4.1 Analysis

In this part, the writer of this thesis does the analysis based on the raw data accepted and gained from an interview with an English teacher and questionnaires filled in by the selected second-grade students of Natural Science Program in the writer’s former high school, that is SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara. The interview was done on the first Tuesday the writer came there to do the research. It was exactly on May 19 th , 2015 approximately at 10 a.m. The English teacher whose name is Mr. Amir Alamsyah was interviewed by the writer outside XI IPA 3’s classroom. The second interview was done on the next day, that was Wednesday, May 20 th , 2015 outside XI IPA 1’s classrroom at about 10 o’clock too. An observation of classroom activities was done two times, those are on May 19 th , 2015 and May 20 th , 2015 while the questionnaires were given to fill in by the students on May 26 th , 2015 exactly at 10.30 a.m. May 19 th , 2015 As always, year by year, there are three classes of Natural Science Program in that high school of the writer’s. An average number of students attending each class are usually about 40 students so that there were around 120 students altogether. As what the writer knows, there is usually a class with students reaching the best achievement in that school. However, in this year, the writer’s English teacher said that there was no class based on the categorial previously mentioned. All classes were same. The highest-achievement students were not only in XI IPA 1 but also in 18 XI IPA 2 and XI IPA 3. In addition, the lowest-achievement students were also there, in XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, and XI IPA 3. Therefore, the writer only chose one classroom to be the sample of research in gaining what information, knowledge, and idea the writer was going to acquire. The class, XI IPA 1 was selected to be the object of research. After interviewing Mr. Alamsyah, the English teacher of that classroom, the writer became so enthusiastic to do the research immediately by observing the classroom activities and distributing questionnaires to the students. Why? Through the interview, the writer could understand the reason why K13 was postponed to be applied at schools. Apparently, both the students and the teachers were not prepared enough with the new curriculum, that was K13. The most important thing was that the facilities did not support it too. According to Mr. Alamsyah, K13 expects the students to be able to do problem-solving, discovery, and project. In this way, it is indirectly stated that learning activities are student-centred, not teacher-centred anymore. Teacher’s role is only as a monitor in the classroom. Heshe does not explain but only directs the students to do things. Mr. Alamsyah said, “How can the students speak since they do not hear or get something from the teacher’s explanation?” It takes too long time to apply the K13 because the students in particular are not ready enough with the new teachinglearning method. As a result, the curriculum of Indonesia’s education is back to KTSP, a curriculum in 2006. Having finished interviewing Mr. Alamsyah, the English teacher and the writer came to the class XI IPA 1 because it has been 10.30 a.m. With a lovely smile, he asked the students, “How are you today?” Then, the students responded in an enthusiasm, “Fineeeee, sirrr” After that, he introduced the writer to the students and 19 told them that the writer wanted to do the research in their classroom. He also gave the writer a chance to make an introduction before the classroom activities were started. In fact, on May 19 th , 2015 up to May 30 th , 2015, Mr. Alamsyah only did such a review towards the lessons that have been taught in the previous days and even months. As a result, the classroom activities were more enjoyable. The teaching and learning process was still serious but not too much. During the time of teachinglearning, he explained clearly and patiently even though the students were too noisy. The writer herself stood behind the classroom to record the classroom activities while the teacher was teaching. However, the writer remained understand the way he taught because the writer was his student graduating in 2011 and, of course, he was the writer’s English teacher when the writer was in the third grade in Senior High School. May 20 th , 2015 In the second meeting, the writer also did an interview with Mr. Alamsyah. At this time, the English teacher and the writer discussed what matters were faced by the second-grade students of Natural Science Program, especially in XI IPA 1 towards learning English as foreign language. As what the writer has seen in the first meeting when doing an observation at SMA 4 Binjai, especially the class XI IPA 1, it can be said that the students in the second grade still needed to be understood more and more. They are teenagers who are in a time of growing up to be the mature ones. Moreover, the technology is more sophisticated nowadays. As a result, the students were too busy with their own gadgets which made them not focus on what the teacher was saying in front of the classroom seriously and thoroughly. 20 May 26 th , 2015 As a matter of fact, there were 43 students registered in the classroom, XI IPA 1. Nevertheless, the writer never found that the class had a complete capacity during the research there. The writer did the research there three times for two weeks. The writer came to the class twice in the first-week meeting and the last observation was done in the second-week meeting. In this way, the writer can say that the average of students coming to the class was not constantly same day after day. When doing an observation in the first meeting, the writer can see 43 students who came to attend the class. In the second meeting, the writer can see there were 41 students. The most disatisfied moment was when the writer gave the questionnaires to the students, there were only 37 students. In fact, the writer totally became rather disappointed and disatisfied because the quantity of students coming to the class were not as what the writer wanted to see. However, because the reason was rational, that was they had to go seeing one of their friends in that high school who died in her still-young age for a serious disease, the writer believed that everything was still going to be okay. For this reason, there were only 37 students who were given some answers to the questionnaires distributed to them when a research was done. The questions arranged and the students’ answers collected which are going to be analyzed one by one and step by step are depicted as follow: First Section: 1 What do you think of learningstudying English as a foreign language? a Fun b Boring Why or why not? Give your reason, please 21 In the first question, there are 20 students answering ‘a’, 16 students ‘b’ and one student giving no answer. It is a truth that the number’s comparation of students answering for both choices is almost equal, that is 16:20 or exactly 4:5. However, the comparation still shows that the students have a positive attitude towards learning English