Theory of Female Sexuality


3. Theory of Female Sexuality

This theory is attached for the reason that Bone experiences a failure in one of her psychosexual development stage. The theory is needed to see the tendency of her sexuality when she fails the development. It consists of oedipal fixation that constructs human’s sexual orientation. Relating to this story, the fixation happening is caused by the child abuse done by Bone’s father. Therefore, another related theory taken is from Freud in The Subject of Addiction: Psychoanalysis an the Administration of Enjoyment. In this book, Loose writes about the masturbation as one of the effects of the abuse. It is said that the act of masturbation is very important for infantile sexuality. It greatly influences the child’s personality and her identity. It can emerge a positive image only if it meet s certain condition. Otherwise, it damages the child’s infantile sexuality. The kinds of masturbation affliction itself can be varied. There are masturbation that organic injury, develops psychological illness and the masturbation that is accompanied by fantasy. The third one is the most concerned one. “Freud suggested that this kind of masturbation is important because it leads to fantasy as compromise mechanism which attempts to reconcile the pleasure principle with the reality principle” Loose, 2002:70. It is defined as when a child masturbates, she creates a sexual fantasy that she brings into her real life. There is a strong relation between the fantasies made by the child during the masturbation with her behavior. According to Aljouni in his journal, he also has the same belief as Loose that childhood masturbation is not always a good sign in children development. “Childhood masturbation has been linked to emotional deprivation, which may in turn lead to more self-stimulation. It may also be associat ed with sexual abuse” Aljouni, 2010:6. That can be a possible effect coming out of violence happening to the child. Coleman also writes about fantasy relating to someone who is depressed. She can be depressed of being beaten or any reasons. According to him, fantasy made by someone who is depressed is one of her reaction to defense the stress. The reaction can be varied but the purpose is one, to relieve the tension and anxiety. It is also an ego-defense mechanism to keep herself from feeling hurt and dev aluation. “By means of this mechanism, frustration is overcome by the imaginary achievement of goals and meeting of needs. Two common varieties of wish-fulfilling fantasy are the conquering hero and suffering hero patterns” Coleman, 1976:123. The first mechanism acts as an alternation of her pain in her life. She makes that alternation in her imagination so the pain she feels can be substituted. The second one acts as an appreciation of her inferior performance for suffering from some dread disease in her fantasy. Freud gives an explanation about infantile beating fantasy. It is when the girls are masturbating while imagining being beaten by her father or surrogate father. “Freud describes two crucial phases in the development of parental complex. In the f irst, children enjoy “the heaven of their imaginary omnipotence” and “love- affairs” with the parent of the opposite sex” Person, 2013:50. The first crucial phase can leads the child to have masochist personality. It is because when the girls PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI were beaten by the father they do not feel the pain and unpleasant experience. Instead, they replace it with masturbation while fantasizing being beaten by the father. They get the pleasure from feeling the pain. They fantasize the sadomasochist sex with her father. ”at the climax of the imagined situation, we are told, beating phantasies are carried out “Almost invariably” with masturbation” Person, 2013:52. The girls are said to be masochist in the condition when the fantasy of being beaten begins, it happens at the same time when the child pleases themselves by masturbating. The second crucial phase is when their imagination shows the girls are not becoming the victims but they are just the spectators. They start to speculate that their father beats another people for loving them. As a result “the girl in her penis envy identify with the victim and enjoys a masochistic, disguise incestuous pleasure” Person, 2013:52. As it has been explained in the previous theory, according to Freud in the psychosexual development, girl passes the stage named penis envy. The process of penis envy requires the love movement to different sex parent. The process of this complexity is quite different to the girls. Bocock states Freud’s theory of female sexuality about some possibilities that can happen in the failure of phallic stage for girls. Quite different are the effects of the castration complex in the female. She acknowledges the fact of her castration and with it, too, the superiority of the male and her own inferiority; but she rebels against this unwelcome state of affairs. From this divided attitude three line of development open up. The first leads to a general revulsion with boy, grows dissatisfied with her clitoris, and gives up her phallic activity and with it her sexuality in general as well as a good part of her masculinity in other fields. The second line leads her to cling with defiant self-assertiveness to her threatened masculinity. To an incredibly late age she clings to the hope of getting a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI penis some time. That hope becomes her life’s aim; and the phantasy of being a man in spite of everything often persists as a formative factor over long periods. This ‘masculinity complex’ in women can also result in a manifest homosexual choice of object. Only if her development follows the thirds, very circuitous, path does she reach the final normal female attitude in which she takes her father as her object and so finds her way to the feminine form of the Oedipus complex 2002: 53. The complexity that occurs in girls happens when they start to think that their penises are cut. The fact that they see is that penis brings superiority and the authority for the male. It brings women a position to the inferior one. Thus, the quotation above explains the different outcome of this phenomena occurred in a daughter. First is the general rejection. She is discontented with her lack of penis and being positioned under the men. So, their feelings toward male figure is changed. She gives up her masculinity and shift it to another field. The second is about the radical threaten toward her masculine side. It intrigues their intention to have penis in her future. It becomes a part of their fantasy to be boys. The occurrence of the fantasy can happens in a long period of time. Bocock calls this phenomena as masculinity complex. This complexity influences her sexuality and emerges the tendency of becoming homosexual. Masculinity Complex can get the child into neurotic. The reason is because she kn ows that it won’t happen to her but she still yearns for it. She could build the feeling of rejected, disappointed and worried. She is forced to sublime her libido if she lives in the society that confronts her. As a result, she will try to find a protection for her confusion. “She will do what all living creatures do in situations of danger. She will flee for refuge to the shelter where she once enjoyed and peace, to her mother” Ruitenbeek, 1996:122. As it has been said before, a child is also influenced by the closest female figure other than her mother. Therefore, for the protection a child needs suffering from the masculinity complex will be the closest female figure around her. If the masculinity complex suffered by the child leads to the tendency of homosexuality, certain characteristics might start to occur in child’s behavior or appearance.

C. Theoretical Framework

The first problem mentioned is to understand how the character is characterized in the story. The characteristics she has here show the development of her psyche. It is analyzed using the theory of characters and characterization. The theory is chosen because it works for revealing the characteristics of someone. It can be seen and analyzed briefly by nine ways. Some of them are from her actions, speeches, and other characters’ speech about her and other ways that have been mentioned above. This theory answers the first problem formulation. After finding out her characteristics, Bone’s character development is seen because its development influences in structuring her identity. Then, the theory of psychosexual development is applied to analyze the phases she goes through. This theory is chosen because it has comprehensive explanations on steps, repression, development and experience that someone has. The third step is the attachment of female sexuality theory. This theory observes the sexual orientation or sexual identity in someone. It sees the tendency