Brave The characteristics of Bone



This chapter discusses the analysis that describes the characteristics of Bone by looking at her characterization. The second is understanding its development and then analyzing how the process of sexual identity is constructed in Bone. It is done by seeing her character development from childhood to her adulthood.

A. The characteristics of Bone

Considering to the goal of this analysis that is to reveal how an identity of someone is constructed, it is important to know the character changing in every phases to get her permanent identity. In this part, the character from a novel entitled Bastard out Of Carolina will be observed. The main character, that is going to be analyzed is Bone. The following explanation is about Bone’s characteristics.

1. Brave

Considering to the condition of her marginalized family and her fate of being a woman, Bone is always looked down by the people around her and gets mocked by her friends at school. When she starts the school, one of her friends calling her something offends her. When I started school, one of the Yarboro cousins, a skinny rat-faced girl from the Methodist district, had called me a nigger after I pushed her away from the chair I’d taken for mine. She’d sworn I was as dark and wild as any child “born on the wrong side of the porch,” which I took to be another way of calling me a bastard, so I poked her in the eye. It had gotten me in trouble but persuaded her to stay away from me. Allison, 1993:54-55 She is brave to do self-defense for the sake of her pride. She would not let anybody PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI disparage or bad mouth about her. The second prove can be seen from what the character utters in the story. When she gets into a fight with her Pearl in front of her parents, she is not afraid to swear on Pearl and hurt her. You bastard I staggered forward, and he backed up, rocking on his little silver heels. You goddam gutless son of a bitch His eyes kept moving from my face to Shannons wilting figure. You think you so pretty? You ugly sack of shit You shit-faced turd-eating —Allison, 1993:165. The way to see her characteristic also can be done by looking at what another characters think about Bone. Her cousin and aunt see that Bone changes a lot into a brave and strong girl after something happens to her. It is not only both of them who notice but another characters also do. Girl, Cousin Grey told me, sometimes your face is just scary Bones gotten almost mean-hearted, Aunt Alma told Mama. Somethings got to be done. Allison, 1993:119 Her bravery is also shown when she is courage enough to make up her own identity every time she moves to a new city and new school. It is cited in Allison’s: “Whats your name, now, honey? the woman asked me again, speaking slowly, as if she suspected I was not quite bright. The anger lifted in me and became rage. “Roseanne, I answered as blithely as if Id never been called anything else. I smiled at her like a Roseanne. Roseanne Carter. My familys from Atlanta, just moved up here. 1993:67 She is actually afraid of doing that but she realizes if she keeps using her real identity, people will start to take a glimpse on her again.

2. Loving