as a foreign language. They consider that learning English is fun. A question about asking ones’ opinion, feeling or perspective towards the teachinglearning process is what the writer wants to find out in choosing an attitude analysis. When the answer is ‘fun’, it means that the teacher’s way of teaching has been good and suitable with what the students need and want. But, when the answer is ‘boring’, it means that the English teacher still needs to renew or even change his way of teaching into a more interesting and enjoyable atmosphere so that the students will not get bored anymore as to make them grow and develop more and more in a process of acquiring English as a foreign language. To make it clearer, let’s go on to the next part completed by the students’ reasons about their feeling towards learning English, whether it is fun or boring for them. The reasons are depicted as follow: The reasons for those answering ‘a’: Reasons Students To be able to know all around the world; if you do not know English, you will not get as what you want 1 To help us in the future because it is an international language 1 English is a cool lesson with many materials to learn 1 To be able to know anything; maybe by speaking English somebody can go around the world 1 English is a favourite subject of oneself 1 English is interesting 3 English can make somebody feels like an Englishman 1 English is important 1 Mr.A.A is willing to motivate the students while learning 2 22 A joke is available while learning 1 Games are available while learning 1 English makes people happy 2 Not clear answers 4 TOTAL 20 The reasons for those answering ‘b’: Reasons Students The students do not know the meaning of English words 2 English is difficult to understand 8 Truly, the student does not like studying English, but if I, as the researcher at that time, teach them, it can change 2 The teacher speaks English all the time when teaching whereas the students do not understand English at all 1 Not clear answers 3 TOTAL 16 As what is written in the table containing the students’ reasons why learning English as a foreign language is fun or boring, it can be seen that more students prefer studying English. They do feel so because of the importance of English itself in supporting peoples’ lives in this world, i.e. to be able to know all things around the world. What is said as the most unique reason is that the English teacher teaching in XI IPA 1. Two students agree that learning English is fun because of their teacher’s way of teaching who often motivates them while learning. A motivation given from the teacher apparently gives a positive effect to the students in acquiring a foreign language. Besides, the teacher also likes to give some jokes and games to the students so that they feel more enjoyable and secure while learning. This thing certainly directs them to demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning English in the classroom. As always, if somebody likes something, it does not mean that another individual will do so. That is what has been written in the table above. There are also 23 two students who do not like studying English because of their teacher’s existence. In addition, it can be said that they want the writer to be their teacher indicating that they need another teacher. Here, the writer does not want to expose that the writer is the best one or whatever it is. The truth is that Mr.A.A. whose knowledge and skill are absolutely wider than the writer is still the best teacher for the writer. Thus, what the writer was feeling at the time of reading those two students’ answers at home would not like to compare this one from that one but what the writer has got from those two same intended-meaning answers was that, in fact, the students did not dislike the teacher but they needed someone who still has the same attitude with them. For this reason, it can be said that they like to be closer to the one as if heshe is their brother or sister, I guess, so that both the students and the English teacher can be like a friend one another without a reluctant feeeling. 2 Do you think that English will remain an international language in the future? a Yes, I do b No, I do not If your answer is ‘yes’, please go on to the question number 3. In the second question, there are 30 students answering ‘a’, 6 students ‘b’ and one student crossing ‘a’ and ‘b’. The students’ answers demonstrate a positive attitude towards English, as an international language. Through this question, the second-grade students’ predictions and perspectives towards English can be known. They are the young generations of this world. For this reason, it is completely important to know whether they agree that English will still be considered as an international language or not. If they do so, they will keep learning enthusiastically but if they do not agree, normally, they will no longer concern with it even they will 24 not want to study. It is like a handphone. Nokia was used to be very familiar and more people bought it. In contrast, nowadays, samsung is more familiar than nokia which can be proved by the price determined for one handphone. What is booming, that is what people are eager to know and take a look at. In this case, when English is predicted by the students as the one which is not still going to be an international language, they will probably move on to another language. 3 Why do you think so? Give your complete reason, please The reasons for those answering ‘a’: Reasons Students There have been more countries using English as a foreign language, even it becomes one subject studied at schools 9 English is fun 1 English has been studied from Elementary School, extended and considered as an international language by more countries 7 People from other countries use English to communicate 5 English is more interesting from all languages 1 English is important 2 Not clear answers 5 TOTAL 30 This third question, of course, relates to the previous question. In this part, it can be seen that the number of students answering ‘yes’ almost reaches 37. Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are 35 students answering ‘yes’. It means that more students agree that English will remain considered as an international language. The most often reason coming up in supporting the answer ‘yes’ is because English has been spread out in all countries in this universe. Almost all schools in Binjai, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, and it is not impossible around the world, provide English as a subject for foreign language teaching even from the Elementary School. 25 Therefore, the possibility that English will not be considered as an international language will be certainly small. 