Previous Studies Literature Review 1. Stylistics

website. The data source of this research is The Jakarta Post website, i.e.

C. Research Instruments

The main instrument of this study is the researcher himself since the method used in this study is qualitative. There are two reasons why qualitative study uses its researcher as the main instrument, according to Croker’s theory in Heigham and Croker, 2009: 11. First, because the researcher himself directly collects the data by doing observation, and second, because other research instrument such as observation field note does not speak for itself; the researcher has to interpret it. As the primary instrument, the researcher has the key role of observing, collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data and finally making conclusion. The secondary instrument of this study is the data sheet which eased the researcher to categorize and analyze the data. In addition, coding is also used in the data sheet to ease the researcher and the readers to find the data. The data sheet is in the form of a table of types and functions of figures of speech.

D. The Techniques of Data Collection

There are several types of data collection technique in qualitative research according to Vanderstoep and Johnston ’s theory 2009: 189 in their book —Research Methods for Everyday Life: Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, i.e. interviewing face-to face question-and-answer process, ethnographic observation observing people enacting culture, analysis of documents and material culture written text or cultural artifacts, and visual analysis e.g. interpretation of mediated communication texts such as films or television programs. Since the object of this study is non-literary text in the form of newspaper, the researcher used analysis of documents by note taking as the data collection technique. The researcher collected the data of figures of speech from The Jakarta Post newspaper headlines in the contexts of body and title. The procedures of data collection are listed as follows: 1. the researcher read the selected newspaper headlines comprehensively to find out the appropriate data based on the researcher’s perception, researcher’s knowledge, and theories of figures of speech; 2. the researcher identified the objects to select the data; 3. the researcher analyzed the selected data to understand the context to su pport the researcher’s analysis; 4. the researcher used the experts’ theories of figures of speech as stated in literature review to see their conformity with the selected data; 5. the researcher classified the relevant data based on the categorizations; and 6. the researcher transferred the data into the data sheet.