Technique of Analyzing the Data

commit to user 56 Mechanic = 5 5 x 1 Vocabulary = 20 5 x 4 100 is the total of maximum scores Brown and Bailey, 1994 in Reid, 1993: 244-245. In order to have more objective result of the scores, the students’ writings are scored by two persons, researcher and inter-rater. The inter- rater is of course someone who understands how to score writing.

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

There are two types of data in the research. First is numerical data or quantitative data. The numerical data are in the form of the writing scores. The writing scores as the result of pre – test or post – test in this research were analyzed by comparing the means of each test to find out the improvement of students’ achievement in writing. The formula to find out Mean: = S = X n X X ∑Χ = Number of scores n = number of students The second types of data are in the form of non – numerical data. In analyzing non – numerical data or qualitative data, the researcher made use of interactive model proposed by Miles Huberman 1984: 21 – 23, they are data reduction, data display, and data verification: Mean commit to user 57 The scheme of interactive model analysis a. Data reduction is a process of selection, simplification, and transformation from source of data into a coherent description. In this case, the researcher took some notes and described the real condition of the observation that researcher did. Later, the researcher wrote a coherent description from the observation notes. The data reduction may be executed by summarizing, coding, or focusing on specific aspects. b. Data display: an organized information that lead to conclusion and interpretation. The data display helps the researcher understand what is happening and what should do based on the understanding. c. Data verification: in this case, the researcher made summary or conclusion of the research. The conclusion was drawn continuously throughout of the course of study. In other word, the conclusion was made step by step. The temporary conclusion was made in the first cycle, and then came to revise conclusion of the second cycle, third cycle, and or the last cycle needed. Here, the researcher wrote the conclusion according to his observation and interpretation. Data Collection Data Display Data Reduction Conclusions: Drawing Verifying commit to user 59


This chapter describes the detail of several activities developed as part of implementing Task – Based Language Teaching TBLT in improving students’ writing ability in the classroom action research. The objective is to present the research findings which give evidences to answer the problem statements in Chapter 1, namely to find out the improvement of students’ writing ability by using Task – Based Language Teaching TBLT and to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the implementation of Task Based Language Teaching TBLT in improving students’ writing ability. This chapter is divided into two sections. Section A discusses the process of the research which includes the condition before the research, the implementation of the research, and the final reflection. Section B discusses the findings and discussion. Generally this action research consists of some steps which will be discussed below.

A. The Process of the Research

This research is divided into three parts, namely the condition before the research; research implementation, consisting of Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3; and final reflection. The summary of the research is provided in Table 4.1