




This thesis is submitted to meet one of requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education













Sesungguhnya di balik kesulitan ada kemudahan

(QS Al-Insyirah:6)

There is no power and effort except help of A llah SWT” (HR. Muslim)

Keep going.

Each step may get harder,

But don’t stop.

The view is beautiful at the top


This thesis is proudly dedicated to my beloved:

My Lovely Mom (A lmh), My Super Daddy, My stepmother,

My Brothers, My Bunda Uni,My beloved Lalu A dam RP,

Baiq Maharani YP

A ll of My Bestfriends, my girls in Bhineka tunggal Ika

boarding house

Thank you for endless love, sacrifies, prayers, support

and advices.

A nd for all the readers of this thesis.



ALHAMDULILLAH Praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty and merciful by

the guidance and blessing, I can finish this thesis. My sholawat and salam will always

be given to the beloved Nabi Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the

darkness to the lightness with the true religion, namely Islam

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisors Mr. Estu

Widodo, M.Hum and Mrs. Thathit Manon A, M.Hum. Thanksfor the great guidance,

suggestion and all of their help to me in writing this thesis.

Furthermore,Idedicatemy deepest gratitude to my beloved parents Mr.

Supriyanto and Mrs. Pujiati (Almh) (I always thankful to God that I was born as your

daughter), and her brother Bima naufalesmu P.Thanks For the pray, love, support,

and many other things that are always given to me.

Last but not least, I also would like to say big thanks to Mrs. Wahyuni

Kunayarti, M.Ph, Lalu Adam RP, Amd.Kep as her beloved engaged, Baiq Nur

Maharani YP, all of my bestfriends Firda, Lilik, Anyez,Sela, Devi, Meyda, Oyin, and

all of my girls in Bhineka tunggal ika boarding house thank you for your support and

endless love.

Malang, 5 November 2014











CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Statements of the problem ... 5

1.3 Purpose of the study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the study ... 5

1.5 Scope and limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of key terms ... 6


2.2 Bilingualism ... 8

2.2.1 Types of Bilingualism... 9

2.3 Code ... 10

2.3.1 Code Switching ... 11

2.3.2 Code Mixing... 11

2.3.3 Kinds of Code Mixing ... 12

2.4 Sarah Sechan ... 13

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ... 14


3.3 Research Instrument ... 15

3.4 Research Approach ... 16

3.5 Data Collection ... 16

3.6 Data Analysis ... 17


4.1.1 The Code Mixing Found in “Sarah Sechan” Program ... 18

4.1.2 The Kinds of Code Mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” Program 22 Situational Code Mixing ... 22 Conversational Code Mixing ... 22

4.2 Discussion ... 24


5.2 Suggestions ... 27





Anita, Lisdiana.2013. An Analysis of Code Mixing used in Banners at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Malang. Unpublished Thesis.

Ary, Donald et al. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. 6th Edition. USA: Wadsworth.

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Aslinda and Leni Syafyahya. 2007. Pengantar Sosiolinguistik. Bandung: Refika Aditama.

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Cakrawati, Dias Astuti. 2011. Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Tenlit Canting Cantiq by Dian Nuranindya. Skripsi Tidak diterbitkan. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro.

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Daulay, Wardah A.M. 2012. An Analysis of Code-Mixing in Talk-show Bukan Empat Mata Program. (Http:// on 19th of November 2014).

Flick, Uwe. 2009. An Introduction to Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publication.

Grosjean, Francois. 2010. Bilingual: Life and Reality. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Hamers, Josiane F & Michel H. A Blanc. 2000. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Ho, Judi Won Yee. 2007. “Code Mixing: Linguistic form and socio- cultural meaning”. The international Journal of language society and culture, No. 21


Musyken, Pieter. 2004. Bilingual Speech: A typology of Code Mixing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nurlela. Emma. 2012. Campur Kode Pada Percakapan Customer Service Agent TELKOMSEL. UNPAD . Vol. 1

Olajoke, Akinkurolere Susan. 2013. The Manifestation of Code Switching Among 3 Year-Old Yoruba/English Semilinguals. The international Journal of English Language Education, vol 1. No. 1 pp. 272

Rakhmatika, Naili Izzati. 2012. An Analysis of Code Mixing used by the presenter of Ala Chef Program on TRANS TV. Malang: Unpublished Thesis

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1988. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York: Basil Blackwell.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.

