Denial Suzie’s Defense Mechanism

3. Displacement

Displacement is a defense mechanism that replaces an object or a subject in a person’s mind, to reduce stress or to unleash hidden urges from the individual Kasschau, 1995: 273. The work of “displacement” itself may vary; it could replace a subject into an object, or subject to another subject. The person who has “displacement” may become emotional when they come to a certain person Kasschau, 1995: 273. It is called “displacement” because it would misplace something in our mind with something else. Displacement is the shifting of actions from a desired target to a substitute target when there is some reason why the first target is not permitted or not available.Displacement may involve retaining the action and simply shifting the target of that action. Where this is not feasible, the action itself may also change. Where possible, the second target will resemble the original target in some way.Displacement occurs when we shift our emotions and actions from the actual desired target to a substitute target, either due to certain beliefs that we have or due to the circumstances. At birth, the objects of all our instincts are specified by our genetic inheritance. You do not have to teach an infant that food satisfies it hunger, because its body already knows this. But, as the infant grows up, the objects of its instinct can change through learning and experience. That is, the child’s ego gains the ability to displace the flow of libidinal energy from one object to another. But, the ego may use this ability inappropriately, as a defense mechanism. If the child gets angry, at its mother, it dares not hit her because it will be punished. Therefore, it displaces its anger toward a safe object, such as a doll that cannot retaliate if the child strikes it. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Displacement is a type of defense mechanism when one “substitues a less threatening object for the original object of impulse” Huffman and Vernoy, 2000:480. An individual is not able to express her anxiety to the true sources that give her unpleasant feelings since it possibly would further threaten her. However, displacements are often quite satisfactory and workable mechanisms for releasing energy more safely. The displacement is shown by Suzie’s participation towards an art by joining a choir competition. She sings very well without the slightest burden and she does not show that she is in a bad condition. She sings professionally, and she does that to cover that she is sick, traumatic, and sad at all the situations that she face. Yet, her choice to join a choir competition proves that she can handle anything even if it is not good for her. She does not just get dropped, stressed,or any kinds like feeling desperate because she just loses anything she has, but she can avoid her bad, strong willingness that she can have a better life than before so that she choose to sing. Her hard working earns a good result. She is chosen to go to Paris, a step in the right direction, one step that may lead her into a better life that she has before. Contacts to be made, money to be earned, money to be saved, and a better life’s coming for her. But on stage – dressed as a banana, or a tree, or kicking her legs in the can-can or singing in the heavenly choir number dressed in nothing but a pair of wings – she works hard and gets noticed and is amongst the lucky few from Miss Modern’s Touring Troupe who are chosen to go to ParisPotter, 2000: 21.

4. Regression

Regression is another one of the defense mechanisms identified by Freud. According to Freud, there are times when people are faced by situations that are so anxiety provoking that they cannot deal with it and they protect themselves by retreating to an earlier stage of development