Problem formulation Objectives of the Study Definition of Terms

B. Problem formulation

Based on the background of the study above, two questions are formulated in order to answer the problem. 1. How is Bone characterized in Allison’s Bastard out of Carolina? 2. How do Bone’s characteristics reflect her sexual identity?

C. Objectives of the Study

The first objective is to find out the characteristics of Bone by looking at her characterization and also understanding its development. The second objective is to analyze the phases Bone passes. It will be seen by observing her character development from childhood to her adulthood. And the third is to see the tendency or the sexual orientation Bone has.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to understand more what is discussed in this study, the key terms used should be defined. 1. Psychoanalytic “Psychoanalytic criticism is a form of literary criticism which uses some of the technique of psychoanalysis in the interpretation of literature” Barry, 2002:96. It is a form of literary approach that is based on psychology theory. So it uses the psychoanalysis method to deconstruct a literary text. It helps to examine the psychology and sexuality of the characters in a literary work. 2. Sexual Identity According to, Identity refers to the qualities, beliefs that make a particular person or group different from others. Therefore, it is likely to say that sexual identity is the quality that someone adopts that are associated with the sex orientation. It is constructed along with the journey someone passes. It becomes a very important part to understand by the individual in order to identify her or his sexual orientation. The sexual identity constructs the awareness of the individual to determine and to express herself in the society she lives in. Sexual identity development is a process for which GLB individuals have been unprepared and which is contextually unsupported and stigmatized, it would seem that the process would be characterized by inconsistency or incongruence among its affective, cognitive, and behavioral components, such that behavior may not always coincide with affect andor identity Rosario, 2006 : 2 The quotation above states that in their process of sexual identity development, gay, lesbian and bisexual go through some phases that they are not ready yet to confront with the negative beliefs that the society have. They are not fully supported by the people around them. The reason is because the stigma has divided some specific characteristics and behaviors for women and men. Therefore, the consequence is the process of their developments are characterized through the inconsistency between the emotion and behavior. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9