Review of Related Studies



There are three parts divided into this chapter. The first one is review of related studies that covers the studies related to this topic done by previous researches. The second is review of related theories that presents the theories applied to answer the problem formulations above. And the third one is the theoretical framework. This is the part that explicates the way the writer uses the reviews in solving the problems.

A. Review of Related Studies

In this chapter, the relevant studies done by the previous researchers are examined in order to improve the recent study. The first related study is according to Melissa L. Grunow-Chavez titled Trashes Rises: Class Consciousness and the Transcedence of “White Trash” Assumption in Allison’s Bastard out of Carolina. She writes how the term white trash in the novel gives a lot of influences to Boatwrights family especially to Bone as the main character. The white trash here is rooted in the blood line theory which means unavoidable for the next generations to be called that way and get stereotype from the society. As Bone grows up, it gives her an awareness to the stereotype given: She struggles with emotionally connection to her family —especially the uncles she worships and the aunts she respects and disassociating herself PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI from their “trash” image. Bone’s resistance to her family’s societal image and her simultaneous affection for them plays an important role in developing her identity. Chavez, 2004:52 Chavez contemplates that the term trash there holds a big role in constructing Bone’s identity and the instability condition happening to her can only be maintained by the affection Bone feels from her family. It is said that the stereotype of white trash also affects to Bone’s personality. In a certain time, Bone hides her real identity as a Boatwright for the sake of having a better life. It makes her having confusion with her own personality. Another supporting study is written by Madsen. This study consists of the examples on how to see the process of becoming a women. This process observes the structuring of feminine identity which is related to psychoanalytic feminism theory. From this study, it can be seen how Madsen applies the theory of Freud to reveal the identity of the main character. She explains the theory of Psychoanalytic Feminism through The Awakening by Kate Chopin. “Kate Chopin’s work focuses upon the themes of maternity versus paternity and the structuring of feminine identity” Madsen, 2000:108. Madsen relates Edna’s character development with Edna’s phases when she is adopting the ideology of patriarchal romance. Madsen says in her analysis that in the story Edna put herself in the feminine oedipal crisis. She is stuck in her imaginary and symbolic orders. She tries to find a way to liberate herself from her patriarchal life. She is yearning for her adolescence, so she seeks another way to liberate herself by having an affair with Leburn, the guy she meets in Grand isle. After that, she is no longer listless but becomes eager and more alive. She starts to do what she did before when she hasn’t married yet. Since she goes back to the habit she is yearning for, she is awakened by what she has missed in the past and starts to forget her two sons and husband. When she moves to New Orleans, she has an affair again with the Don Juan Alcee Arobin. In here, she is awakened by her sexual desire needs; she could retain her freedom from male domination. The feeling of happiness transforms her attitude because it realizes her that many other things are still available to her. “Edna Pontellier frees herself from her social obligations in order to pursue her desire for individual autonomy. But she herself is unable to develop a deep understan ding” Madsen, 2000: 110. She could get rid of the things she is not ready yet, such as having a husband and a child. She doesn’t have a chance to do what a kid is supposed to do. However in the analysis she can get rid temporarily from all the social obligations she is supposed to responsible, but Edna is still having difficulty to understand her unconscious and conscious mind. For example she tries to pursue her desire by becoming an artist but she is unable to explain it to her husband. Also when she cannot verbalize to her doctor that she wants to be let alone. The reason why she cannot do it is because she feels everything she utters are incoherent with her thoughts. She is drown into a confusion. Madsen analyzes that there are some steps Edna experiences in developing her identity. First is when she is awakened by her sexual desire needs. The second one is the step of the identification of masculine personality. It happens when she identifies masculine interest of her father. The third one is when she is awakened by the yearning of freedom. She has self determination to reject her identification with her father and seeks a feminine alternative within her patriarchal culture. The next one is when she is self-contained caused by depression of losing her mother when she is a child. She has to pass her oedipal development on her own. With the absence of feminine figure, she replaces it with the authoritative father. Therefore, she is unconsciously adopting her father manner and experiencing pre oedipal identification. The last step happening is when she finally meets her friend Mademoiselle that awakens her of her feminine identity. However it does not work really well on her so she shifts from masculine world of patriarchal to the unknown area of the feminine. She is lost in the unknown area of feminine and ends up drowning herself to the see as she sees it as a place that empowers and frees her. According to Edna, sea links to feminine aspects which is life-giving. It symbolizes freedom, calmness, purifying the soul and rebirth. This analysis helps the study in applying the theory of psychoanalytic to the story and also to see the identity development of a daughter. Another study works on Psychoanalytic is a work conducted by Sofie Forsgren. From this study, it can be perceived that Forsgren analyzes the characters ’ characteristics and deconstruct their fragmented identity. This researcher conducts a study on Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte. She establishes a fragmented identity disclosed in both novel’s main female characters. In her research on Wuthering Heights , Sofie describes that Catherine is different from Edna in The Awakening who adopts her father manner. Even though the situation is the same where both are motherless, Catherine seems to identify neither of them at all. It is because her father does not really give attention and affection to her. “Catherine does not have a mother and as a consequence, she cannot adhere to Freuds theory of penis envy.” Forsgren, 2013: 4. But in her work, Forsgren writes that Catherine is having multiple identities. And in further analysis, Forsgren uses psychoanalytic feminism to see whether or not fragmented identity that Catherine has liberating her. This study gives contribution to this project on how to see the development of structuring an identity in a daughter. Both of the study also have the same focus observed which is about a woman’s psyche growth. The focus of this study is in the process of identity construction in a daugther’s life that is seen since the infancy until in the end of the story. The similarity of this recent study and the previous one is both of them analyze the construction of the identity. The object analyzed is also the same which is a girl who loses one of her parents. It is quite different with the previous research in the part of the approach used. In previous studies, they use psychoanalytic theory to dissect the identity construction, but then the psychoanalytic theory is combined with feminism theory for a further analysis. In the first study done by Madsen, she does not only focus on the identity of the child but also the patriarchal system and the role of paternity and maternity. Another difference lays within the theorist of the theory used. Madsen does not use Freud’s psychoanalytic theory to analyze the psychology of the child. She uses the theory of Lacan that emphasizes on Imaginary and Symbolic Order. Even though both Freud and Lacan are in the area of psychology, the method of analyzing the psychology of a daughter is different. On the other side, this recent study focuses only on the identity construction itself. The theory used is psychoanalytic and it is not combined with any other theory. It focuses on psychosexual development part. Moreover, the psychoanalytic theory used belongs to Freud. Thus, the part concerned is on the child’s sexual parts. This study also develops the previous studies in the result of the analysis. In the previous study, it only mentions about the child’s sexual orientation in the end of the story, while in this study it is not only the sexual orientation or identity that is offered, it also provides the nature or the personality of the child after they get their permanent identity.

B. Review of Related Theories