Learning Teaching simple present tense for the 5th graders of SD Negeri 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar Umiyatun C9308066

commit to user From those statements above, teaching are used to make a relationship among the teacher and students. The teacher creates the students’ interaction to the other and improves the knowledge, motivation and also encouragement. The teacher has very significant role and gives big influence on the students in teaching and learning process. The teachers’ act is very influence on the students’ comprehension in understanding the knowledge. The students are expected to be active in the class. The teacher can make some activities to build their attention, such as by giving a chance to express their idea and opinion and asking them to explain their experiences. The lesson achievement can be sh own by the students’ responses.

B. Learning

Learning is an activity for accepting and understanding something. Learning is not only in formal situation but from the outside the class, society and family as well . According to Ivan Illich in Jeremy harmer’s book The Practice of English Language Teaching states “learning is the human activity which least needs manipulation by others. Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting ” Harmer, 2002:70. Based on the statement, learning is a process of understanding something and it requires participant from another one. Learning does not only happen in formal situation, but it may also occur from interaction among the learners each other in an informal situation. commit to user In a learning process, the students need a teacher to facilitate them in understanding the knowledge and achieving the goals of learning process. Brown also gives his conclusion about learning: learning is as process of acquisition and memorizing something to get the information. That means that learning is a process of receiving information or knowledge, saving the knowledge in storage system and then applying the knowledge by doing some activities or practices. Learning needs to be active, consciously focusing on the material and able to practice in real situation. Learning is actually permanent but sometimes the learners are easy to forget the material, therefore learning involves some forms of practices and also reinforces it Brown, 1994:7. From the definitions of learning above, it can be concluded that learning is a process of accepting and understanding knowledge by doing some activities in an informal or formal situations. Learning is content of studying, understanding and then practicing something. It may also change the students’ behavior, because by learning something they will get the newest information and they might practice it.

C. Teaching English to the Children