Intelligent Characteristics of Lerionka

is in fact intelligent.In the novel, Lerionka is proven to be intelligrnt, he is quick to understand what the teacher teaches and entrusted the position as a prefect. Lerionka is indeed very intelligent, when the District Commissioner was unhappy with the topic of the debate which was concerning about the British rule. The District Commissioner frowned. But debating was part of education. Infact, we were putting in practice what we learned in a book which we called „How the British Empire is Governed‟. We were taught to think the British way, and that was not strange because they governed us then p. 132. In the above statement, it is clear that British Empire has colonized Africa. The people of Africa were taught to think like the British people. Since the British people taught the Native the British way then it is quite obvious the Native would think like the British people. The Native becomes more intelligent since they are educated and they can express what they feel. Lerionka was taught the British way and its not strange that he thinks like the British.

b. Caring

Besides being Intelligent, Lerionka is also caring. He cared for his family and friends. He did not leave an injury Lekakeny, when they were left to die in the woods by their guide. „ I could not run because there was nowhere to run to. We were surround by darkness and forest. Neither did i want to leave my injured friend ‟. p. 62. This evidence shows that he is caring, in the worst situation he is there to protect his friend. This is not the first time he defend his friend. In school, Lekakeny told Lerionka that he is leaving school because he does not like it. When the teacher calls out the attendence, Lekakeny was nowhere to be seen. And Lerionka did not report him to the teacher. Lerionka also cares for his family, his mother and father. When his parents had decided that he should go to Arusha instead of sending him to school. I longed to go. I wanted to tell my father that i wanted to go, but i feared that he would curse me and would call me all sorts of names. I knew he would compare me with Mpoke and Lepish, and say that those two were born to take care of their parents while i was not. I did not like to be scored by my father. I liked him very much p. 42 He longed to go school but he feared his father would call him all sort of names. He does not like to be scored by his father because he loves him very much. He would rather go to Arusha than quareling with his father. The writer believe that the character Lerionka truly respect and care his father very much.

c. Brave

Lerionka is a young Maasai boy who is brave, he once fought a Maasai boy from his own age group to defend Sururu‟s name. We fought fiercely. I was hit hard on the ear and t felt dizzy, but i determined to keep on even though i could hardly see because of the tears in my eyes. My third stick broke into small bits and as i picked my fouth, Lekakeny suddenly ran away. I ran after him but he was faster than i was. The other boys ran to me and shook my hand. Leteipa said, “you are now Osokoni. You are really bitter ” p. 6. Though he may have fought to prove himself to defend the Sururu name, such fights is not approved by the elders, if they are not supervised by older boys. Physically, Lerionka is not describe as like any other Maasai in the novel though the author has not quite describe him. The writer could assume that he probably has a skinny body, from drinking cow milk and blood, milk-white teeth, strong arms since he can climb tall trees. He is able to walk for days and his is given a new name Henry.

d. Responsible

Lerionka is also responsible person, when Pello and Saaya were fighting because Pello wanted to kill Lerionka for spoiling his name. Saaya wounded Pello with a sword, Pello cried in agony while Saaya went back to his hut to get a spear to finish him off. Lerionka knew he caused Pello to get hurt. “it roared in the air like an aeroplane. There was no time to wonder whether it reached its mark, because as soon as it stopped roaring Pello rolled down groaning in agony Saaya ran to the hut to get a spear to finish him off. I remained there puzzled. I did not know what to do next. I knew i was the cause of all the disaster. I felt pity for Pello, even though he wanted to murder me. I knew that he wanted to kill me because it was well known in that village that he left me with a sick boy to die in the fore st.” p. 74 From his speech, it can be analyzed that Lerionka is a responsible person. Another part where he is responsible, as a prefect. In school Lerionka was selected to be a prefect of his class by the headmaster. „Lerionka, the class prefect, be a good example‟ I felt trapped. I had to be a good example. I thought if i did not i would be stripped of the rank i had been given. I stood up. I remembered the songs the boys sang when i fought Lekakeny and defeated him pp. 26- 27. From the speech above, Lerionka is given the task to be a prefect. A prefect is someone who does special duties and helps the teachers to control the younger pupils. Since he is chosen by the headmaster, he must show a good example to other students. He is resposible for his status as a prefect.