Research Design Location and Time



3.1 Research Design

The approach used in discussing and analyzing the data on this research is qualitative method. A qualitative method is a research methodology which creates more explanations as a result of the research done. It means, the data collected is described in words not statistics or numbers as the quantitative method does. A field research is done in this analysis. Firstly, the writer read some books as references and searched for more papers or studies related to the topic of the study, that is “An Attitude Analysis of English Language Learning: A Case Study of Second-Grade Students of Natural Science Program at SMA 4 Binjai”. Two weeks or were needed in doing the research at SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara. In this way, the writer entered one of Natural Science Program’s classes three times to take some notes of how the English teacher of XI IPA 1 taught them. To support the research, the writer distributed questionnaires and gave written tests to the students about their previous lesson, that was conditional sentences, to know their understandings as long as their teacher taught them at school in one semester. At last, the writer identified the data obtained to determine whether the second-grade students of one of Natural Science Program’s classes have positive or negative attitudes towards learning English as a foreign as well as an international language nowadays. Then, the writer took a conclusion by stating the students’ attitudes and what the English teacher could and should do to create an enjoyable atmosphere while learning English so that the students’ attitudes could change and they could also improve their knowledge and skill in the foreign language. 14

3.2 Location and Time

The research was located and done at SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. It was done on a range from May 18 th up to June 12 th , 2015. The high school itself was a place where the writer of this thesis used to go to study officially a few years ago.

3.3 Source s of Data