Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

influenced by the closest female figure other than her mother. Therefore, for the protection a child needs suffering from the masculinity complex will be the closest female figure around her. If the masculinity complex suffered by the child leads to the tendency of homosexuality, certain characteristics might start to occur in child’s behavior or appearance.

C. Theoretical Framework

The first problem mentioned is to understand how the character is characterized in the story. The characteristics she has here show the development of her psyche. It is analyzed using the theory of characters and characterization. The theory is chosen because it works for revealing the characteristics of someone. It can be seen and analyzed briefly by nine ways. Some of them are from her actions, speeches, and other characters’ speech about her and other ways that have been mentioned above. This theory answers the first problem formulation. After finding out her characteristics, Bone’s character development is seen because its development influences in structuring her identity. Then, the theory of psychosexual development is applied to analyze the phases she goes through. This theory is chosen because it has comprehensive explanations on steps, repression, development and experience that someone has. The third step is the attachment of female sexuality theory. This theory observes the sexual orientation or sexual identity in someone. It sees the tendency of her libidinal. In this study, it specializes in sexual development in a daughter. Since the main character observed experiences the failure in one of the stages, the theory of female sexuality clarifies about her failure. It also gives the details of her sexual identity in the future. 34


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is an American novel written by an American feminist, Dorothy Allison. She is also a working class storyteller, a Southern expatriate, a sometime poet and a happily born-again Californian. She writes this novel about white trash after she writes a book about an explanation of white trash in America. Bastard out of Carolina covers 320 pages and was published on March 1992. The novel is adapted in a movie in 1992 with the same tittle, it becomes one of the chosen finalists in National Book Award of Fiction. This novel is about the white trash family called Boatwrights in Greenville Country in South Carolina. It centers Bone as the main characters and the story teller in the novel. Bone is a daughter of 16-year old unwed mother who is left by her husband and remarried for twice. Her father left her when she is still a baby. Her first step father died in car accident. The second step father is Glen Wadell who comes from upper middle class family. During her life as a white trash, Bone experiences many obstacles in reaching her truly identity. Starts form economical problem, social, psychological, misbehavior from Glen and other tragic moments. Exhausted of all the problems she has to overcome by herself, Bone decides to move to her lesbia n aunt’s home named Aunt Raylene. On the other hand, her mom Anne leaves without anyone knows where she is. Suddenly when Bone is already desperate, her mom comes and