PRE Teaching simple present tense for the 5th graders of SD Negeri 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar Umiyatun C9308066

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3. Teaching and Learning Process of Simple Present Tense

I had an opportunity to teach the fifth grade students on Wednesday at 11.20 - 11.55 a.m. Before teaching the students, the teacher informed me the steps I had to do for teaching and learning process. First, I had to make RPP Rancangan Proses Pembelajaran or lesson plan to organize the teaching and learning process. She also gave me some suggestions to handle the class. I had prepared the lesson plan one day before teaching and learning process started. On Wednesday, January 26, 2011, I got responsibility to teach and handle the class as an independent teacher. In this opportunity, I was free to practice my lesson plan in the class. My supervisor, the English teacher, also joined the class to monitor the teaching and learning process. First, she introduced me to the class. I felt glad when I saw the students paid attention to me and they tried to attract my attention by asking many questions. During the job training activity, I did some steps in teaching and learning process to achieve the objective of the study; Pre-Teaching, While-Teaching and Post-Teaching. Those activities are explained in details below:


– TEACHING First, I greeted the students to create the cheerful atmosphere and to know the student’s readiness in participating the class activity. First time I greeted the students, they could not answer my greeting correctly. commit to user Teacher : Good morning students? Students : Good morning teacher. Teacher : How are you today? Students : ……………………. The students just kept silent, they could not answer my greeting. Then, I taught them how to answer a greeting as follow; Teacher : Good morning, students? Students : Good morning, miss. Teacher : How are you today? Students : I’m fine. Thank you. And you? Teacher : I’m fine too, thank you. After greeting the students, I asked them whether there was any homework or not. If there was not any homework, I reviewed the last materials and then told them the material to learn on that day. During the teaching and learning process, the class was very noisy. Besides, the presence of the students from another class who tried to join the class, the fifth grade students were also difficult to handle. There were students who drew something, made their friend crying, and chatted each other. Therefore, I needed much time to make the students concentrate on study. While observing the student’s capability and their enthusiasm, I discussed the material in the worksheet and making a short conversation. To make the students interested to the topic, I started the process of teaching and learning by giving commit to user warming up related to the material. The first, I gave the students warming up by asking them about kind of transportations, such as; - “Students, can you mention kind of transportation?” - “What is a land vehicle?” - “Can you give the examples of air vehicle?” The second, I attracted them by showing some pictures of transportation. I printed some colorful pictures to put it on the whiteboard. Then, I asked them to describe the picture in simple sentence. I used English as the Instruction. When the students looked confused, I translated the instruction in Indonesian. Sometimes the students answered my question in English by looking for the answer in their book first. The next session, I asked the students to open their worksheets by using command in English ; “Students, open your worksheet page 23, please” and then I asked the students to read the short text in the worksheet which related to the topic. I asked all of them to read the dialogue after me. After that, I invited some volunteers to read the text individually. I also checked their pronunciation. After reading the text, I asked them to translate each sentence and when there was any difficult word, I helped them to translate it. The purpose of translating each sentence is to make the students understand the meaning and to make them master new vocabulary. commit to user For the next step, I decided to teach the simple present tense material to the students because this material was written in the worksheet. Moreover, the short text and dialogue in the worksheet were using simple present tense. I used mostly mother tongue in delivering the material because English was a new language for them and they got the difficulty in accepting the material. I looked for new method in delivering the materials. It was aimed to create new atmosphere to make the students focus on the lesson.