Http:// (accesed on 6th of June 2014). (accesed on December 29th, 2013)





This chapter presents background of the study, statements of problem,

purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of

key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

Language as a tool for communication is important for people in the world. It

means that people need it to communicate with others in the daily life. In general

as human being, people are always faced with language choice when they spoke.

Many persons mix up two or more languages in the conversation. Moreover,

people who live in multicultural tend to use two various languages in

communication to each other. Indonesian sometimes use more than one language

to communicate each other. They use Indonesian as a national language beside

Dayaknesse, Javenesse, Sundanesse, Maduranesse, and so on as their regional

language. In addition, in Indonesia, English become as a foreign language that use

by people frequently. So, Indonesian people can be called as bilingual and

multilingual. Indonesians use English for many purposes such as relationship, job

and education.

In bilingual and multilingual communication, two or more languages are often

used, the social factors that affect the use of the language consists of social status,

education level and age. In bilingual and multilingual community, people use


interaction, people usually choose different codes in different situation. They may

choose a particular code or variety because it makes them easier to discuss a

particular topic. Code is a system that is used by people to communicate with

each other. When people want to talk each other, they have to choose a particular

code to express their feeling. According to Stockwell (In Cakrawati, 2011), a code

is “a symbol of nationalism that is used by people to speak or communicate in a

particular language, or dialect, or register, or accent, or style, on different

occasions and for different purposes”.

Meanwhile, Poedjosoedarmo (in Cakrawati, 2011) states that “code can be

defined as a speech system and the application of the language element which has

specific characteristic in line with the speaker’s background, the relationship

between the speaker and interlocutor and the situation”. The code is a form of the

language variation that is used by a society to make communication with other

people and the code also make communicate become more varied and easy to

understand. There are two kinds of code, they are code mixing and code

switching. Wardhaugh (1986:103) says that “code mixing occurs when

conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one

language to other in the course of a single utterance”. Code switching there is

situation where speaking deliberately change a code being used, namely by

switching from one to another because of the change the situation. Thalender (in

Aslinda and Syafyahya: 2007:87) differentiates code switching from code mixing.

If utterance is switched from one language to another language supporting a



phrase or clause, which consists of a clause or phrase, does not support a

distinctive function, it is called code mixing. In conclusion, it is clear that code

mixing is a mixture of words, phrases and clauses of several languages. It means

that code mixing is the mixing of two or more languages of various linguistics

unit in non-formal situation and it occurs when conversant use both languages

together to the extent that they change from one language to the other language in

a single utterance.

Language and communication are related and certainly used by people when

they communicate with others. They can communicate each other by using two

ways of communication. They are spoken and written communication. Written

communication is the process of sending and receiving through press such as;

letter, novels, newspaper, magazines etc. Spoken communication is a

communication which entails talking using the spoken word, such as talking

face-to-face, on a dialogue, talking on the phone, etc. It can be through visual aid or

broadcasting media such as radio and television. Talking about television, there

are many television channels in Indonesia such as TVRI, METRO TV, ANTV,


etc. Those television channels usually give or show many programs such as

movies, news, talk show and other programs. One of television channels which

shows talk show program is NET TV. One of talk show programs which is

broadcasted by NET TV is “Sarah Sechan”.

“Sarah Sechan” program is an interesting talk show. This program has a


in that program as the guest stars because this program talks about the guest stars’

life and many tips, inspiration that given by guest stars in that talk show. The

writer found code mixing in the conversation used by presenter and the guest stars

of “Sarah Sechan” talk show which is broadcasted on NET television channel. In

“Sarah Sechan” talk show program, there are many code mixing used by the

presenter and the guest stars when they speak in the conversation. So, the writer

chose “Sarah Sechan” talk show program to analyze especially about code


There is previous research related to code mixing. Anita (2013), she analyzed

code mixing used in banners at UMM, she found 27 code mixing from 12 banners

at UMM and the finding are 16 code mixing by insertion of word and 11 code

mixing by insertion of phrase.

