Improvement of the teacher’s effort. Improvement of the class situation. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Using Task – Based

commit to user 139 concluded that the implementation of TBLT in teaching writing can improve the students’ writing ability.

b. Improvement of the teacher’s effort.

Another finding in this research was dealing with the teacher. As a teacher, she improved in many points. First, she improved in designing and developing teaching materials, such as using interesting pictures or video and preparing work sheets that were suitable for the teaching purpose. Second, she became more familiar with her students. She noticed her students’ potentials and problems in writing. Therefore, she could find a suitable way of teaching writing to her students. Third, she appreciated her students better than before the implementation of TBLT.

c. Improvement of the class situation.

The findings of the teaching and learning process showed that there was a change of the class situation before and after TBLT was implemented in the writing class. The teaching and learning process using TBLT was more alive. Most of the activities were students – centered. The teacher applied various interesting activities. The activities were conducted individually, in pairs and in groups. The students showed high participations in the writing class. They were eager to do the tasks with high spirit. They were not afraid of making mistakes, because the class was enjoyable to the students. The teacher tolerated the students with various levels of abilities. The commit to user 140 pair and group work were colored by the students’ laugh. It showed the eagerness of the students in learning writing in a relax situation.

d. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Using Task – Based

Language Teaching TBLT. The strengths: - TBLT could improve the students’ writing ability in vocabulary, mechanics, syntax grammar, content, and organization. The improvement of each writing aspect from the first and second scorer can be seen in Table 4.10 and 4.11. - TBLT could develop the students’ ability in expressing ideas. - Working in group increased the students’ participation in writing class. - TBLT could encourage the students to write. - TBLT made the class situation more alive. - TBLT could improve the teacher’s effort to make the challenging tasks to the students. - TBLT could reduce the teacher’s domination in writing class. - The accuracy in writing could be achieved by giving more portions to vocabulary building and language focus. The weaknesses: - It took more time in the writing class. - The discussion in group work still lack control from the teacher. - The challenge of task needs to be increased. commit to user 141

e. Another finding: students’ responses toward the action