, Dr. Alfred wants to see the record of the experiment process from the beginning. Then he looks for something under the After finishing the experiment, Dr. Alfred wants to see the record of the experiment process from the beginning. Then he looks for something under the

The Analysis of the anger expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

In this datum, Dr. Alfred sends his anger to Vivien. The anger occurs when Vivien asks back to Dr. Alfred about what is smoked drum. Angrily Dr. Alfred throws a tablecloth to the thing that he calls smoked drum and says, “That's a smoked

drum. What the fuck is wrong with you? I record all the information I need

on a smoked drum ” The dialogue shows that Dr. Alfred uses explaining and questioning to send his anger to Vivien. Vivien tries to explain that he does not know that he has to set the smoked drum to record all the experiment information. However, Dr. Alfred gets angrier with Vivien and he continues to express his anger by saying, “Is nobody listening to me? God damn it! I have to do

everything myself. A whole day's work goes down the toilet, and I have to

start all over again. Do you have sawdust or just plain shit for brains? ” The utterances show that Dr. Alfred uses questioning by saying “Is nobody listening to me? ” and “Do you have sawdust or just plain shit for brains?”, swearing by saying “God damn it!” , and explanation by saying “I have to do everything

myself. A whole day's work goes down the toilet, and I have to start all over

again ” . He delivers his anger by explaining that he has wasted the whole day work because of Vivien’s mistake. He shouts and uses the rude words to blame

Vivien. In sort, Dr. Alfred uses Directives by questioning, expressive by swearing and representative by explaining to send his anger to Vivien.

There are two factors which influence Dr. Alfred to express his anger to Vivien. They are the legitimate power and the expertise power. Dr. Alfred has more power than Vivien since he is the doctor who is also the head of the laboratory. Here, Dr. Alfred has expertise power, as he has better knowledge when it deals with the experiment. Dr. Alfred is a surgeon for years while Vivien is a new lab technician who previously is a janitor. By having legitimate power and expertise power, he has more authority to express his anger to Vivien

Datum 4 CD 1/1 8:30”

Dr. Alfred : Hold on a minute, will you? Vivien

I was not raised to take that type of talk.

Dr. Alfred : My apologies. I'm sorry I lost my temper. Normally it takes assistants months to learn what you picked up in days. It won't happen again. Please.

The Description of Context

The dialogue happens in Vanderbilt Experimental Surgery Laboratory, exactly in the yard of the Laboratory. The participants of the dialogue are Dr. Alfred and Vivien. Both participants have not known each other very well since Vivien is a new lab technician, while Dr. Alfred is the head of the laboratory.

In the previous scene, Dr. Alfred says some rude utterances to Vivien. By hearing that utterances, Vivien goes out from the experiment room to his locker room to change his clothes. He seems disappointed with the rude utterances express ed by his employer. Dr. Alfred lets Vivien go out from the room. A In the previous scene, Dr. Alfred says some rude utterances to Vivien. By hearing that utterances, Vivien goes out from the experiment room to his locker room to change his clothes. He seems disappointed with the rude utterances express ed by his employer. Dr. Alfred lets Vivien go out from the room. A

Realizing that he has made Vivien upset, Dr. Alfred runs out the room for Vivien. He finds Vivien in the laboratory yard walking out to the street. He tries to stop Vivien and Vivien stops his walk. However, Vivien cannot keep his anger to his employer. He express s his anger by saying the utterance that criticizes the rude words from Dr. Alfred. The utterance shows that as a black lab-technician, Vivien does not want his employer to look down at him by saying the rude words.

The Analysis of the anger expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

The anger expression in this datum is extended by Vivien to Dr. Alfred. Dr. Alfred realizes that he misunderstands him. He confesses that he has made mistake by saying rude words to him. Dr. Alfred runs after Vivien and he asks Vivien to stop his walk. Vivien express s his anger to Dr. Alfred by explaining “I was not raised to take that type of talk ”. The utterance shows that as a black lab-technician, Vivien does not want his employer to look down at him by saying the rude words to him. By saying so, Vivien wants to give negative evaluation to what Dr. Alfred has said to him. Vivien thinks that Dr. Alfred’s saying is really

hurting since he says impolite thing when he has done the best for the experiment. Hence, Vivien delivers his anger indirectly by saying that he is not raised to take that type of talk . Vivien sends the anger in low and serious serious tone as he hurting since he says impolite thing when he has done the best for the experiment. Hence, Vivien delivers his anger indirectly by saying that he is not raised to take that type of talk . Vivien sends the anger in low and serious serious tone as he

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

There only factor which influences Vivien to express his anger to Dr. Alfred is social distance between them. Vivien realizes that he is sub ordinate because he is only the lab assistant while Dr. Alfred is superordinate since he is a surgeon.

