Personal description Character as seen by another Speech Past life Conversation of others

be seen by their activities or thoughts. To know the characters, a way to describe them is needed because some authors have their own way to show it. For example Klarer’s book, he took an example how Bronte depicts Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre. “In the example of Victorian novel, the character is represented through the filter of a selective and judging narrator 1999:19. To find out the characters, a reader needs to know the way of unfolding the qualities of someone or can be called as characterization. Based on Murphy’s book, there are nine devices of characterizations used in the story to make the characters understandable and come alive 1972: 161-173. These are the following devices:

a. Personal description

As it has been decclared by Murphy 1972:161 a writer can describe how someone is dressed, their details of physical appearance and other personal description that shows the characters. “The author can describe a person’s a ppearance and clothes”.

b. Character as seen by another

In this way, the characters are not described directly by the writer; instead he uses the judgment of another. It will be reflected by the descriptioins from another characters to get more ideas of the characters chosen through what another sees from that person. For example through the impressions, thoughts made by another, the choice of words and phrases stated can strengthen the characters.

c. Speech

“The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what the person says” Murphy, 1972:164.It will be shown in a situation in a very clear way to be understood by letting the person giving out their thoughts, statement, and opinion in a conversation to another people. Even though in a small chat it can give a big clue for the readers because whatever he says, comment and the way of talking made showing the kind of person he is.

d. Past life

The writers briefly in many ways will describe this device, like through the conversations made by that person or by another or stated directly by the author. Usually the writer will be telling about the person’s experience of life so we can predict what kind of person he was that made him takes action or performs in a certain way.

e. Conversation of others

“People do talk about other people and the things they say often give as a clue to the character of the person spoken about” Murphy, 1972:167. It delivers many important clues to the readers because everything they say, there must be reasons or facts behind it that made them say so and it is also needed to see another’s point of view to know the character deeper. Just like in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles, the main character and the intended meaning can only be known by analyzing the n eighbor’s chats.

f. Reactions