Limitation of The Study Formulation of The Study Purpose of The Study

generalization, we must first agree on the meaning of terms for the thing we wish to talk about.” 7 The main purposes of studying grammar may be presented as follow: a. To establish the system and provide a terminology for the description of spoken language and written language. b. To supplement and if necessary modify the description by close and extended examination of language in action in speech situation and in written context. c. To pass judgment on usage as correct or wrong Without mastering grammar, the student cannot speak, read, listen or write well. English curriculum for SLTP 1994 states: “Penguasaan unsure-unsur bahasa digunakan untuk mendukung kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan.” 8 From that background, the writer want to teach Prepositions of location through TPR Total Physical Response for the first grade students of MTs Islamiyah sawangan Depok.

B. Limitation of The Study

In this paper, the writer limits his study on the subject matter learning prepositions. To make the writer’s study more effective, the writer limits it only to 7 Paul Robert, Understanding Grammar, New York, 1954, p. 2 8 Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Penyempurnaan Penyesuaian Kurikulum 1994: Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran GBPP Mata Pelajaran bahasa Inggris Satuan Pendidikan SLTPMTs, Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1994 p. 12 prepositions of location consisting of On, in, between, among, above, below, beside, under, next to, behind, beside, and in front of for the first grade students of MTs Islamiyyah Sawangan Depok.

C. Formulation of The Study

Based on the statement above, the writer would to formulate this problem as follow: “Is there a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in teaching prepositions of location through Total Physical Response?”

D. Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the study, the writer want to know “how far effectiveness of using TPR’s method in teaching prepositions of location”, for first grade students of MTs Islamiyyah Sawangan Depok. In addition, the writer expect that this paper will be useful for himself and other people in general. E. Method of The Study In doing the research, the writer uses the experimental research by doing the observation in teaching preposition of location through TPR Total Physical Response and gave the test to the first grade students of class “A” of MTs Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok. F. Organization of Paper The organization of this paper to facilitate the discussion of the problem and help the reader understand what they read. The writer divides this paper into four chapters. Chapter I is introduction, containing background of study, limitation of the study, formulation of the study, purpose of the study, method of study and organization of paper. Chapter II is theoretical framework this chapter discusses preposition, definition of preposition, types of preposition, form of preposition, and functions of preposition, and then total physical response, background of total physical response and characteristics or total physical response. Chapter III is using TPR Total Physical Response in teaching prepositions of location. Research methodology is divides into five items. They are method of research, objective of research, place and time of teaching population and sample and instruments of research. And then research findings. It is divides into three items. They are data description, data analysis and data interpretation. Chapter IV is last chapter, conclusion and suggestion. In this chapter, the writer presents the result of the research about teaching prepositions of location through TPR Total Physical Response and gives some suggestions for the readers.