Datum 5 CD 1/25:21 ”

Vivien : Try a devilled egg. They're real good. Clara

I want to go home, Viv.

Vivien : Clara, it's our first week. Clara

: Yeah, and you said if we didn't like it, remember?

Vivien : Yes. Clara

: Our family's in Nashville. We had a home in a good

neighbourhood. The schools were fine. Not living in this..I don't know how we're gonna make it on that pay cheque and he got you serving drinks at his party just to make ends meet. Come on

Vivien : Try to understand. When I started at Vanderbilt I was a janitor. Dr Alfred saw what I could contribute, and he gave me a chance. Sweetheart, it's important work. And it's a real opportunity and I love what I'm doing.


: So it doesn't really matter how I feel, then, does it?

Vivien : Clara, you know it matters.

The Description of Context

The conversat ion happens in the Vivien’s rented house. The participants are Vivien and Clara. Both of them are black-African American couple who stay in a new house. They have known each other very well since they have been married for years. Clara is a patient and lovely wife of Vivien. She is a fulltime The conversat ion happens in the Vivien’s rented house. The participants are Vivien and Clara. Both of them are black-African American couple who stay in a new house. They have known each other very well since they have been married for years. Clara is a patient and lovely wife of Vivien. She is a fulltime

The scene happens when Vivien just went back from Dr. Alfred house for serving drink in Dr. Alfred’s party. Vivien goes in to the house in when Clara just

put their children to the bed. They have a light conversation; Vivien offers devilled egg that he brings from Dr. Alfred house. However, Clara does not respond his offer; she says that she wants to go home to his old house in Nashville because she does not like to stay in this new house. Vivien said, it is their first week, so it is still too early to decide whether she is happy or not. Then, she says that in Nashville they already have a house with all the goodness for them. It seems much better compared to their new rented house with Vivien’s low salary. Vivien explains that he wants Clara to understand their condition. Vivien is sure that everything will be better. He explains that when he started at Vanderbilt he was a janitor. Dr Alfred saw what he could contribute, and he gave Vivien a chance. He describes that his work is very important and he loves it. Hearing the explanation, Clara feels more disappointed to his husband. He feels that her husband is very egoist because he only thinks about how he feels without responding what Clara feels.

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

Clara extends the anger to Vivien when they are debating about their new rented house. Vivien recognizes that his wife is unhappy with the condition. He tries to please her by offering delicious food from Dr. Alfred’s party. Clara is angry because Vivien seems to ignore Clara’s feeling. Clara responds Vivien’s offer by delivering a request “I want to go home, Viv”. However, Vivien says

that it is their first week. He believes that this new place is good for his family. Clara tries to remind Vivien by asking a question “Yeah, and you said if we

didn't like it, remember? ” By asking the question, Clara wants to remind Vivien that they may go back to Nashville when they do not like the new place. Beside,

she gives the further explanation by saying “Our family's in Nashville. We had

a home in a good neighbourhood. The schools were fine. Not living in this..I don't know how we're gonna make it on that pay cheque and he got you

serving drinks at his party just to make ends meet ”. By this explanation, she tries to make his husband understand her feeling is right. However, Vivien does not give the positive respond. Vivien even hopes that Clara will understand the situation. He explains that his employer is very good and he really loves what he is doing in his work. Hearing Vivien’s explanation, Clara is angry because he

feels that his husband only pays attention on his own happiness. She continues his anger by delivering question “So it doesn't really matter how I feel, then, does it? ”. Through the utterance, Clara wants to make sure whether her feeling is important to her husband or not. From the use of question tag “does it” in her feels that his husband only pays attention on his own happiness. She continues his anger by delivering question “So it doesn't really matter how I feel, then, does it? ”. Through the utterance, Clara wants to make sure whether her feeling is important to her husband or not. From the use of question tag “does it” in her

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

The only factor which influences Clara in delivering his anger is their close relationship. They have known each other very well as they have been married and lived together in the same place for years. Therefore, she has no burden to deliver her anger directly since they have close relationship as husband and wife.