4 In English class, which one do you like the most? a Learning individually c Learning in small groups b Learning in pairs d Learning in one large group In the 4 th question, there are 2 students answering ‘a’, 4 students ‘b’, 23 students ‘c’, 5 students ‘d’, and 3 students giving no answer. In this way, it is clearly stated that it is very seldom to see people want to work by themselves or individually. It means that they like working cooperatively. They like to be in a togetherness. By answering the choice ‘c’, it can be said that the second-grade students want to study by sharing a topic or lesson with their friends. This choice explains the students’ preferences nowadays showing that they like being cooperative bettern than doing every single classroom-activity individually. It is not a process of learning when the teacher explains a topic, for example, one of grammatical structures, and they have to be able to accept it, understand and do everything by themselves, that they want actually. It is also not a process of learning when all assignments given by the teacher are answered together. Learning in pairs, small, and even large groups means that the students work cooperatively to discuss the topic not the answer. However, even though sometimes they work in groups to overcome a problem or to find out an answer related to one case towards learning English as foreign language, i.e. to get an idea of moral lessons implied in a narrative text, the point is only one, that is, a same chance is given to each member from each group. They are in groups to train them to build their confidence and understand more when talking with their own relatives, as a same teenager, as classmates. 26 5 Do you like to have homework? a Yes, I do b No, I do not If your answer is ‘yes’, you can go on to the question number 6. In the 5 th question, there are 32 students answering ‘a’ and 5 students ‘b’. Almost all students agree to have homeworks. It means, they have realized that homeworks are important and powerful in supporting them to acquire English more easily and quickly. In this way, the students demonstrate a positive atttitude towards learning English. 6 Do you think a homework is important to support you in acquiring English? Why or why not? Reasons Students To review what somebody is learnt 6 To train the students to be able to understand more 14 To help memories to remember the lessons 2 English should be deepened, studied and trained always and on 1 Homework is a part of knowledge which can improve writing and speaking skills 1 To add knowledge 1 To give advantages 2 Not clear answers 5 TOTAL 32 Broadly speaking, when there is an agreement towards a statement, it can be said that there is an importance within the statement itself. In the previous question, there are 32 students agreeing that they like to have homeworks which automatically indicates that the homeworks themselves play a quite important role in supporting the students to acquire English. 27 It is clearly stated that almost all reasons written above show that homeworks can review the materials that have been learntstudied at school. Besides, the students feel the advantages more powerful since they will always be refreshed by the materials that have been learnt because they still have to find English lessons not only at school but also at home. This is practically useful, absolutely, since English is a foreign language. It is not like Indonesian language whose pronounciation is similar to what is written. Therefore, it takes more time to master. It needs a lot of practices so that the students become more familiar with the English words and patterns in grammatical structures. In fact, the one answering ‘no’ for the 5 th question should not go on to this 6 th question. Nevertheless, what surprised me was that I could find some students filling in the blanks provided in this 6 th question even though their reasons are sometimes odd, for example, “because I don’t like”. Furthermore, there is one answer which is quite important and valuable to put in this part. Why? Before going to a further explanation, let’s see what Deydey said towards “the importance of homeworks” below: Deydey said, “I think homework is very important but I don’t like it. I think learn English must has teacher for teach speak English and many people in a class don’t know what they to do in home. So I hope homework nothing.” By seeing the answer above, the first problem to find out is absolutely about the grammar, isn’t it? It is true that the sentence is still not in a good writing, in this case, English grammatical structures, but it is not what the writer wants to expose and discuss here. The most important thing to talk about is entirely Deydey’s reason 28 saying that homework should not be given. The teacher should not give homeworks to the students because they themselves still do not know much in English. So, how can they do homeworks if they do not clearly understand what to do with the homewroks themselves? They need an instructor, that is their English teacher to direct, teach, tell, and correct them when doing some mistakes. Therefore, there should be no homework. They want all assignments in English are discussed in the classroom where the teacher can stand-by there to help them overcome their problems in English directly and automatically. 7 Which English skill do you think the most difficult one to study and master? a Writing c Listening b Speaking d Reading If your answer is ‘yes’, you can go on to the question number 8. In the 7 th question, there are two students answering ‘a’, 22 students ‘b’, 10 students ‘c’, one student giving two answers, ‘b’ and ‘c’, two students answering all choices, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’. Through this question, I can conclude that almost all students have no worry or trouble with an English skill, that is reading even though there are two students answering all choices. But, here, it is more exact to say that the two students truly do not understand English and are not good at the four English skills, those are writing, speaking, listening, and, of course, reading. Thus, they cross all choices, those are a, b, c, and d. 8 What is it about? Why do you think so? Give your complete reason, please Reasons Students Writing: • English has different pronounciation with what is written 2 1 29 • Writing is very tiring 1 Speaking: • It is so hard to arrange words in mind; students are afraid to make mistakes; sometimes, they are not sure • A student is not accustomed to say or use English • Students do not know how to pronounce the English words • Students forget the formula and vocabulary • Students do not know much vocabulary • Students do not master grammar and vocabulary in English • Students are shy to try and some classmates can not speak English so that they never practice their speaking skill • Students are seldom to practice • No reason 22 4 1 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 Listening: • English has a same pronounciation but different meaning • Students are not familiar with English words • English is confusing • Brain is sometimes blank • English is difficult to understand • Listening needs much consentration • No reason 10 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 Two Answers Speaking and Listening • It is difficult to determine which word is pronounced by the the reader. It is also difficult to speak for the pronounciation and lack of vocabulary 1 1 All Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing: • Students are not familiar and good at English words 2 2 TOTAL 37 The most incredible thing found in this question is that no student answering ‘d’ for ‘reading skill’. It means that all students agree that reading is not difficult at all to study. So, how come? What happens with writing, speaking and listening? Is it that difficult to know and master? What are exactly the matters? Generally, listening and speaking skills are the most difficult ones to know and master. It is due to the word structure of the language, English itself. Lack of vocabularies limit a willing to practice communicating to other people in English. 