The Legal Foundation of Team Teaching Implementation The Syllabus of Team Teaching

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c. The Legal Foundation of Team Teaching Implementation

The implementation of team teaching in SMPN1 Pitu has been started on 14 July 2008. It is legalled by SK the headmaster that is SK: 800163404.109.732008. English Team Teaching has two groups of English teachers. They are Mrs. Rosydatul and Mrs. Suparmi who teach in class VII ABC and Mrs.Suparmi and Mr. Agus Supriyanto who teach in class VII D. That letter above is only for one semester. By team teaching of English, the responsibility of teacher to make good process of learning in the class is better than by single teacher because they make plan, teach in the class, and evaluate the students together. They share their capabilities and competences in teaching. They give suggestion to the other in order to correct the performance in the learning process. Related to the fact, the researchers interviewed one of students in VII D class and she said: “saya senang sekali kalau guru bahasa Inggris di kelas lebih dari satu, karena bila ada masalah dalam belajar bisa segera teratasi. Dan juga suasana belajar di kelas semakin hidup dan komunikatif gitu “ Because of the data above, for the next semester, they have the same responsibility but with different number of letter from the headmaster. The letter is edited on 17 January 2009 with the description as follows: Number: 800010404.101.17.P.012009. So, every semester, there is new letter of TT of English. commit to user For this semester, actually the duty of teachers doesn’t change but it must be the new SK from the headmaster because the description of teacher’s duty is edited every semester. And the number of SK is that 800033404.101.17.P.012010 which is edited on 13th July 2009.

d. The Syllabus of Team Teaching

Based on the document analysis, the syllabus used in SMPN 1 Pitu composed by team of English teachers called MGMP. It consists of all English teachers in Ngawi. And the syllabus is described in the form of “Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan “KTSP which is composed and applied by every school. It is designed by all of English teachers in SMPN 1 Pitu. So, it is better because it is planned by team of English teachers. According to the teachers, syllabus applied now is that KTSP that is based on Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Number 20 in 2003 about National Education System and The Rule of Government No.19 in 2005 about National Education Standard. Based on the rules, the school may compose curriculum to decide the aim and the basic of policy to conduct the process of teaching and learning in SMPN 1 Pitu. KTSP is also based on School Based of Management MBS which is conducted since autonomy of region. Therefore, the composition of KTSP should adjust the need and potential of the region and the School. It is needed to accommodate all of potential commit to user available to SMPN 1Pitu, to improve the quality of academy and non academy, to care of regional culture, join the ”IPTEK” improvement based on faith and devout. The goal and indicators are clearly stated in the syllabus made by MGMP but RPP is composed only one of teachers. Therefore, the team sometime can not implement team teaching well. But sometime the teachers make some modifications concerning to the students’ language skills level. As teachers AS stated: “ Silabus ini disusun oleh MGMP kabupaten, khususnya guru bahasa Inggris tetapi dalam penerapanya kadang-kadang ada modifikasi yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan siswa”

e. The Teaching Approach of Team Teaching in Teaching and

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