Evaluating the set of supplementary reading materials

47 3 Respondents‟ suggestions The respondents suggested that the writer had better adopt a more conventional form of recipes and make sure the information on text type is accurate. The writer should arrange the activities to be more varied, especially for the reading comprehension activities. The respondent suggested that it would be better if the activities are not testing students. The activities should make students think critically.

7. Revising the set of supplementary reading materials

In this part, the writer revised and improved the set of supplementary reading materials by considering the suggestions from the evaluators. The writer had revised the appearance and the content of the materials.

a. The appearance of the materials

The appearance of the materials did not need many revisions. The writer changed the pictures in some units which were not appropriate to the text. The writer also changed some pictures which were not clear enough, such as some pictures in unit 3 and 4. The writer selected pictures which was not only interesting, but also clear. The cover of the materials was also changed to be more interesting.

b. The content of the materials

The revision, modification, and improvement of the designed materials related to the content of the materials are mentioned as follow. 48 1 Variation of the task In order to avoid students‟ boredom, the writer made the task to be varied. In unit 1, the writer added a new task related to the generic structure. Then the writer also modified the task in unit 3 to gain students‟ reading comprehension by asking them to make questions related to the text. Besides, the writer also added multiple choices questions, jumbled paragraphs, jumbled pictures, filling in the blanks, and filling in the table. 2 Reading Text The writer changed some reading texts which were not appropriate to the topic, such as “Making a Kite” text. The former text was not appropriate to the format of a procedure text, the sequencing pictures were also not matching to the text. So the writer replaced it with another text which is more suitable. The text in unit 3 also had some modifications related to the format of a report text. Related to the diction of the reading text, the writer modified and changed some words to be more suitable and appropriate to the students‟ proficiency level. 3 Vocabulary Building The writer rearranged the position of the vocabulary building whether it was placed after of before the text. The aim of placing the vocabulary building before the text was to help students comprehend the text they were going to read. While the aim of placing the vocabulary building after the text was to measure students‟ ability in grasping the meaning of a word through a text. 49 4 Instruction There was no big problem related to the instruction. The instructions were clear enough. However, the example about how to do the task was needed. Therefore, the writer added some examples in some tasks to guide the students to do the task.

B. Presentation of the supplementary reading materials

This section is presented to answer the second question of problem formulation. That is what the set of designing supplementary reading materials using task-based learning for the ninth grade students of SMP Joannes Bosco looks like. The supplementary reading materials consist of three main topics, e.i. procedure, report, and narrative text. They were divided into six units with different theme, namely: Unit 1: Let‟s Play Together Games Unit 2: It‟s so Delicious Food and Drink Unit 3: What a Beautiful Beach. Environment Unit 4: Indonesian Heritage Culture Unit 5: Long Time Ago Animal Unit 6: Once Upon a Time Tales In unit 1 and 2, students learned about procedure text. While in unit 3 and 4 is about report text, and narrative text was learned in unit 5 and 6. 50 Every unit consists of three sections, namely: Warming Up, Your Tasks, and Language Focus. The three sections are adapted from the Task-based Learning framework. The description of each section is presented below. 1. Warming Up Warming up is the opening activity. It is the pre-task activity which leads students to the main topic. The aim is not only to introduce the topic that the students will learn, but also to activate their background knowledge related to the topic. Each unit has different warming up activity. However, most of them are about to identify pictures. 2. Your Tasks Your Tasks is the main activity of every unit. This section consists of tasks and activities which should be done by the students. The tasks are dealt with reading texts. Students are given texts which should be read, and then they do the reading comprehension and other exercises. There are various kinds of exercise, such as „True or False‟, matching sentences or words, arranging jumbled pictures or paragraphs, etc. 3. Language Focus This is the last section of every unit. It contains the language features which are related to the topic they have learnt. This section consists of two parts. The first is the explanation of the language features and the second one is exercises. There are various kinds of exercises, such as filling in the blanks and making sentences.

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