The Meaning of Language Learning

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A. The Nature of English Language Teaching

1. The Meaning of Language Learning

Learning can be simply defined as ”acquiring or getting of knowledge of a a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction” Brown, 1994: 7. The same definition is also given by Graham that learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior. A more specific definition is from Stephen 1996: 2 who defines learning as an experimental process resulting in a relatively permanent change in behavior that cannot be explained by temporary states, maturation, or innate response tendencies. In the definition, learning has three significant components. First, learning reflects a change in behavior. It means that learning does not automatically lead to a change of behavior. Also, learners may be unable to show a certain behavior even though they have learnt it and are sufficiently motivated to show it. Second, changes in behavior due to learning are relatively permanent. As a result of new experience, previously learnt behavior is no longer shown. Third, changes in behavior can be due to processes other than learning. The behavior can change as the result of motivation rather than learning. commit to user Johnson 2007: 18 supports those definitions by stating that learning is a relatively permanent change in response which can be retained occurring as a result of reinforced practice. Then, Hamilton and Ghatala 1994: 8 say that learning could be regarded as a relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge or behavior that results from previous experience. From these definitions, it can be said that learning can be seen as a process of getting knowledge of a particular subject or a skill by practicing and experiencing the skill and as a behavioral change as the output of the process. Furthermore, Fowles states that learning is the total sum of input and experience producing thought process and output. Thus input can be a new experience or adding to an existing experience, which can be determined by the thought process, the ability to access information, and hence the reaction or ‘act’ of output messageboardlearner.htm . Then , Brown 1994: 7 gives his definition of learning as follows: a Learning is acquisition or “getting”. b Learning is retention of information or skill. c Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive organization. d Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside or inside the organism. e Learning is a relatively permanent but subject to forgetting. f Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice. g Learning is a change in behavior. commit to user Based on the definitions of learning above, it can be concluded that learning covers a conscious active process of acquiring a new knowledge of a certain skill producing a thought process and a change of knowledge or behavior in an individual as the output brought by practice and experience. Another theorist, Stern, describes second language learning as a conscious study of second language development particularly in formal school like settings 1996: 20. Traditionally, language learning focuses on language structure and elements such as pronunciation, sentence structure and so on. Now, some methods in language learning have focus more on general communication skill and give bigger priority to the ability to express one self meaningfully and to make oneself understood than to grammatical accuracy or perfect pronunciation Richard And Rogers, 1998: 19. To reach the main goal of language learning, It is very important to have language skills, both productive skills covering speaking and writing and also receptive skills covering listening and reading. From the definition given above, it could be said that language learning is a conscious study of language focusing on language skills in order to be able to use the language for communicating in real situation. So, it can be inferred that the main goal of language learning is the ability to communicate and understand of structural practice only as a means to that end. It covers the idea that language learning focuses on language commit to user skills that are used in real communication in the real setting where learners are regarded as the members of society.

2. The Meaning of Language Teaching

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