Scope of the Study

10 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter discusses about literature underlying this study. It consists of the review of previous studies, the review of theoretical background of the studies, and the theoretical framework. This chapter has divided into three sub chapters, where the second sub chapter divided more into several points of sub chapter.

2.1 Review of the Previous Studies

In the area of linguistic, especially English, there are many researchers conduct the research about the study of language. There has been some researchers conduct the research related on this study. Some of researchers were conducted research about the use of media to improve students’ ability in text types, some others were conducted in comparing two media in order to know which one is the effective ways to teach students than the other one. Media is an important way to teach students in linguistic area, especially in a subject of English. English needs support from the media in order to make students understand about the material easily. In order to support this study, the writer chooses some of the literatures which relevant with my own study. The study conducted by Astuti 2010 entitled The Students’ Paraphrase Narrative Form of “Oklahoma” Song Lyric Sung by Billy Gilman. The purposes of the study are to know how far the tenth grade students achieve the social function of narrative, to know how far the generic structure displayed, to know the students mastery in using the significant lexicogrammatical features in writing narrative, and also to know the criteria of ability of the tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Magelang in writing narrative by paraphrasing Oklahoma song. The results of the study are the students have a good understanding on narrative construction and the basic concept of narrative itself. Khasanah 2012 studied The Use of Winamp MiniLyrics to Improve the Students’ Ability in Narrative Writing An experimental research at Year XI of SMA Negeri Bawang in the Academic Year of 20122013. The objectives of this study are to know the students’ achievement in writing narrative text using Winamp MiniLyrics and also to find out the effectiveness of using Winamp MiniLyrics for students in Senior High School. Based on this research, the achievement of the students who are taught by using Winamp MiniLyrics are higher than those who are not taken by Winamp MiniLyrics. The results are Winamp MiniLyrics is effective to apply for the students on this grade. Study conducted by Turasih 2008 entitled The Use of Series Pictures as Media in Writing Procedure Text A Case of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA N 2 Pemalang in The Academic Year 20072008. The purpose of this study was to find out how well pictures gave contribution to the students in writing procedure text. The result of this study showed that pictures were effective helping students in writing procedure text. Arifia 2008 studied The Use of Sequential Pictures in Teaching Written Narrative Text A Case of the Eighth Year Students of MTsN Kendal in the