WHILE - TEACHING Teaching simple present tense for the 5th graders of SD Negeri 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar Umiyatun C9308066

commit to user For the next step, I decided to teach the simple present tense material to the students because this material was written in the worksheet. Moreover, the short text and dialogue in the worksheet were using simple present tense. I used mostly mother tongue in delivering the material because English was a new language for them and they got the difficulty in accepting the material. I looked for new method in delivering the materials. It was aimed to create new atmosphere to make the students focus on the lesson.


In this part, I explain the process of teaching and learning simple present tense. Based on the lesson plan, in the while - teaching I did three activities, there are:

b. 1. Exploration

I explained the pattern of simple present tense in Indonesian to make the students understand the materials easily. I also explained the objective of learning simple present tense. Each pattern was introduced gradually. First, I introduced positive pattern with the examples. After that, I explained the negative pattern and the last was the interrogative pattern. I introduced the material slowly to make the students understand. I wrote some sentences on the whiteboard and I asked the students to choose the correct answer. For example; commit to user Positive sentences 1. I go goes to school by cycle 2. She put puts a book on the table Negative sentence 1. Jenny do does not read the book. 2. We do does not drink alcohol Interrogative sentence 1. Do does they come to my house yesterday? 2. Do does he play football? I also ordered them to make a note because the students had difficulty in accepting materials. They forgot the previous pattern easily when I had explained the next pattern. Therefore, in teaching the young learners I had to teach patiently.

b. 2. Elaboration

In this step, I shared the copy of the note of simple present tense. I introduced simple present tense again with other examples. Then I asked the students to answer the exercise in the note. While the students were busy with their works, I walked around the class to check the students’ work and correct their mistakes. Here the teacher played an important role as the facilitator, instructor and guidance for the students. commit to user

b. 3. Confirmation

In this step, I discussed the exercises in the note. I invited the students to write the answer on the whiteboard then discussed it together. I also encouraged some of passive students to answer the question by giving good mark. Here, some of the students looked understand enough. They answered the exercises correctly. Besides, I also gave them homework to make them study at home.