30 Being aware of delivering some sentences with a wrong arrangement which is not in accordance with English grammatical structures sometimes makes the second-grade students afraid to practice or use the language. For listening skill, it is too often to find out, what is mentioned, said or pronounced is totally different from what is written. Sometimes, there are two different words with a same pronounciation, such as ‘fur’ and ‘fir’ or ‘their’ and ‘there’ or it could be ‘rain’ and ‘reign’. The six words, of course, have different meaning too. So, how can people differentiate and determine that this word is for this one and another word for that one? It is certainly a matter of context, right? This actually becomes the problem for most students in learning and acquiring English. Sometimes, because of this difficulty, students become rather lazy to continue studying. So, what to do? Writing is also said by some students as the most difficult skill to know and master. This is absolutely a matter of grammatical structures. English has many various patterns. There are so many things to study based on grammar itself. Furthermore, grammar always appears in each test of English. It means that it is really powerful and important in case of English, isn’t it? Towards this difficulty, sometimes, the students also become so lazy to write and even improve the other skills in English. 9 What do you think about grammar? Reasons Students It is the hardest one 1 It is difficult to remember 1 It is complicated 16 There are too many patterns 2 It is difficult to understand 2 It is confusing 2 It is good but a student does not like it since he understands a little 1 Sometimes it is easy but it is also difficult 1 31 It can make the way of speaking better 1 It is important 1 When somebody is good at grammar, heshe will have a good skill in English 1 Sometimes, it is fun but is is also difficult 1 No coherence 5 No answer 2 TOTAL 37 As a matter of fact, it has been discussed a little in the previous question about grammatical structures in English. In addition to this part, it can be seen obviously that almost all students feel and think that grammar is extremely difficult to understand. It is really complicated. There are so many various patterns available. However, sometimes, they admit that it is fun but also confusing. Normally, when a topic to discuss and study is rather complicated, a more comfortable situation or a more enjoyable atmosphere is extremely necessary. Some answers of this ninth question are supposed to know by English teachers so that they can transfer their knowledge about grammar easily to the students. 10 Do you think games in English are important to have in learning the language itself? a Yes, I do b No, I do not If your answer is ‘yes’, you can go on to the question number 11. In the 10 th question, there are 35 students answering ‘a’ and two students ‘b’. It means, almost all students want to play or have games while learning, i.e. at the end of the first meeting every week. In fact, most people think, to have games is a wasting-time activity in a leisure time. In contrast, games can be as great as learning 32 seriously and even more than that when it is supposed to be like that. To make it clearer, the reasons in the question number 11 will support the statement before. 11 Why do you think it is useful and important? Reasons Students Games are like exercises to review what we have learnt 5 Students will enjoy and become not bored while learning 13 Games can train the students’ skill and ability 1 Learning English will be fun and happy 2 Students need refreshing 1 Games will create a spirit to learn English 2 Games are easier to remember and understand; happier 3 Games can make the teacher as well as students closer; students won’t be afraid of meeting English teacher anytime 1 Games are more creative and fast in memorizing vocabulary 1 Learning will be more relaxed without a tension 2 Games will refresh the students’ brain 2 Games are necessary once a month to make the students not dizzy to learn English 1 An odd reason 1 TOTAL 35 In this part, all opinions about the importance and great use of games in supporting the students to study English more easily are completely unique and interesting to concern with. Apparently, for the second-grade students who still want to play, play, and play, games are not wholly considered as an entertainment but as an exercise to train their skills in English. By playing games, each student can feel more secure because the condition and situation of classroom activities are more enjoyable but still valuable. Each student feels free to express everything which goes around their mind towards learning English as a foreign language. More students agree to have games while learning because the activities can lessen their feeling bored towards the unfamiliar words in the foreign language itself. Moreover, when the various grammatical structures are taught, the students will keep focusing on the 33 materials. Even when it seems so complicated, when the materials are taught through games, the students will still concern with it and try to acquire it slowly but surely. In addition, for the students, if there are games, the learning process will be more active, interesting, and pleasant. The students certainly have enthusiasm to study English in the classroom. As a result, they will acquire English more easily, comfortably, and enjoyably. Their brain will also refresh all the time because there is laughter on and on in the process of learning. 