Description of SDN 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar

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In this chapter, I am going to explain the detail of my job training activity; the description of the elementary school, the process of teaching simple present tense, the obstacles found during the job training and the solutions.

A. Description of SDN 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar

1. General Description

SDN 01 Plesungan is one of public Elementary schools in Karanganyar, located in Mayor Achmadi Street, Plesungan village, Gondangrejo, Karanganyar. It was built in 1951. This School is one of National Standard School. The headmaster of the school is Mrs.Sundahyani,M.Pd. She is the seventh headmaster of SDN 01 Plesungan. SDN 01 Plesungan has a wide area 3514 m². It has four buildings, consisting of the first building for headmaster room and teacher room, the second building for six classrooms and two toilets for students and teachers, the third building for library and the fourth building for an auditorium. It also has a canteen behind the teacher room. In the middle of the buildings, there is a schoolyard used for sport activity and assembly. All of the rooms are still in good condition. 16 commit to user In the last academic year of 20102011, SDN 01 Plesungan has 185 students, consisting of 99 boys and 86 girls. There are 15 staffs; seven class teachers, six subject teachers and three administration staffs. This elementary school also has two extracurricular activities for the students, there are; scout and traditional dancing. In improving their education system, SDN 01 Plesungan has vision and mission for the students and teachers motivation. The vision of SDN 01 Plesungan is to “produce the creative and intellectual students based on faith and piety.” Meanwhile, the missions of SDN 01 Plesungan are as follows: 1. Making optimum the teaching and learning process to create the best, independent, creative, innovative, well-mannered, social-minded and broad-minded graduation, therefore the students are able to compete in the next level of education. 2. Building faith through religion education. 3. Creating a conducive, healthy, and democratic learning environment through the effectivities of teaching and learning process at school. 4. Developing the spirit of competitiveness and fair achievement in competition. 5. Keeping and developing traditional-cultural arts by holding non- academic activities. 6. Building the social instinct as the basic of patriotism by doing out bond activities. commit to user

B. The Activities During the Job Training