Based on the background of the study above the writer is interested to analyze

code mixing with the title” An analysis of code mixing found in Sarah Sechan program on Net Television channel”. In this study, the writer focuses on the code mixing that the writer found in the conversation between the presenter and the

guest stars in “Sarah Sechan” talk show program.

Hopefully, this study will enlarge the readers’ knowledge about code mixing.

The writer chose “Sarah Sechan” program because in that talk show give many


5 1.2 Statements of the problem

Based on the background of the study above, this study has two statements of


1. What are the code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net

Television channel?

2. What are the kinds of code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net

Television channel?

1.3 Purpose of the study

1. To know the code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net

Television channel

2. To describe kinds of code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net

Television channel

1.4 Significance of the study

This study expected to give contribution of sociolinguistics subject especially

for the lecturers and the students. Sociolinguistic is one of important and

interesting subject because it discusses language and society. We can learn many

things about society language, one of them is code mixing. The contribution for

the lecturers of English Department is the lecturers can apply their knowledge

about code mixing to their students in English Department. The students get

additional knowledge of sociolinguistics especially that is related to code mixing.

This study also expected give reference when students study about sociolinguistic


1.5 Scope and Limitation

This study focused on code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on NET

television channel. Meanwhile, it is limited on English and Indonesian code

mixing and the kinds of the code mixing which is used by the presenter and the

guest stars in “Sarah Sechan” program on NET television channel. The writer also

limits 3 episodes of “Sarah Sechan” program broadcasted on 27th of May, 4th and

23rd of June especially in the dialogue between the presenter and the guest stars.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Code Mixing “occurs when conversant use both languages together to the

extent that they change from one language to other in the course of a single

utterance” (Wardhaugh, 1986:103).

2. Sarah Sechan is the talk show program which is broadcasted on NET

television channel. The presenter is Sarah Sechan (

Accessed on December 29th, 2013

3. NET Television Channel is a new comers of TV station that has many good

program such as Lentera Indonesia, Indonesia Bagus,Sarah Sechan which




This chapter presents background of the study, statements of problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1Background of the study

Language as a tool for communication is important for people in the world. It means that people need it to communicate with others in the daily life. In general as human being, people are always faced with language choice when they spoke. Many persons mix up two or more languages in the conversation. Moreover, people who live in multicultural tend to use two various languages in communication to each other. Indonesian sometimes use more than one language to communicate each other. They use Indonesian as a national language beside Dayaknesse, Javenesse, Sundanesse, Maduranesse, and so on as their regional language. In addition, in Indonesia, English become as a foreign language that use by people frequently. So, Indonesian people can be called as bilingual and multilingual. Indonesians use English for many purposes such as relationship, job and education.

In bilingual and multilingual communication, two or more languages are often used, the social factors that affect the use of the language consists of social status, education level and age. In bilingual and multilingual community, people use certain codes to communicate to make others understand what they said. In every


interaction, people usually choose different codes in different situation. They may choose a particular code or variety because it makes them easier to discuss a particular topic. Code is a system that is used by people to communicate with each other. When people want to talk each other, they have to choose a particular code to express their feeling. According to Stockwell (In Cakrawati, 2011), a code is “a symbol of nationalism that is used by people to speak or communicate in a particular language, or dialect, or register, or accent, or style, on different occasions and for different purposes”.

Meanwhile, Poedjosoedarmo (in Cakrawati, 2011) states that “code can be defined as a speech system and the application of the language element which has specific characteristic in line with the speaker’s background, the relationship between the speaker and interlocutor and the situation”. The code is a form of the language variation that is used by a society to make communication with other people and the code also make communicate become more varied and easy to understand. There are two kinds of code, they are code mixing and code switching. Wardhaugh (1986:103) says that “code mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to other in the course of a single utterance”. Code switching there is situation where speaking deliberately change a code being used, namely by switching from one to another because of the change the situation. Thalender (in Aslinda and Syafyahya: 2007:87) differentiates code switching from code mixing. If utterance is switched from one language to another language supporting a distinctive function, it is called code switching. Conversely, if an utterance, either


phrase or clause, which consists of a clause or phrase, does not support a distinctive function, it is called code mixing. In conclusion, it is clear that code mixing is a mixture of words, phrases and clauses of several languages. It means that code mixing is the mixing of two or more languages of various linguistics unit in non-formal situation and it occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other language in a single utterance.