12 In language learning process, it is better to ....... a Watch an English movie or video and then do problem-solving b Have a topic to discuss in each group c Do exercises such as answering questions after reading a text or getting teachers’ explanation d Just listen to the teacher the whole time and get homeworks in each topic In the 12 th question, there are 12 students answering ‘a’, 16 students ‘b’, 6 students ‘c’, one student ‘d’, one student answering all choices, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, and one student giving no answer. Through this question, it is clearly stated that more students like to have a topic to discuss in groups while earning English as a foreign language. Then, there are many students too who like watching an English movie or video and doing problem-solving. It is then followed by the students’ want, that is to do exercises based on what is available on the texts and the teacher also explains or discusses it in the classroom with the students to find out the right answer. When seeing this question, it can be seen that there is a connection between the answer choices and curriculum of Indonesia’s education. To tell you the truth, the first choice, that is ‘a’, indicates curriculum 13 which is more often to say as K13 34 nowadays. K13 invites the students to be more broad-minded because they are told to do problem-solving after watching a film, video or movie in the classroom. Almost all activities in the classroom refer to problem-solving tasks. In fact, the answer choice ‘b’ also refers to curriculum 13. Working in groups to discuss a topic is a part of K13 too even though what is going to talk about is the one available in the film, movie or video watched. This choice is more favorable for the students to have while learning and acquiring English than the one in option ‘b’. Apparently, there is only one student who likes their teacher to teach them and explain all materials to them all the time of teachinglearning process completed by assignments given to do and finished at home. They prefer answering some questions from the texts in the classroom as exercises after getting their teacher deliver all the materials in each meeting. In addition to this part of questionnaires, it can be seen that all answers are chosen by every student. Each student has their own answer indicating that they are welcome in studying English more actively. Wholly, they like to study in an active and enjoyable atmosphere where they can also deliver what they are feeling and thinking in groups and even in front of the class. In this case, it can be said that they are very positive in learning. Definitely, they have a positive attitude towards learning English as a foreign language. 13 To master a foreign language, it is better to ....... a Memorize words listvocabulary b Practice to communicate in the target language c Focus on the grammatical structures 35 In the 13 th question, there are 4 students answering ‘a’, 31 students ‘b’ and two students ‘c’. It means that almost all students prefer practicing communicating in the target language in supporting the idea of mastering a foreign language. For almost all students, to be able to master a foreign language, it is better to practice always and on to speak and communicate in that foreign language itself. There are only two students who concern with grammatical structures. Memorizing words listvocabulary is better than studying or focusing on the grammatical structures. In this case, it can be said that a thought or perspective of students’ towards an ability or skill to master a foreign language is indicated by a willing or an attitude to practice always and on in using the foreign language, that is English, as a means of communication. It is implied that even though somebody has been good at grammatical structures, if they can not speak or communicate in the target language, i.e. English, it will not be perfectly able to state that they have mastered English. 14 If somebody wants to test your English skill, which one will you prefer? a. To have an interview b. To write a paragraph about one topic c. To listen to a conversation or dialog and then answer some questions d. To read a text and then answer some questions In the 14 th question, there are 11 students answering ‘a’, 4 students ‘b’, 7 students ‘c’, 14 students ‘d’, and one student giving no answer. In this way, it is clearly stated that more students prefer having a test for reading skill than the other English skills. It means that what they have answered in the 7 th question is true and rational. The answer is acceptable and honest since they also answered this 14 th 36 question by choosing to be tested to read a text and answer some questions related to the text itself. As what has been explained above, through this question, everybody is capable of determining which skill is favorable for second-grade students, especially in Natural Science Program in my high school, SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara. When the students choose ‘a’, it means that they prefer speaking skill. If they choose ‘b’, it shows that they like having writing skill more. Again, when their selection is ‘c’ or ‘d’, it indicates that they prefer listening skill or reading skill. As a matter of fact, all answer choices above imply the four English skills. Thus, it can be easily seen what is going on with the four skills thoroughly. Based on the students’ answers above, a correlation is built in these questionnaires. Apparently, more students think that reading skill is the most easiest one from the other three English skills. According to the students, the most difficult one is still, the listening and speaking skill which is then followed by English writing skill. It is definitely true and logic since most of the students said in the 7 th question that they think reading is not too difficult or in other words, they considered that reading is not as difficult and complicated as listening, speaking and writing. 15 When you meet a foreignertourist, what will you do? a. Practice your English with himher b. Keep quite because you are afraid of making some mistakes In the 15 th question, there are 29 students answering ‘a’, 7 students ‘b’ and one student giving no answer. It means that more students have an encouragement and willing to improve their English speaking skill to the native speakers. For this reason, it can be stated that they need English in case of communication. In this way, they 37 absolutely need to have such a teaching towards speaking or communicating in that foreign and international language. Therefore, the English teacher of XI IPA 1 must concern with the students’ willing, that is to be able to communicate in English even when they still have lack of English words exactly English vocabularies. In fact, they need to practice speaking English. They want to express their thoughts, opinions, and perspectives to the other classmates in particular and the other individuals in general. Thus, the English teacher should think of a new way of teaching them how to communicate in English whether they are asked to present something in front of the class or talk to their partners or groups of learning. Talking about an attitude analysis, not only items for attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language can be discussed but also items for attitudes towards English speaking people. Here, the students’ answers show that they are so welcome and respectful to the English speaking people. They have a positive attitude since they will practice speaking English if they meet foreigners and tourists. 