Postmodernism An Analysis Of Islamic Liberalism Found In Michael Muhammad Kinght’s Novel :The Taqwacores

orthodox into a logical system. Postmodernism evokes a new movement and ideology that intersect with religion, especially in Islam, as the term we known as “Islamic Liberalism”. Postmodernism is closely related to the sociology of literature, sociological approach greatly considered in the era of postmodernism. Basic of philosophical sociological approach is the intrinsic relationship between literature and society. It is a methodological approach to the study of society and history.

2.3. Postmodernism

Postmodernism is a late 20 th century movement in the arts, architecture, and criticism that was a departure from modernism. Postmodernism includes skeptical interpretations of culture, literature, art, philosophy, history, economics, architecture, fiction, and literary criticism. It is often associated with deconstruction and post-structuralism because its usage as a term gained significant popularity at the same time as twentieth-century post-structural thought. The term postmodernism has been applied to a host of movements, mainly in art, music, and literature, that reacted against tendencies in modernism, and are typically marked by revival of historical elements and techniques. The term postmodern was first used around the 1870s by English artist, John Watkins Chapman Appignanesi and Garrat, 1999: 3; Ritzer, 2003: 36. According to Kohler and Hasan Featherstone, 2001: 16, 73, the term postmodernism emerged back in the 1930s, by Federico de Onis, as a reaction to modernism stagnation, and began to be widely discussed around the 1960s. Another opinion Stanley J. Grenz, 2001: 25-35 mentions that the pioneers of postmodernism is Arnold Toynbee 1870s, on the basis of Western cultural shift toward irrationality and relativism. Prof. Dr. Nyoman Kutha Ratna, S.U in his book 2004: 146 state : “…Meskipun demikian, secara definitif pada dasarnya postmodernisme lahir 15 Juli 1972, pk. 3.32 sore, di St. Louis, Missouri, dengan ‘dihancurkannya’ bangunan perumahan Pruitt-Igoe. Menurut Charles Jencks, bangunan tersebut merupakan simbol modernisme sebab dibangun atas dasar teknologi modern dengan tujuan menciptakan masyarakat utopis…” However, postmodernism has produced various inventions for mankind. Postmodernism has changed the intellectual paradigm of systems myths, dogmas, and old habits orthodox into a logical system. The emergence of postmodernism is clearly a result of the inability of modernism to overcome peoples satisfaction; that is the various requirements which relating to social issues, politics, economics, and culture in general. In the postmodern era, where prosperity and leisure time are increased, the components that play a role is the consumer. System information such as mass media, advertising, marketing, television, video, internet, popular literature, and so becomes very important. In other words, consumerism is the latest development of postmodernism, the reader is considered as a fundamental component in the development of theory literature contemporary. Thus, postmodernism appears to correct the linearity of modernism. The goal is obviously to restore the awareness that there is the other. As we know theoretically, Western is considered as universal and superior. The consequence is the Western as if insisting that the Eastern should adjust to the Western. In this context the concept of cultural relativism of postmodernism suggests that the symptoms of which have been considered taboo can be reconsidered. The motto that is often used is ‘think globally, act locally’, the universe has been replaced by the multiverse Nyoman Kutha Ratna, 2004: 153. The main characteristics of postmodern theory Linda Hutcheon, 1992: 60 is the rejection of the existence of the center, absoluteness, big narratives, metanarrative, motion monolinear history. Postmodernism rejects a single-minded homology, such as race, religion, the differences between men and women and so on, by offering a system of plural-minded paralogy. Postmodernism subverts uniformity, homogeneity, and totalization, by giving the intensity of the differences, relativity, and pluralism. Postmodernism recognizes the others identity, as cultural relativism. Therefore, a method that is considered appropriate is qualitative, because the goal is not objectivity, but the basics of different thinking.

2.4. Islamic Liberalism