Language and communication are related and certainly used by people when they communicate with others. They can communicate each other by using two ways of communication. They are spoken and written communication. Written communication is the process of sending and receiving through press such as; letter, novels, newspaper, magazines etc. Spoken communication is a communication which entails talking using the spoken word, such as talking face-to-face, on a dialogue, talking on the phone, etc. It can be through visual aid or broadcasting media such as radio and television. Talking about television, there are many television channels in Indonesia such as TVRI, METRO TV, ANTV, INDOSIAR, RCTI, SCTV, JTV, KOMPAS TV, TRANS, TRANS 7, NET TV, etc. Those television channels usually give or show many programs such as movies, news, talk show and other programs. One of television channels which shows talk show program is NET TV. One of talk show programs which is broadcasted by NET TV is “Sarah Sechan”.

“Sarah Sechan” program is an interesting talk show. This program has a beautiful, smart and funny presenter, named Sarah Sechan. There are some artists


in that program as the guest stars because this program talks about the guest stars’ life and many tips, inspiration that given by guest stars in that talk show. The writer found code mixing in the conversation used by presenter and the guest stars of “Sarah Sechan” talk show which is broadcasted on NET television channel. In “Sarah Sechan” talk show program, there are many code mixing used by the presenter and the guest stars when they speak in the conversation. So, the writer chose “Sarah Sechan” talk show program to analyze especially about code mixing.

There is previous research related to code mixing. Anita (2013), she analyzed code mixing used in banners at UMM, she found 27 code mixing from 12 banners at UMM and the finding are 16 code mixing by insertion of word and 11 code mixing by insertion of phrase.

Based on the background of the study above the writer is interested to analyze code mixing with the title” An analysis of code mixing found in Sarah Sechan program on Net Television channel”. In this study, the writer focuses on the code mixing that the writer found in the conversation between the presenter and the guest stars in “Sarah Sechan” talk show program.

Hopefully, this study will enlarge the readers’ knowledge about code mixing. The writer chose “Sarah Sechan” program because in that talk show give many tips and inspiration for the audience.


1.2Statements of the problem

Based on the background of the study above, this study has two statements of problem:

1. What are the code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net Television channel?

2. What are the kinds of code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net Television channel?

1.3Purpose of the study

1. To know the code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net Television channel

2. To describe kinds of code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on Net Television channel

1.4Significance of the study

This study expected to give contribution of sociolinguistics subject especially for the lecturers and the students. Sociolinguistic is one of important and interesting subject because it discusses language and society. We can learn many things about society language, one of them is code mixing. The contribution for the lecturers of English Department is the lecturers can apply their knowledge about code mixing to their students in English Department. The students get additional knowledge of sociolinguistics especially that is related to code mixing. This study also expected give reference when students study about sociolinguistic subject.


1.5Scope and Limitation

This study focused on code mixing found in “Sarah Sechan” program on NET television channel. Meanwhile, it is limited on English and Indonesian code mixing and the kinds of the code mixing which is used by the presenter and the guest stars in “Sarah Sechan” program on NET television channel. The writer also limits 3 episodes of “Sarah Sechan” program broadcasted on 27th of May, 4th and 23rd of June especially in the dialogue between the presenter and the guest stars.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

1. Code Mixing “occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to other in the course of a single utterance” (Wardhaugh, 1986:103).

2. Sarah Sechan is the talk show program which is broadcasted on NET television channel. The presenter is Sarah Sechan ( Accessed on December 29th, 2013

3. NET Television Channel is a new comers of TV station that has many good program such as Lentera Indonesia, Indonesia Bagus,Sarah Sechan which inspire many people ( Accessed on June 6th, 2014