16 When you make an error in English, it will be better if ....... a. Your teacher states that you are wrong and then directly correct it by himselfherself b. Your teacher does not state that you are wrong but he calls another student to answer it c. Your teacher indirectly states that it is an error by giving another answer to choose for example, “in” or “on”, which one is correct? In the 16 th question, there are 19 students answering ‘a’, 5 students ‘b’ and 13 students answering ‘c’. Through this question, the students’ feeling about errors or mistakes made in a process of learning English can be known so that the teacher will 38 get the idea of what is the best way to correct the errors themselves. Everybody is unique which makes them totally different from another individual. Thus, it is necessary to know the students’ attitude to their teacher’s way of correcting their mistakes. In this part, it can be seen that more students prefer being corrected directly by the teacher in front their classmates. It is implied, hopefully, that the students will remember the mistakes made by them as not to do the same thing again and over again. When being corrected directly, somebody will be mentally good in learning since they will never want to make some mistakes anymore indicating that they will studylearn more and more dilligently and seriously. However, some students who are under the average of those answering ‘a’, have their answers for ‘c’. Apparently, some students do not like to be corrected directly or stated that they are truly wrong. In this case, the students prefer having some optional answers given by the teacher. To make it clearer, it will be explained as follows: In example: a. Your teacher states that you are wrong and then directly correct it by himselfherself Teacher : Where do you live? Student : I live on Binjai. Teacher : No, that’s wrong. It should be “I live in Binjai.” b. Your teacher does not state that you are wrong but he calls another student to answer it 39 Teacher : Where do you live? Student A : I live on Binjai. Teacher : asking another student Nova, where do you live? or Any other answer? or Another answer, please or Nova, could you please answer the question for your friend? Student B : Yes, sir. I live in Binjai, sir. c. Your teacher indirectly states that it is an error by giving another answer to choose for example, “in” or “on”, which one is correct? Teacher : Where do you live? Student A : I live on Binjai. Teacher : To all students ‘I live on Binjai’ or ‘I live in Binjai’? or On or in?? All students : I live in Binjai. or Iinnnnnnnnnnnn......... 17 Which one do you like to have in studying about English grammar? a. The teacher explains about the grammatical rules and teach them directly b. The teacher provides an English movie and then he told his students to find the grammatical rules used c. The teacher provides an English song, speech, or dialog and then they discuss the grammatical rules used In the 17 th question, there are 20 students answering ‘a’, 3 students ‘b’ and 14 students answering ‘c’. Apparently, even though grammar is difficult to learn, the students are also welcome to answer the questions given in the questionnaires. They 40 pay attention for that case as to get what they need for acquiring English grammatical structures more easily and enjoyably. In case of grammar, it is better for an English teacher to explain all materials by himselfherself directly, slowly but clearly and surely. The second-grade students in my former high school prefer the answer choice ‘a’. Then, it is followed by the students answering ‘c’ indicating that studyinglearning grammar should be as what teenagers like the most, such as listening to English songs, speeches, or dialogues to be discussed together afterward. Meanwhile, in the answer choice ‘b’, there are only 3 students who like finding grammar directly from the movie given or showed in the classroom. 18 Which one do you like your English teacher to do in your classroom? a. Speak English all the time while explaining the material b. Speak both English and Indonesian while explaining the material c. Speak only Indonesian while explaining the material In the 18 th question, there are 5 students answering ‘a’, 28 students ‘b’, one student answering ‘c’, and 3 students giving no answer. Through this question, it can be uttered that almost all students agree to hear English words used by their English teacher in the classroom. There is only one student agreeing the teacher speaks Indonesian all the time while explaining the materials going to teach. The point is that the students like to hear their teacher speaks the foreign language, that is English, but not all the time. They prefer learning by mixing and using both English and Indonesian language because they still have lack of vocabulary. In this way, it is absolutely better for them to have their teacher explains in both languages. 41 Therefore, their positive attitude towards learning English is always continuously increased. 19 Do you think that two meetings 3 hours in a week given are enough to study English at school? a Yes, I do b No, I do not Why or why not? Give your complete reason, please In the 19 th question, there are 16 students answering ‘a’, 20 students ‘b’ and one student giving no answer. This question was supposed to be an idea for the English teacher or government about the students’ opinion towards learning English as a foreign language at schools. More than a half of students attending the class on Tuesday, May 26 th , 2015 at around 10.30 p.m. said that it was not enough to have two meetings or three hours in order to be able to understand and master the foreign language itself. It is a truth that a student will not be able to master a subject studied wholly from schools. Moreover, because English is a foreign language, sometimes the students feel bored when studying too much. If heshe wants to master it, there should be extra hours to study it. Not only at schools but also at English courses. Therefore, there are many students too who agree that learning English for three hours in a week is enough because there are still many other subjects to be studied. In this case, it can be stated that the students have a positive attitude towards learning English because they still need extra hours to study the foreign language intensively at school as well as at English courses. 42 The reasons for those answering ‘a’ Reasons Students Students feel bored when they do not understand 2 English can also be studied in an English course 3 English should not be learnt but understood 2 Too much time for studying make some students bored 3 There are still many subjects to be learnt 1 It is exactly enough 2 A student feels that he will get dizzy if he has to study English everyday 1 No reason 2 TOTAL 16 The reasons for those answering ‘b’: Reasons Students There are many things to discuss 7 It still needs more time to learn since many students have taken English courses to add their time to learn that language 3 It is not enough for being able to practice always in order to communicate in English fluently 1 English is so difficult; it needs more time to learn, i.e. 6 hours a week 3 meetings, etc. 3 To study English needs more explanation 2 Two hours for studying English at school is enough 1 There are more patterns to study 1 No reason 2 TOTAL 20 20 When you speak English but you make an error, which one do you like your teacher to do? a. Correct it immediately in front of everyone b. Correct it later at the end of the activity in front of everyone c. Correct it later in private In the 20 th question, there are 16 students answering ‘a’, 5 students ‘b’ and 16 students ‘c’. This question