A. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of The Research The objective of the study is to know the effectiveness of teaching prepositions of location taught by using TPR Total Physical Response and how far TPR method can increase students’ mastery of prepositions of location. 2. Place and Time of Study The study was held at SMP Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok, which is located on Jl. Raya Muchtar No. 136 Sawangan Depok 16651. It began by doing observation in the school. The research was held September, 3 th to 10 th for two meeting every class experiment and controlled classes, consisting of presenting and giving the test. After data were collected, the writer began to analyze them. 3. The Method of Study In writing this paper, the writer did the research by presenting the lesson and giving the test to know whether there is significant difference between students’ mastery of prepositions of location taught by using TPR Total Physical Response and without TPR. 4. The population and Sample The population of the study is of 70 students from the eighth grade of SMP Islamiyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok from two classes. The sample was taken 21 by random sampling system namely only 40 students where 20 students from experiment by using TPR Total Physical Response and 20 students from controlled class without TPR. Sampling is done in order to get representative data. 5. The Technique of Data Collecting In this research, the writer used the test to collect the data. The pre-test and post-test were given to the students. The pre-test was done in order to know the students’ mastery of prepositions of location before they are taught by using TPR or without TPR. While the post-test was done to know students’ mastery of prepositions of location after they are taught by TPR or without TPR. 6. Technique of Data Analysis The last step is processing d\the data. The data are taken from both experiment and controlled class and also their difference. To find out the result of the treatment, the writer compares the students’ post-test score of both classes using the t-test. 1 Before using the t-test formula, the writer has to seek the standard deviation of the variable and standard error mean of variable by using formula as follow: 1. Determining Standard Deviation: SD 1 ∑ and SD 2 ∑ 2. Determining Standard error mean: 1 Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1994, p. 278 SEM 1 and SEM 2 The next step is seeking the standard error mean difference of variables by using formula as followed: SEM 1 – M 2 = + Then the last is determining t-test by using formula: t o =

B. Research Findings