5.1 Conclusion

Through the analysis done, the writer found that English is completely useful for the second-grade students of Natural Science Program at SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara. Even though their purpose of studying English is still general, that is to be able to pass the National Examination with good remarks, there are unpredictable things coming up after the questionnaires were analyzed. Here below are the answers to the problem of the study written in Chapter I for this thesis: 1 What are the attitudes of second-grade students of Natural Science Program at SMA 4 Binjai towards learning English? After analyzing the data, the students’ attitudes towards learning English can be found. Apparently, the students, especially the teenagers in the second year at SMA 4 Binjai, have a positive attitude in learning a foreign language, that is English. Not only from the questionnaires but also from the classroom activities which were recorded while doing a research at that high school. The students were active in responding their English teacher questions orally even though their English is not fluent enough. Moreover, after doing their questionnaires, the writer heard that more students sang English songs. 2 What are some of the factors that influence the second-grade students’ attitudes towards learning English? 61 Based on a Sociolinguistics’ book about language attitudes, there are four factors influencing students’ attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language. For the second-grade students, the most influential factor is the internal system of the language, English itself. What is written is very different with what is read or pronounced. In addition, there are so many English grammatical structures to study at school. Sometimes, they get confused which make them lazy and even annoyed to study English. In this way, they also never want to practice speaking English because of the complicated grammar they have in English. 3 What should the second-grade students’ English teachers do regarded to the students’ attitudes towards learning English? The teacher should always motivate the students while the teaching and learning process occurs. Heshe must change their way of teaching every month so that the students will not get bored while learning. Sometimes, games are necessary. Besides that, the teacher also should give the students a chance or a freedom to express themselves in English. Not only teach the students from the beginning up to the end of the lesson but also let the students express themselves and even sometimes explain in the class to teacher and classmates or in small groups to classmates only, the teacher only monitors the groups and helps if necessary.

5.2 Suggestion