Datum 6 CD 1 / 29.09”

Vivien : Where could I find someone to help us clean up the lab,


Dr. Edgar

: Who do you think you're talking to?

Vivien : I'm not sure. I'm Vivien Thomas, I work for Dr Blalock,

running this lab.

Dr. Edgar

: I'm Dr Edgar V Hecker. Director of Laboratories.

I'd like some coffee and a doughnut.


: Doctor. There must be a mix-up.

Dr. Edgar : Listen, I won't stand for insolence. We'll see about this.

The Description of Context

The conversation takes place in Johns Hopkin laboratory. Participants of the conversation are Dr. Edgar and Vivien. Dr. Edgar is a white-senior doctor of John Hopkins as well as the director of the laboratory. While Vivien is Dr. Alfred’s lab-technician who is just arrived in John Hopkins a few minutes before and it is his first time for him to be in John Hopkins.

someone to clean the laboratory because the laboratory is very dirty. When Vivien and Dr. Alfred are in a small talk in the laboratory, Dr. Edgar watch them. He wonders how such a black man wearing a white coat can be in the laboratory with Dr. Alfred in a friendly conversation. A few minutes later, Dr. Alfred walks out from the laboratory.

Dr. Edgar walks in to the laboratory where Vivien is still there. Seeing Dr. Edgar walks in to the laboratory, Vivien finds that Dr. Edgar is the right person to ask about someone for cleaning the laboratory. However, Dr. Edgar is unhappy toward Vivien’s question. He delivers his unhappiness by asking back to Vivien about who is Vivien talking to. However, it does not change Vivien ’s mind. Vivien explains that he is D r. Alfred’s lab technician who will help Dr. Alfred to run that lab. Dr. Edgar explains about himself and still threat Vivien as a black worker by putting money on the table and asking some cooffe and doughnut. Then, Vivien explains that there must be mix up. Vivien wants Dr. Edgar to know that buying coffee and doughnut is not his duty because he is a lab technician.

The Analysis of Anger expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

The anger is extended by Dr. Edgar to Vivien when they are in the laboratory of John Hopkins hospital. Dr. Edgar is angry when Vivien asks him about where he can find someone to clean the laboratory. Dr. Edgar is unhappy with Vivien question because he thinks that as a black new worker Vivien does not have any The anger is extended by Dr. Edgar to Vivien when they are in the laboratory of John Hopkins hospital. Dr. Edgar is angry when Vivien asks him about where he can find someone to clean the laboratory. Dr. Edgar is unhappy with Vivien question because he thinks that as a black new worker Vivien does not have any

misunderstanding to him. Vivien gives the money back to Dr. Edgar. By this act, Dr. Edgar gets angrier. He gives a command “listen” and continues by threatening Vivien “I won't stand for insolence. We'll see about this” To conclude, Dr. Edgar exploits Directives by questioning and commanding, representative by explanation and commisives by threatening in sending his anger to Vivien.

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

The factors which influence Dr. Edgar to express his anger is the legitimate power. In this case, Dr. Edgar has more power since he is the directur of the hospital laboratory. In other word, Dr. Edgar has legitimate power to express his anger to Vivien.

Datum 7 CD 1 / 37:04 ”

Man 2

You gotta take care of that sink up in 4-B. And you were gonna fix these steps.

Vivien Yes Mr. Green, forgive me , I’ve been very busy at work. Man 2

The deal is $7 off for odd jobs every month. You gotta pick up

the pace.

The conversation happens in Vivien rented house. The participants of the conversation are Vivien and Mr. Green who is Vivien’s land lord. Vivien is a lab-

technician in John Hopkins Hospital with a low salary. His low salary makes him having side job such as repairing step and sink of his land lord rented houses. Mr. Green is Vivien’s land lord who is an African-American with high temper. He owns many houses. Vivien rents one of his houses. Unfortunatelly Vivien is not able to pay his rent, so he takes side job from his landlord. However, Vivien has been busy at work which makes him failed doing his side job in the right time.

The conversation happens when Vivien goes back from his work in John Hopkins hospital laboratory. In his way home, he meets his land lord. His landlord looks unhappy because Vivien has not done his job to repair the sink and step. They have short conversation in front of Vivien rented house. He reminds Vivien to do his work quickly as their deal.

