Improvement of the students’ writing ability.

commit to user would be encouraged to use what they are comfortable with in order to complete the task. The instructors may also present a model of the task by doing it by themselves or by presenting picture, audio, or video demonstrating the task. The task – cycle offers the chance to learners to use whatever language they already know in order to carry out the task, and then to improve that language, under teacher’s guidance, while are planning their reports of the task. The language focus allows a closer study of some of the specific features naturally occurring in the language used during the task cycle. By this point, the learners will have already worked with the language and processed it for meaning, so they are ready to focus on the specific language forms that carry that meaning. Content The discussion of the research findings is presented in the following section.

a. Improvement of the students’ writing ability.

The findings of the research showed that the use of TBLT in the writing class could improve students’ writing ability. The improvement of the students’ writing ability could be recognized from the improvement of expressing ideas using appropriate words vocabulary, using correct syntax grammatical form and mechanics, and making a composition with good development of ideas content and organization. Before the research, she found that the students had low writing ability. The improvement of writing ability could be seen from the improvement of students’ achievement cycle to cycle. The mean scores of the pre – test was 51.18, the mean score of Cycle 1 was 63.61, the mean score of Cycle 2 was 71.39 and the mean score of Cycle 3 was 78.52. Besides referring to the writing achievement, the improvement of students’ writing ability can be recognized from the ability of making a composition. Before the research, the students often made a few sentences in each topic and made a lot of mistakes in grammar, tenses, mechanics and other aspects of writing. It was commit to user caused by their lack of vocabulary, their lack of understanding in writing’s aspects, and their lack of practice in writing. After the implementation of TBLT, the situation was changed. The students could make a better composition using the appropriate word choosing vocabulary, correct grammatical patterns syntax, using correct mechanics, using good logical developing ideas content, and using good organization. Another finding of the research showed that there was an improvement of the students’ ability to express their ideas. After the implementation of TBLT, the students could express their ideas clearly using appropriate vocabularies and grammatical forms. The research finding also found the improvement of the students’ writing ability viewed from the improvement of students’ level of writing from cycle to cycle and the reduction of the students who did not pass the passing grade. The passing grade KKM Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal of the tenth year students in SMKN 2 Sragen was 67. From the 33 students in Class X TKJ 1, the students who did not pass the passing grade in the pre – test were 31 students, in Cycle 1 were 21 students, in Cycle 2 were 11 students, and in Cycle 3 were 4 students. So, there were 29 students or 87 achieved score above or equal to 67. This means that the class’s target, 75 of the students’ passing KKM, had been achieved. Even though there were still some students who did not pass the passing grade, but from the improvement of the writing scores from cycle to cycle, it can be concluded that the implementation of TBLT in teaching writing can improve the students’ writing ability.

b. Improvement of the teacher’s effort.