General plan Action Observation and action Reflection on action

commit to user 49 Another model of action research is suggested by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. They stated that action research is a series of reflecting spirals consisting of general plan, action, observation on action, and reflection on action Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Mc. Kernan, 2003: 25. The cycle is then moved to a new and revised plan with action, observation, and futher reflection Carr and Kemmis in Mc Kernan, 2003: 26. The description of each stage in one cycle is as follows:

1. General plan

In this stage, the researcher firstly identified the problems referring to teaching and learning process in her classroom. In this case, the problems are related to the writing ability. After identifying the problems, she made a plan about what kind of action that has been carried out. Next, she prepared everything dealing with the action research requirements such as preparing the material, making lesson plan, preparing observation sheets to record students’ activities, and preparing teaching aids and instruments for testing. She involved her collaborator since the planning stage. The researcher prepared three cycles that are expected to overcome the students’ problems in writing. At the end of first cycle, she analyzed and evaluated the students’ improvement and made a decision of the importance of applying the second cycle. The process was repeated in the second cycle to decide the importance of conducting the third cycle. commit to user 50

2. Action

The researcher carried out the lesson in the classroom. She conducted the teaching activities step by step based on the lesson plan. She applied Task – Based Language Teaching TBLT in teaching writing to class X TKJ 1.

3. Observation and action

The researcher recorded the importance activities during the teaching – learning process. She was helped by the collaborator to observe the teacher’s and students’ activities during the writing class. The collaborator then gave inputs and suggestions. She noted the strengths and the weaknesses of the lesson plan implementation using Task – Based Language Teaching TBLT in teaching writing.

4. Reflection on action

After carrying out teaching and learning activity, the researcher recited the occurrences in the classroom as the effect of the action. She and her collaborator evaluated the process and the result of the implementation of Task – Based Language Teaching TBLT in teaching writing. The evaluation gave advantages in deciding what she had to do in the next cycle.

5. Revising the plan