The Analysis of Anger Expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

The anger expression is sent by Vivien’s land lord to Vivien when they meet in front of Vivien’s rented house. Vivien is going back from his work. Suddenly, his landlord walks down from the step. He commands Vivien to do his duty by saying “You gotta take care of that sink up in 4-B. And you were gonna fix these steps ” Vivien responds his lanlord’s command by asking apologize and explains that he has been very busy at work. Mr. Green looks

gotta pick up the pace ” without responding Vivien utterance that asks forgiveness. Mr. Green extends his anger in high tone as he feels that Vivien answer is unreasonable. He thinks that by doing a lot of work in his office, Vivien should be able to pay his rent without taking another side job such as repairing sink and step. Vivien says that he is very busy. In fact, he cannot pay his rent without having side job from his landlord. From the analysis, it is known that Mr. Green employs Directives by commanding and representative by explaining to extend his anger to Vivien.

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

The only factor which influences Mr. Green to express his anger is the legitimate power that he has. In this case, Mr. Green has legitimate power since he pays Vivien to do some side jobs in his rented houses. Besides, Mr. Green also the landlord of Vivien rented house. By having legitimate power, Mr. Green has more authority to send his anger.

Datum 8 CD 1 / 46:47

Man A

: What you giving him extra for? What's wrong with me?

Woman A : Nothing minding your own business wouldn't cure. Man A

: You got that white coat, but you're just a class three worker, same as me.In fact, I got two years' seniority on you. I'm making more than you. Don't think you're some kind of big shot around here.


: Excuse me, buddy. Class three. What does that mean?

The conversation occurs in John Hopkins canteen. The participants are Vivien, Man A (black- hospital cleaning service), woman A (black-canteen keeper). Vivien is a black lab-technician in John Hopkins Hospital. He always wears a white coat during his daily work. He is the only one of black man who wears a white coat during his work. Man A is a black African-American who works as cleaning service in John Hospital. He is in same age with Vivien. Man A has high temper. Another participant is Woman A, a canteen keeper in John Hopkins Hospital. She also has high temper. The conversation happens during the lunch time. Woman A is putting lunch on Vivien’s plate. Man A looks unhappy when he realizes that the woman gives Vivien extra food. Then, he complains to woman A by asking why the woman gave the extra food for Vivien. The woman

A answers the question unhappily by saying that it is not his bussiness. During the conversations of man A and woman A, Vivien keeps quiet. However, man A says to Vivien that eventhough Vivien wears a white coat but he is not different with other black workers in the hospital. He even says that he is better than Vivien because he has two years seniority than Vivien. It means that he gets the salary better than Vivien. Then, he angrily says to Vivien not to think that he is better than other black workers. Hearing that, Vivien answer by asking about what is class three workers means because he does not know that he is class three worker. All the participants in the conversation have same role of status as they are black workers in John Hopkins Hospital.

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

The anger is extended by Man A to Vivien when they are in the hospital canteen. Man A thinks that he is better than Vivien, in fact, the woman A (canteen keeper) threatens Vivien better than him in giving food. He sends his anger by asking “What you giving him extra for? What's wrong with me?” to

Woman A. Yet, he knows that he is unsuccessful to get reason from the woman A why she gives Vivien extra food. Then, Man A delivers his anger to Vivien by saying “You got that white coat, but you're just a class three worker, same as

me.In fact, I got two years' seniority on you. I'm making more than you ”

Through the utterance, Man A claims that he is better than Vivien. He thinks that wearing white coat is not making any different for Vivien. In fact, their job classification is same as maintenance worker. Man A even thinks that he is better because he has two years seniority and gets the higher pay than Vivien. He commands Vivien by saying “Don't think you're some kind of big shot around here ”. Through the utterance, Man A wants Vivien to think that he is not special or better than other black workers in John Hopkins Hospital. In this case, Man A delivers his anger directly. From the analysis, it is found out that Man A conveys Directives by questioning and commanding. Beside, he uses representative by prohibiting in delivering his anger to Vivien.

The only reason which influences Man A to express his anger is seniority that makes him thinks that he has more power than Vivien. By having legitimate power, Man A has more authority to extend his anger to Vivien baldly.

Datum 9 CD I/49:09 ”

Dr. Alfred : Any progress? If you kill that dog,

I swear I will take it out of your pay cheque.


: I'm finished here. Dr Longmire, would you mind

closing up for me? Thank you. Dr. Alfred : Come on, Vivien. I was kidding about taking it out of your pay cheque.


: Good luck, cos I only make $16 a week. For a 16-hour day.