is actually related to the question number 16. The purpose of giving it again in the last question for the first section is to give a clearer idea about how to correct students’ errors or mistakes while learning. Which one do they 43 like to have the most? In this case, even though it is such a mistake which can make somebody embarrased, it is not taboo that they still honestly want to be corrected immediately in front of their classmates. Perhaps, they have a principle that an error is a part of learning. After knowing that it is a kind of error, they will not create or make it on another chance anymore. In contrast, there are also some students who want to be corrected personally or in private without being known by their friends so that they will not become so embarrased towards them. Normally, it can be tolerated because the second-grade students are still teenagers. When they make an error, it seems that they do as if they are the worst ones whereas it is normal. To make a mistake while learning is completely normal. But, that is what they feel and people should understand it too. That is absolutely what they want to see and have through their answers towards this last question in the first section. Second Section:  What would you like to have in classroom activities while learning English? Reasons Students The students prefer studying to watching a video; they like their teacher to explain the materials to them bettern than watching 1 The teacher explains clearly by using Indonesian language, if it is in English, more students will not understand, making them get bored 1 The students prefer listening to dialogues or English conversations and discussing them in pairs or groups 6 The students like watching a video and discussing it in groups but the teacher also explains it to them 1 The students like studying by watching a video so that they can directly hear the right pronounciation by native speakers, then the teacher gives a material in accordance with it 1 The students prefer watching a video and discussing it in groups 3 Students prefer watching a video, listening to English songs and conversations and practicing to speak English 1 The English teacher must give the students a game; the students 1 44 must be given a time when they can listen to the music, watch a video and discuss them all The students prefer watching a video because it is more enjoyable and they can understand more easily 5 The students prefer watching a video, hearing and learning English conversations 3 The students prefer having games in English 1 The students prefer listening to English dialogues but it is mixed with Indonesian language 1 The students prefer watching a video, listening to a conversation, presenting it in English even though the English has not been fluent yet, discussing something, and having games 1 The students prefer listening to English conversations 2 The students prefer discussing the materials as to make them understand more easily 1 The students prefer watching a movie, having a group discussion and listening to the music 1 After finishing studying, there should always be games to review the lesson 1 The students prefer being trained always to speak English, recognizing kinds of word and watching a film 1 The students prefer listening to English conversations and having games or quizzes 2 The students prefer watching a video, listening to English conversations and singing English songs 1 The students prefer watching a video, having a discussion and being able to communicate in English 1 The students prefer practicing to communicate in the target language, that is English 1 TOTAL 37 In this first question written in the second section of the questionnaires, it can be seen that the second-grade students of Natural Science Program would rather watch a video or movie and listen to English conversations, dialogues, recordings, songs, etc. than acquire English traditionally where the learning process or activity is based on teacher-centred indicating that the English teacher explains all materials by himselfherself and then gives some questions or tasks for the students regularly day by day. In fact, there are some of the students who just like to sit on their chairs and listen to their teacher’s explanations about the things in English silently and 45 attentively. It means that they depend on the teacher. They need the teacher to overcome their problems in English because English is a foreign language and it is rather difficult to acquire it. They still need more time to be able to understand English. They need a tutor to teach them about English. In this case, they are absolutely not prepared enough to have a learning process where they are expected to be independent while learning, i.e. they are asked to watch an English movie and then do problem-solving by themselves and the teacher will only direct them and help them if necessary. However, the number of students aggreing that they want this kind of teachinglearning method are still medium. The students prefer watching and listening to the native speakers, indeed. It is a truth that there is no space or problem discussing about the teaching methods in this study. But, the writer thinks, it still has a correlation with an attitude analysis. Since the students’ attitudes have been known whether they have positive or negative attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language, it can be as a base to know what the students truly want and need while learning English at class. In this case, it can be stated that a conclusion can be drawn in the end of this study by seeing their attitudes and answers from the questionnaires whether they need the teacher to teach them in this way or in another way of teaching based on the teaching methods known nowadays.  Which learning methods do you like to have in learning English? Reasons Students The students prefer discussing grammar and vocabulary 2 The students prefer studying in a good atmosphere; it is such a more interesting and enthusiastic way of learning 1 The students prefer watching a movie and reading a dialoguetext; then, they can discuss and conclude it in groups 7 46 The students prefer answering questions from texts 5 The students prefer taking or finding out messages implied on the movies 1 The students prefer an enjoyable atmosphere when studying without directly and totally using English as the language of all in the classroom and being motivated by the teacher more often 1 The students prefer discussing one topic in groups 1 The students prefer discussing one topic in groups and making a project 1 Learning should be fun 2 Answer some questions from the kinds of text such as Narrative, Spoof and News Item 2 The students prefer watching a film and connecting it to personal experiences; moral lessons can be taken 3 The students prefer watching and concluding what is being told in the film; they can get moral lessons 7 Everyone in the classroom can listen to such a dialogue or conversation 1 The students prefer having more explanation given clearly by the teacher supported by more examples 1 The students prefer having grammar and dialogue 1 No answer 1 TOTAL 