Research Setting Research Participant


3. Interview

The instrument used to investigate the research was an interview. It was chosen by the researcher because an interview is one of the major gathering data of the study and also to validate observations Lodico et al. 2006. It could be done by a person or group of persons. According to Seliger and Shohamy 1989, an interview is conducted to get information from the subject by talking to them. The respondents were selected based on their answers in the questionnaires that had been distributed before on June 20 th , 2016. An interview was used to get the deeper information from the respondents‟ experiences. It was used to answer, support and confirm the results of questionnaires about the extent to which the students display their autonomy and how the reflection facilitates learner autonomy in the Micro Teaching class of the English Language Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. The interview was done on July 4 th and 14 th , 2016. The interview was done one by one to make the respondent comfortable to tell about their opinions and experiences to the interviewer. It could be done after the researcher analyzed the questionnaire. The interviewer formulated some questions to guide the interviewer to get opinions from the respondents. Creswell 2003 says that interview involves open-ended questions which are intended to elicit views and opinions from the participant of the study. The data of interviewed would be more specific and also personal. There were four main points which guided the researcher to do an interview. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint No Points Item Numbers 1 The students‟ experiences of writing reflections 1-7 2 The students‟ opinion about teacher‟ roles 8-9 3 The students‟ characteristics as learner autonomy 10-13 4 The use of reflection to facilitate learner autonomy 14-17

E. Data Analysis Technique

The research is a qualitative study. The collected data were in the form of words. After the data of questionnaires were collected, the researcher used it to answer the research problems that were formulated in chapter I. The data from the questionnaires were placed on the table that had statements and columns for students‟ particular choices. The researcher counted the number of students who chose the particular number that stated totally disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree and totally agree. The researcher analyzed the data to get what options that participants had chosen. Table 3.3 Result of the Questionnaires No. Statement SD D U A SA 1 2 3 Etc TOTAL In order to present the result of the data in the questionnaires, the researcher also converted the number of respondents‟ choices into percentage form. Number 1 and 2 were in the column which meant strongly disagree and disagree that indicated a negative result. Number 4 and 5 were in the column