Dr. Alfred : That's all they can pay. Vivien

: That's all they can pay class three workers.

Dr. Alfred : What are you talking about? Vivien

: That's my job classification.

Dr. Alfred : Who cares what they call you? You and I both know how valuable the work is that you do.


: If my work is so important, then why am I class three? Two grades below what I do. In classification and pay.

Dr. Alfred : I don't know why. I don't pay attention to bureaucratic details.

Look, at Hopkins you can't be a technician without a college degree. And where are you going?


I need to fix some steps.

Dr. Alfred : We have works to do. Vivien

: Do I have your permission to do some work for my landlord

so I can pay my rent?

The Description of Context

The conversation takes place John Hopkins Hospital, specifically in the laboratory. The situation in the room is so quiet before Dr. Alfred goes in to the room. The participants of the conversation are Dr. Alfred and Vivien. Dr. Alfred is a white cardiologist who is also the Chairman of Surgical Department. While The conversation takes place John Hopkins Hospital, specifically in the laboratory. The situation in the room is so quiet before Dr. Alfred goes in to the room. The participants of the conversation are Dr. Alfred and Vivien. Dr. Alfred is a white cardiologist who is also the Chairman of Surgical Department. While

In the scene before, Vivien knows the fact that his name is registered as a maintenance worker. It means that he is a class three worker in the job classification. In fact, he works very hard as lab assistant. He runs the whole lab because Dr. Alfred is so busy. He is frustrated after knowing the fact that he is registered as maintenance worker in John Hopkins Hospital. He thinks that he gets discrimination in job classification and in payment because of his race and education. He realizes that what he gets is not as it should be with what he does.

The Analysis of Anger Expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

Vivien extends the anger to Dr. Alfred when they are in laboratory. The scene shows that Dr. Alfred is supervising Vivien experiment in the laboratory. Vivien looks serious with his work. Dr. Alfred tries to make a joke by saying that If Vivien kills that dog, he swears that he will take it out of his pay cheque. Without responding Dr. Alfred’s Joke, Vivien asks Dr. Longmire to continue his

experiment. Dr. Alfred realizes that Vivien is unhappy with his joke. Dr. Alfred tries to explain that it is only joke. However, Dr. Alfred’s joke is very sensitive for Vivien. Vivien sends his anger by saying “Good luck, cos I only make $16 a

“That's all they can pay class three workers”, “That's my job classification”,

“Two grades below what I do. In classification and pay”, “I need to fix some

steps ” By the utterances, Vivien wants to explain that the hospital is unfair to him. Meanwhile he has to do side job because his salary is not enough to pay his rent Besid e, he also sends his anger by exploiting some questions “If my work is

so important, then why am I class three? ” and “Do I have your permission to

do some work for my landlord so I can pay my rent? In this case, Vivien extends the anger indirectly by asking a question which she does not intend to obtain the answer. The question is not conceivably a question whether Dr. Alfred will give permission to him or not. Vivien leaves the laboratory before Dr. Alfred answers his question. To conclude, Vivien sends his anger to Dr. Alfred by using Expressive by satirizing, representative by explaining and Directives questioning.

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

The factors which influence Vivien to express his anger to dr. Alfred are the social distance and close relationship. Vivien realizes that he is sub ordinate because he is only the lab assistant while Dr. Alfred is superordinate since he is a Chairman of Surgical Department. Beside, they have close relationship since they have been working together for many years.

Dr. Walter : You're dangling your reputation off a cliff. Dr. Alfred : Calm down. This isn't grand opera. Dr. Walter : Isn't a doctor's first tenet, "Do no harm"?

Dr. Alfred : What are you saying?

Dr. Walter : Postpone it until you have more experience.

Dr. Alfred : That means signing that baby's death warrant.

I will not do that.

Dr. Walter : But they'll ruin you.

Dr. Alfred : Walter, I'm operating tomorrow.

Dr. Walter : You're rushing this because you don't want to admit to those parents that you spoke too soon.

The Description of Context

The conversation happens in John Hopkins Hospital, where the participants are walking on the hospital hall. The dialogue is conversed by Dr. Alfred and Dr. Walter. Both participants are working together in John Hopkins Hospital as doctor. Both participants have close relationship since they have been working together for years. Dr. Walter is a senior doctor who is also the head of administration department in John Hopkins. Dr. Alfred is a brilliant senior Chairman of the Department of Surgery in John Hopkins. Besides, Dr Alfred is also doing the research of heart surgery.

