The Activities During the Job Training

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B. The Activities During the Job Training

1. Class Observation

Job training activities was done on 24 th of January to 26 th of February 2011. I did the observation in SDN 01 Plesungan, Karanganyar two weeks before doing the job training, on January 10, 2011. The first observation, I interviewed the headmaster and the English teacher. They explained that the students were indiscipline and they were not very clever. They suggested me to teach the 5 th grade students. Besides giving information about the students, the English teacher also asked me to prepare a lesson plan before teaching the students. The English teacher showed me the example of lesson plan and she explained the way to make it. The English teacher also advised me to develop the material and look for the best way in delivering the material to make the students enjoy the class activity and understand the material easily. The second observation on January 19, 2011, I joined the English lesson class. The fifth grade consisted of 33 students there are; 18 boys and 15 girls. The fifth grade class is equipped with 19 desks available for the students and the teacher ’ desk is placed in front of the class. The fifth grade class has two doors; the first is the main door and the second door is separating of the 5 th grade and 6 th grade classroom. The class does not have fresh air, because there are only have some small windows. It is also equipped with a white board and cleaning equipments; broom and feather duster. The dimension of this classroom is 9m long and 10m wide. It is an ideal classroom for the students. commit to user I also observed the students ’ attention during the teaching and learning process. The 5 th students looked really indiscipline and difficult to handle. Most of them often played in the class and chatted each other during the lesson process. The 6 th grade students also disturbed the teaching and learning process of the 5 th grade by their presence through the second door. The class condition was not conducive and good for teaching and learning process.

2. Lesson Plan Making

The lesson plan is made based on the curriculum and syllabus. The function of lesson plan is to guide the teacher in teaching and learning process. Although the lesson has been arranged based on textbook and worksheet, the teachers need to make lesson plan to organize the lesson process. In teaching the fifth grade students, I used two books from the school as my reference; PANDU worksheet and textbook entitled “The Smart English 2”. The teacher asked me to continue the material in the worksheet. Then, I read the material while comparing with the syllabus. I found the material in the worksheet was not written in the syllabus. Then, I asked the teacher which material I should use, whether the material based on syllabus or from on worksheet. Finally, the teacher asked me to create the lesson plan based on the worksheet by continuing from the last material. commit to user

3. Teaching and Learning Process of Simple Present Tense

I had an opportunity to teach the fifth grade students on Wednesday at 11.20 - 11.55 a.m. Before teaching the students, the teacher informed me the steps I had to do for teaching and learning process. First, I had to make RPP Rancangan Proses Pembelajaran or lesson plan to organize the teaching and learning process. She also gave me some suggestions to handle the class. I had prepared the lesson plan one day before teaching and learning process started. On Wednesday, January 26, 2011, I got responsibility to teach and handle the class as an independent teacher. In this opportunity, I was free to practice my lesson plan in the class. My supervisor, the English teacher, also joined the class to monitor the teaching and learning process. First, she introduced me to the class. I felt glad when I saw the students paid attention to me and they tried to attract my attention by asking many questions. During the job training activity, I did some steps in teaching and learning process to achieve the objective of the study; Pre-Teaching, While-Teaching and Post-Teaching. Those activities are explained in details below: