Source s of Data Data Collection Procedures


3.2 Location and Time

The research was located and done at SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. It was done on a range from May 18 th up to June 12 th , 2015. The high school itself was a place where the writer of this thesis used to go to study officially a few years ago.

3.3 Source s of Data

The second-grade students of Natural Science Program NSP were the object of analysis of this research. There were three classes available for the second-grade students of NSP at SMA 4 Binjai, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia at that time. Nevertheless, in doing this research of mine, the writer only chose one of the three classes to be the sample of research because all classes were same. It means that there was no difference whether the highest-achievement students joined one class or the lowest-achievement students joined another class. In this case, there were not only the highest-achievement students but also the lowest-achievement ones in each class. As a result, the writer decided to choose a class called as XI IPA 1 as the sample whose teacher was completely known by the writer, too. Classroom activities are the baseline data of this research. From the recorded learningteaching processes, the data were analyzed to find out how the teacher of second-grade students of NSP taught the students so as to get a more suitable learningteaching methods needed and expected by them in acquiring their target language. Besides that, an interview with Mr.A.A, as the English teacher of class XI IPA 1 also enabled the writer to find out what the writer was trying to. At last, the questionnaires distributed to one of classes of second-grade students of NSP played a 15 very important role in directing the writer to know what the second-grade students’ attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language.

3.4 Data Collection Procedures

The procedures of collecting data for this thesis are divided into three parts. Firstly, the writer did an interview with an English teacher who was responsible for teaching the foreign language, that is English in class XI IPA 1. The writer did the interview outside the classroom and, of course, before the teaching and learning processes were started. The writer did not record what the English teacher said. The writer only took some notes of what the teacher had told, delivered, and uttered while being interviewed. Secondly, the writer did an observation towards the classroom activities done by the teacher and the students while teaching and learning English in the class. Thirdly, the writer gave one questionnaire for each second-grade student in XI IPA 1. At that time, the writer told the students what the function of questionnaires given to them were, how to answer them, and when to submit them. After distributing the questionnaires to the students, the writer also told the students that they had an hour and 20 minutes to answer all of the questions available in their own questionnaires. After the students finished answering the questions, the questionnaires were collected to the writer as well as the researcher of this thesis. At last, the three parts of data collected were analyzed by the writer at home to find out the answers to the problem in this thesis, that is to know their attitudes in learning.

3.5 Step of the Research