The scene shows that they are arguing about the operation. In that time, Dr. Alfred has arranged to operate a baby girl with heart problem based on the laboratory success on a dog. In that era, heart is one organ that should not be touched or operated. Dr. Alfred is trying to challenge the ancient doctrinal myth in medical field by performing the heart surgery on the baby girl. As the senior doctor, Dr. Walter is trying to remind Dr. Alfred to postpone the operation The scene shows that they are arguing about the operation. In that time, Dr. Alfred has arranged to operate a baby girl with heart problem based on the laboratory success on a dog. In that era, heart is one organ that should not be touched or operated. Dr. Alfred is trying to challenge the ancient doctrinal myth in medical field by performing the heart surgery on the baby girl. As the senior doctor, Dr. Walter is trying to remind Dr. Alfred to postpone the operation

The anger is conveyed by Dr. Alfred to Dr. Walter. Dr. Walter reminds his friend to postpone the operation of a little girl with heart problem. Dr. Walter thinks that Dr. Alfred is not ready to do the operation. However, Dr. Alfred is so confident with his plan. Hence, he is angry when Dr. Walter says that a doctor's first tenet is doing no harm. This utterance means that by doing the operation means that Dr. Alfred is doing harm to someone’s life. Hearing Dr. Walter’s statement, Dr. Alfred stops his step and looks at Dr. Alfred face seriously. He express s his anger by saying “What are you saying?”. By raising the question, it is found out that Dr. Alfred wants to challenge Dr. Walter ’s statement about the doctor’s first tenet. In this case, Dr. Alfred extends his anger directly by asking a question which he intends to obtain Dr. Walter realizes what he said. Dr. Alfred’s question conveys something more than what it literally means. However, Dr. Walter suggests dr. Alfred to postpone his operation until he has more experience. dr. Alfred responds dr. Walter’s suggestion by continuing his anger “That means signing that baby's death warrant ”. The utterance shows that dr. Alfred claims that postponing the operation will bring the baby to death. He promises that he will not postpone the operation by saying “I will not do that”. Dr. Walter says that the operation would ruin dr. Alfred’s career. By saying so, dr Walter makes dr. Alfred gets angrier. He continues his anger by saying “Walter, I'm operating tomorrow ” The utterance declares that dr. Alfred will not change his decision to The anger is conveyed by Dr. Alfred to Dr. Walter. Dr. Walter reminds his friend to postpone the operation of a little girl with heart problem. Dr. Walter thinks that Dr. Alfred is not ready to do the operation. However, Dr. Alfred is so confident with his plan. Hence, he is angry when Dr. Walter says that a doctor's first tenet is doing no harm. This utterance means that by doing the operation means that Dr. Alfred is doing harm to someone’s life. Hearing Dr. Walter’s statement, Dr. Alfred stops his step and looks at Dr. Alfred face seriously. He express s his anger by saying “What are you saying?”. By raising the question, it is found out that Dr. Alfred wants to challenge Dr. Walter ’s statement about the doctor’s first tenet. In this case, Dr. Alfred extends his anger directly by asking a question which he intends to obtain Dr. Walter realizes what he said. Dr. Alfred’s question conveys something more than what it literally means. However, Dr. Walter suggests dr. Alfred to postpone his operation until he has more experience. dr. Alfred responds dr. Walter’s suggestion by continuing his anger “That means signing that baby's death warrant ”. The utterance shows that dr. Alfred claims that postponing the operation will bring the baby to death. He promises that he will not postpone the operation by saying “I will not do that”. Dr. Walter says that the operation would ruin dr. Alfred’s career. By saying so, dr Walter makes dr. Alfred gets angrier. He continues his anger by saying “Walter, I'm operating tomorrow ” The utterance declares that dr. Alfred will not change his decision to

d. The reason why the characters express the anger

The only factor which influences Dr. Alfed to express his anger is their close relationship. Both Dr. Alfred and Dr. Walter have been working together in John Hopkins Hospital for a long time. Besides, they also close friend as shown in some previous scenes.

Datum 11 CD 2/08.20”

Dr. Longmire

: They won't page him.

Dr. Alfred

: Why not?

Dr. Longmire

: Something about hospital policy.

Dr. Alfred

: Page Vivien Thomas immediately.

Dr. Longmire

: Dr Blalock, what's wrong?

Dr. Alfred

: It's all right.