Method of Study METHODOLOGY

this by the character‟s action who convinced his father that Maasai can get education and at the same time be a warrior. “My son, „my father said one day as we dipped our cattle, „i am now very happy that you went to school.” „why, father?‟ I asked, without really meaning the question seriously. „Forgive me, my son, for refusing to let you go to school. You acted like a man to take the best course, and you tried to hide from your then ignorant father what you wanted to do. Your mother and I now depend on you. I can now see clearly that it is possible to hold a book in one hand and a spear in the other ” p. 150. It was Lerionka‟s intelliegence that convices his father about Maasai being educated. By being a Primary teacher as proof to his father that a Maasai can hold a book in one hand and a spear in the other. That Maasai can still be a warrior and the same time get education. Though Lerionka has gone against the Maasai rule about education and what its doing to the Maasai youths. His father has accepted the fact that he is ignorant, and appologises from tring to stop his son from getting education. Lerionka‟s father now came to realize how important education is for children. Before Lerionka has no interest in getting education. When he was forced to go to school, he changes he began to enjoys learning. When he was finally given the second chance to go to school, he came to realize where his potential are. I was not very good at sports, even though I tried. But as the weeks went by, I came to know where my talents lay. I was a good talker, and could argue in debates. So I became the first chairman of the debating society p. 131. In the above statement Lerionka found out that he is good in talking. He became the first chairman of the debating society at his school, this prove that he is in fact intelligent.In the novel, Lerionka is proven to be intelligrnt, he is quick to understand what the teacher teaches and entrusted the position as a prefect. Lerionka is indeed very intelligent, when the District Commissioner was unhappy with the topic of the debate which was concerning about the British rule. The District Commissioner frowned. But debating was part of education. Infact, we were putting in practice what we learned in a book which we called „How the British Empire is Governed‟. We were taught to think the British way, and that was not strange because they governed us then p. 132. In the above statement, it is clear that British Empire has colonized Africa. The people of Africa were taught to think like the British people. Since the British people taught the Native the British way then it is quite obvious the Native would think like the British people. The Native becomes more intelligent since they are educated and they can express what they feel. Lerionka was taught the British way and its not strange that he thinks like the British.

b. Caring

Besides being Intelligent, Lerionka is also caring. He cared for his family and friends. He did not leave an injury Lekakeny, when they were left to die in the woods by their guide. „ I could not run because there was nowhere to run to. We were surround by darkness and forest. Neither did i want to leave my injured friend ‟. p. 62. This evidence shows that he is caring, in the worst situation he is there to protect his friend. This is not the first time he defend his friend. In school, Lekakeny told Lerionka that he is leaving school because he does not like it.