Simile The Analysis .1 Metaphor

18. “I’ll give you time off tomorrow to start looking for a new place,” he said, and even he heard the ice in his voice. Page 233 This expression doesn’t mean that there is an actual ice in the man’s voice. The real meaning of this expression is that the man speaks so ignorant, straight forward and has no sense of care anymore. 19. “Nah,” she said, “I hate that you always think you’re right. It drives me up the wall.” Page 245 This expression is a metaphor. This expression doesn’t mean that the woman really climb up the wall. The real meaning is the woman can’t stand the man’s behavior of thinking that he is always right. 20. She’d been on cloud nine all day and the hairdresser could have put her hair in pigtails and she wouldn’t have cared. Page 248 This metaphor expression doesn’t mean that the woman is on the cloud number nine. The real meaning is the woman feels so happy that she feels like she is floating on the cloud.

4.2.2 Simile

1. “She’s borderline off her nut,” Danny said. “But she can type like a demon.” Page 29 In this sentence, the Danny character tells about a woman who can type like a demon. This describes that the woman can type really fast not that actually Danny knows how a demon types or that she is a demon. 2. But he had still lowered her to the ground as delicate and vulnerable as a rag doll. Page 37 Universitas Sumatera Utara This sentence describes that the man put the woman down so soft and slowly. The simile as delicate and vulnerable as a rag doll means that the man afraid that the woman will get hurt so he put her down to the ground really slowly and softly. Not that the woman really delicate and vulnerable like a rag doll or she is a rag doll. 3. “They’re okay. Quiet as church mice.” Page 81 In this sentence, the speaker describes how quiet the children by using the simile quiet as church mice. Doesn’t mean that the children really are mice but they are so quiet that the speaker use simile as comparison. 4. Drawn to the scene outside like a nine iron to a new golf ball, Danny pulled his tie undone and draped it over the back of a kitchen chair. Page 117 This sentence contains simile that describes how interested Danny to go outside. The simile like a nine iron to a new golf ball means that Danny really attracted to go out and join the scene outside. The simile using the comparison of a nine iron to a new golf ball to describe the intention that Danny has to go to the scene outside. 5. He was too busy trying to figure out why Simone smiled at him like the cat who’d got the cream. Page 146 In this sentence, the writer tries to describe the how Simone smiled to the man as if the man caught doing a bad thing. The comparison that is used like the cat who’d got the cream. This comparison is to show how Simone smiled at the man. It doesn’t mean that the man is a cat and got the cream. Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. He looked so small, his huge backpack almost as big as him. Page 167 This simile his huge backpack almost as big as him is to describe that the boy’s backpack looked so big. Not that means the boy’s backpack really as big as him. It’s just the comparison to describe how the boy looked small. 7. Like Cal. She didn’t say the words, yet they hung in the air between them. Hell, they more than hung, they dropped like an iron curtain. Page 171 The simile dropped like an iron curtain is used as the comparison on how uncomfortable the situation between the man and the woman because of the silence between them. The words are not really that heavy so they dropped like an iron curtain but it is to show that the situation is so uncomfortable that even the words yet not spoken but they still has the effect to the man and the woman. 8. Especially when she was acting as nervous as cat on a hot tin roof and Lucille was nowhere to be seen. Page 176 This sentence describes how the woman looked so nervous and anxious that she just like a cat on hot tin roof. In this sentence, the cat on a hot tin roof means the woman behaviors which are so nervous and anxious. Not that the woman is an actual cat but it is just she is so nervous and anxious that she act like a cat on a hot tin roof. 9. And his hope faded like an extinguished match. Page 2250 This sentence describes how fast and sudden the hope that the man have gone. The writer used the simile like an extinguished match to show how fast and sudden the hope gone from the man. Universitas Sumatera Utara 10. “I can’t be tied to you like some kind of pathetic Rapunzel, clinging to you from my tower through the need for survival.” Page 230 The woman in this sentence describes how she doesn’t want to be dependent and waiting for the man to help her by using the simile like some kind of pathetic Rapunzel. She wants to be independent and support herself not waiting for someone to help her like Rapunzel, a fairytale character that got locked in a big tower.

4.2.3 Hyperbole