Background Teaching simple present tense for the 5th graders of SD Negeri 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar Umiyatun C9308066


A. Background

English is one of international languages used in most of countries in the world. This language has become a need for almost of people in the world to use in communication in this globalization era. Some of them use English as a daily language and some of them use English in certain occasions such as at the office, official occasions, etc. English needs to introduce for early age; it means that English should be introduced to the children or young learners, so they are able to be an expert in English as their second language. By introducing English for early age, the children or young learners will understand the language, so there will not any be technical problems, such as mother tongue slip or mispronunciation. Young learners need a teacher as their slip of mother tongue assistance and guidance, so they will learn English with less difficulty and also in fun way. It will make the children learn English because they like it, not because they have to do it. The children need activities which are exciting and encouraging their curiosity. Besides, they need to involve in active class; not only sitting and listening but also practice something and they need to be appreciated by their teacher as well Jeremy Harmer, 1998. In Indonesian, almost of people learn English as one of the lesson in their school since they were in elementary school. Some of them start learning English 1 commit to user at the first grade and some of them start learning English at their fourth grade in elementary school until they are at the third grade of senior high school or even they still learn English in a college. However, there are also some kindergarten schools having English as the lesson to teach to the students. One of the important components of education system is the curriculum, because it becomes the orientation of the education unit; especially the headmaster and the teacher. Education in Indonesian had implemented the competency based on the curriculum that suitable for the competence of the students. A number of elementary schools, especially in urban area have introduced English in the curriculum. Teaching English to the elementary school means that the teacher introduces English as a new lesson. Most of the English materials in the elementary schools are learning vocabulary. However, the teachers have to introduce the pattern of sentence to make them understand the English sentence pattern. Teaching young learners is very different from teaching adult because their characteristics and their abilities are quite different. Teaching young learners need to be patient, because the teacher must understand the students’ characteristics to draw the students’ attention. Teaching young learners is interesting, therefore I decide to do my job training at SD Negeri 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar. In elementary school the students have to learn English sentence pattern; simple present tense especially. The teacher introduces simple present tense for beginner students at elementary schools since grade fourth. Teaching the pattern commit to user of English sentence is quite difficult, because English has different sentence pattern from Indonesian. The teacher must be creative to deliver the materials. It is expected to help the students understand the materials easily. Based on the experiences during the job training, I write a report entitled “Teaching Simple Present Tense for the 5 th Graders of SD Negeri 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar ”

A. Objective