General Concept of a Text

entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in difference ways; narrative deals with problematic events which lead to crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.”. Charles has an opinion: A narrative is a story; a narrative writing is writing tells about a story. We use narrative writing when we tell a friend about something interesting that happened to you at work or in school, when you tell someone a joke, or if you write about the events of the day in the privacy of a diary or journal. Based on the explanation above, the functions of narrative text are entertaining the reader and also retelling someone about the past story based on the chronological events that sometimes rising and falling before finding the problems solving. Types of Narrative Every literary works has many types of it in the way the story tells, even narrative, it has many types works categorized into a narrative work. Basically, the feature of the story in every literary works of narrative are same each other; it can be an imaginary story or sometimes can be factual, even the combination of both of them also appear in the way the story telling. There are many different types of narratives as Anderson and Anderson 1997:18 stated including humor, romance, crime, real – life fiction, historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, diary novels, and adventure. Anderson and Anderson 1997:18 – 30 also explain about those types of narrative as follow: 1 Humor A humorous narrative is one of narrative types that aim to make audience laugh as a part of telling story. Here is typical structure: a. Orientation: a The narrator tells the funny character names b Unusual setting used. b. Complication: a Something crazy happens. c. Sequence of events: a There are funny things said by characters b Imaginative ideas c Extraordinary things happening to ordinary people d Making fun of serious situations e Exaggeration f Comedy of errors. d. Resolution: a All‘s well that end well. 2 Romance The romance narrative typically tells of two lovers who overcome difficulties to end up together. Here are the usual features: a. Orientation: a “Hunk” male and female who is looking for love b Character introduced c Exotic Setting: sunsets, beaches, moonlight. b. Complication: a Boy meets girl c. Sequence of Events: a Jealousy b Development of relationship c Overcoming of problems d Love e Hurt and Pain f Warmth and Sharing. d. Resolution: a Boy gets girl b Married and life happily ever after. 3 Historical Fiction Here are the features of a typical historical fiction text: a. Orientation: a Setting in the past b Description of a period in history b. Complication a Good meets evil c. Sequence of Events a Action related to period in history b Characters’ lives affected by the events of history c Good versus evil d Descriptions of life the time. d. Resolution a Characters survive the chaos of the time for example, the war ends.