37 As matter of fact, this question has a same purpose as what the first question in this second section does. If the first one talks about the classroom activities indicating which curriculum the students like and need the most, this second question will refer to the learning method they want. Even though it seems as if the first and the second questions have a same intended-meaning, it is deliberately designed to make it clearer which teachinglearning method they truly want. In this part, still, the students’ answers show that the students truly need an atmosphere of learning which can make them enjoy while learning a foreign language, for instance, English. Still, most of them prefer studying by watching movies to get some moral lessons and listening to English dialogues to be more familiar with English words uttered and pronounced by native speakers. For this reason, it can be said that the students like studying more actively by practicing their 47 skills in English automatically. They like to have a same chance where they are free to express what they are feeling and thinking, i.e. discuss the moral lessons in groups which enable them speak up to their classsmates and, unconsciously, they have trained themselves in case of the four English skills, listening, speaking, writing, and even reading. In listening skill, they are trained for being able to absorb what they are hearing from the movies. In speaking skill, they are trained to be able to express their thoughts, opinions, and perspectives, absolutely it must be in English. In writing, they are trained to be able to write down the moral lessons they have just got from the movies, exactly in good English sentenceswritings. In reading, it is a truth that they do not have reading directly. But, sometimes, when the English subtitles are available in the movies, they can be trained to know how a same word in English can be pronounced differently. For instance, ‘present’ whose function is as a noun is differently pronounced from ‘present’ whose function is as a verb. As a result, through seeing the English words in the movies’ subtitles and automatically hearing how native speakers say the words, the students will be more familiar with English words and they will certainly know and understand more. In this section, it is still related to the way of teaching for English teacher in one second-grade students’ classroom. The students’ need in learning can also be connected to their true attitudes towards learning the foreign language itself. For this reason, this question is also put in the questionnaires.  Which one do you prefer? Teacher-centred or student-centred? Reasons Students The students prefer student-centred but the teacher still gives more information about the topic 1 The students prefer teacher-centred 7 The students prefer student-centred completed by an explanation in 15 48 Indonesian language which is available in the questionnaire given to them The students prefer student-centred 5 The students prefer both teacher and student-centred cooperation and interaction are available between the students and their teacher 2 The students prefer student-centred completed by an explanation in Indonesian language which is available in the questionnaire given to them and added by the student own reason, that is students will dig their potency more and more to learn English 1 The students prefer student-centred focus on oneself; noone will disturb when learning English 1 The students prefer teacher-centred but not wholly or entirely 1 The students feel that it is better when the teacher explains a little then gives assignments in groups and then both, the students and their teacher discuss them together 1 The students prefer student-centred completed by an explanation in Indonesian language which is available in the questionnaire given to them and added by the student own reason, that is to create more creative students in learning English 1 The students prefer student-centred which can test the students’ skills: how far they understand so that the teacher can correct them in the end 1 Study focus; help and give ‘input’ while learning 1 TOTAL 37 Third Section: In this section, the students were asked to check the appropriate column indicating in what situation English would be useful for them. For instance, when a student feels that English will be very useful in supporting them to chat with native speakers, heshe can put the sign √ in the column ‘very useful’ which is available on the table. Num Questionnaire Very useful Useful Not useful A1. Going to abroad A2. Watching Hollywood movies 49 A3. Communicating with friends A4. Guiding tourist in Tourism places A5. Listening music A6. Reading instruction in cosmetic product A7. Reading the Jakarta Post A8. Chatting with foreigner in Yahoo Messenger A9. Singing a song A10. Reading your lesson A11. Asking friends studying together A12. Learning English in class A13. Speaking to native speakers A14. Making passport A15. Doing national examination A16. Continuing study in University A17. Doing Job interview A18. Receiving email A19. Watching sport news in television A20. Connecting with facebook A21. Searching something in google A22. Using English with family members A23. Operating computer Others Please Explain: 50 After collecting the students’ answers towards this section, here below is the explanation written in a table to make it more easily to understand: Perspective Students A1: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 19 14 4 A2: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer Two Answers 37 15 14 6 1 1 A3: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 11 23 3 A4: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer 37 16 16 3 2 A5: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 23 13 1 A6: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer 37 3 22 11 1 A7: Very Useful Useful Not Useful Two Answers 37 6 19 11 1 A8: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 16 14 7 51 A9: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 20 16 1 A10: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer 37 17 16 3 1 A11: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer 37 15 19 2 1 A12: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 26 9 2 A13: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 13 17 7 A14: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 10 16 11 A15: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer 37 12 19 4 2 A16: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 30 7 - A17: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 14 21 2 A18: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 9 21 7 52 A19: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 11 18 8 A20: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 14 15 8 A21: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 22 11 4 A22: Very Useful Useful Not Useful 37 9 24 4 A23: Very Useful Useful Not Useful No Answer 37 18 17 2 1 Others: • To Open BBMSocial Media Useful • To Open Social Media Very Useful • To Listen: A News in The Radio Useful • To Speak with Girlfriend Useful • To Play Games 1 2 1 1

4.2 Findings