Background of the Study


A. Background of the Study

English is one of the international languages learnt in almost all of the countries in the world. We know that is very important that must be learnt in our country from elementary school until university. According to AS Hornby, “a language is a system of sounds and words used by human to express their thoughts and feelings”. 1 As an international language, English has important role in the globalization era. With English, we can develop science, technology, art, business and make some relations with people in other countries in the world. With English, available a lot of vacancies in the private enterprise or in the state enterprise or even in the foreign enterprises. Finally we can increase our standard of living. Based on the statement above, teacher, especially English teacher must able to teach with some methods. So students can understand and master English, finally they can use it in their life. There are many methods that can be used in teaching-learning activity. Those methods to make easy teacher teaches and to make easy students understand it. The teacher usually uses the easiest and the simplest methods in teaching-learning activity. He She can combine them with social interactions and physical actions, such as visit the museum or having tour. 1 AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press, 1995, fifth edition, p. 662 1 In the classroom, teacher usually uses the simple words and show off their physical actions in front of his her students. Therefore students can understand the words. In English teaching that method is called TPR Total Physical Response. “TPR is a method that built around the coordination of speech and actions, it attempts to teach language through physical activity”. 2 This method teaches a language with physical activity, teacher drills the words and the students response with physical action. The purpose of physical action, in order the students understand of the teacher’s utterances directly. But besides that, the teacher must use the model of action based on what his her utterances. Examples: the teacher commands to the student to “stand up” and immediately stand up as his her motion and the student stand up. Next say “Sit down” And immediately sit down. Repeat the utterances “Stand up” and “Sit Down”. “Each followed by appropriate action until all response confidently without hesitation”. 3 By observing the hesitation or non-hesitations of students, teacher can decisive as to how many more times the teacher should model to the students. It is done to know student’s readiness to try it alone. After that teacher gives the students a chance to show their understand and to decrease their dependency to the teacher. 2 Jack C Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 87 3 Robert W. Blair, Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, Cambridge: New Bury House Publisher, Inc. 1982 p. 55 When we think the students are ready to try it themselves like stand up, sit down or other word in the form of command which the student as a group can act out, as we progress in a routine, it is important to vary order of comments. So that students do not memories a fixed sequence. After observing the group, we can continue individually, but we must certain students in order more confident to try it alone. “The commands are given firmly but with gentleness, and pleasantness”. 4 So the teacher must apply the kindness and compassion, they can signaled though tone of voice, gesture, and facial expressions. Through TPR, “the input is usually immediately comprehensible in the first presentation. Then the student demonstrates by carrying out the comments”. 5 The main idea of English teaching in Indonesia, especially for junior high school is for the students to master the four skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Besides the four skills, Grammar is also must their English correct. Without grammar the students will find many problems to build up the sentences and express their ideas for communication activities, but if the students dominate grammar, they can speak and write correctly. According to Penny Ur, “there is no doubt that a knowledge-implicit or explicit of grammatical rules is essential for the mastery of the language: you cannot use words unless you know how they should put together”. 6 And according to Paul Robert, “Grammar is a body of generalization about how people says thing. In order to make 4 Ibid, p. 56 5 John W. Jr. and Patricia Richard Amanto, Method that Work-A Smorgasbord of Idea of Language Teacher, Cambridge: New Bury House Publisher, Inc. 1983, p. 59 6 Penny Ur, Grammar Practice Activities, Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 4 generalization, we must first agree on the meaning of terms for the thing we wish to talk about.” 7 The main purposes of studying grammar may be presented as follow: a. To establish the system and provide a terminology for the description of spoken language and written language. b. To supplement and if necessary modify the description by close and extended examination of language in action in speech situation and in written context. c. To pass judgment on usage as correct or wrong Without mastering grammar, the student cannot speak, read, listen or write well. English curriculum for SLTP 1994 states: “Penguasaan unsure-unsur bahasa digunakan untuk mendukung kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan.” 8 From that background, the writer want to teach Prepositions of location through TPR Total Physical Response for the first grade students of MTs Islamiyah sawangan Depok.

B. Limitation of The Study