The Implementation of Team Teaching of English in SMPN 1 Pitu

commit to user interview with the student AFR, She said that: “kalau praktek speaking kalau gurunya satu kan ngantrinya panjang, sampai ngantuk ngantuk lo bu atau kadang teman-teman itu rame sendiri. Tapi kalau gurunya lebih dari satu tidak usah lama menunggu kan klas bisa dibagi 2 dg masing- masing guru”

B. Discussion

This part is the discussion of the research findings in relation to answer the problem statements mentioned on chapter 1. This discussion is divided into three main parts. The first part is about the implementation of Team Teaching of English in SMPN 1 Pitu Ngawi; the second part is about the barrier of team teaching implementation; and the third part is about the effectiveness of implementation.

1. The Implementation of Team Teaching of English in SMPN 1 Pitu

Ngawi The ddiscussion of the Implementation of Team Teaching includes 6 dimensions: a The Background of Team Teaching’s Implementation; b The Objective of Team Teaching; c The Legal Foundation of Team Teaching Implementation; d The syllabus of Team Teaching; e The Technique of Team Teaching Implementation; and f The Monitoring and Evaluation. commit to user a. The Background of Team Teaching’s Implementation Based on the findings of the research, there are many available English teachers. Those are juniors and senior ones. However, the classes are limited. Therefore, the school needs to analyze its own instructional problems, set individual school goals and shape its unique team approach. The universal element in every team teaching formula is the cooperative focus on an instructional objective by more than one professional, with or without the supporting aid of non-certified technicians, for a given group of students. The only defensible motive for team teaching is the improvement, immediate or ultimate, of instruction. The school’s condition will influence the decision ifwhether it needs to form team teaching or not. The school’s enrollment, the quality of its educational leadership and the rational use of human and material resources- all will influence the form of team teaching shaped for the school. Therefore, it is not easy to make team teaching. As supported by Pearson and National Middle School Association working 2009, it involves teachers, administrators, parents, community members, or any combination of these individuals. Team teaching should be supported by many components behind the implementation. This approach has been shown to create commit to user bonding opportunities for students and to engage teachers in collaborative planning. It is supported by Coffey 2009 that Team teaching requires that the faculty is organized so that teachers share a group of students, a common planning time to develop curriculum and instruction in multiple content areas, the same schedule, and that the teachers are in the same physical areas of the school. From the description above, the writer concludes that the form of team teaching is in line with the theory. Because it is supported by the headmaster as the leader of the institution and from the result of the interview it is created after having meeting which discuss any possibilities with all people involved. It means that at least he tries to prepare the implementation as well as possible by sharing with the others in formal meeting. It is hopped will create it successfully. b. The Objective of Team Teaching The objective of team teaching of English is that to improve the quality of teaching and learning English. It is in line with suggestion from Campus Explorer http:education.stateuniversity.compages2493Team- Teaching.html that is to help a group of students of any age learn. It makes the process of learning easily, guide the students to learn more focus, and create the condition of learning cheerfully. commit to user In team teaching of language, the teaching partner can demonstrade interactive activities, such as role plays, with one another. Also two teachers can provide different linguistic models for the learners. As the example given by Baily, Curties, and Nunan 2001: 182, when Andy and Kathi team taught in Hongkong, the students were interested in the lexical and phonological contrasts between his British speech and the North American variety Kathi used. Moreover, Beggs describe the objective of team teaching very broadly 1964: 27 as the following : 1. To develop creativity, adaptability, responsibility and habits of inquiry in students. 2. To make more intelligent use of teachers’ specialized talents, interests, training, time and energy. 3. To improve quality of teaching through the in-service nature of the team design. 4. To provide a program of student grouping which permits instruction to be more effectively geared to individual student ability. 5. To provide realistic treatment of individual differences to supplement the identifying and diagnosing of these differences. 6. To provide time and facilities during the school day for teachers to prepare lessons, develop imaginative materials and keep abreast of new developments. 7. To provide students with group experiences prerequisite to successful citizenship in a democratic society. By team teaching, the teaching partners can demonstrate interactive activities, such as role-plays, with another. And the two teachers can provide different linguistic models for the learners. So, commit to user team teaching, especially for teachers, is a medium to create a sense of fun, facilitate an environment conducive to academic discourse and scholarly enquiry. It is a mode for developing teachers as more critically reflective learners. It helps each other to keep in check his type of teaching and can help to overcome the frequent sense of isolation felt by many faculty members. And also, it engage teaching staff in more philosophical discussion than the usual discourse over class materials. Meanwhile, for students, team teaching provides a great opportunity for individualized help and the chance to experience multiple perspectives from the team of teachers on the content and issues being discussed. It can help promote diversity bu including team members with different ethnic, racial and cultural background. The focus is on the students’ development of teamwork skills through group and project work. Based on suggestion from Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching 1998 that “team of teachers can think of ways of improving student motivation, a sense of responsibility, and overall student performance”. Team teachers and their students can be happy with the community spirit that teams can provide, teamwork also has a considerable effect on classroom management. As the example, by planning together, team teachers can clarify commit to user teaching policies and behavioral expectations that are applied to students. From the description above, the writer concludes that the objective of team teaching found in SMPN 1 Pitu Ngawi is in line with the theory that all the activities done by the team is to improve the quality of learning. c. The Legal Foundation of Team Teaching Implementation The Implementation of team teaching should be supported by the formal agreement from the leader of institution. Because it includes many components and is not always successful. All components should be in one agreement to the objective of team teaching. The implementation of it in SMPN 1 Pitu Ngawi is supported by special SK from the headmaster. It is in line with the suggestion from Beggs 1971: 30 that “ Before team teaching can succeed, the process of decision making in the school must be clearly identified by leadership and accepted by the staff”. An individual such as department head, principal, coordinator, and group of individuals: such as curriculum committee, administrative council or board of education must be able to sanction requests for varying the traditional approach to instruction. Coffey said http:www.learnnc.orglp “Team teaching requires that the faculty is organized so that teachers share a group commit to user of students, a common planning time to develop curriculum and instruction in multiple content areas, the same schedule, and that the teachers are in the same physical area of the school”. Therefore, countless decisions need to be made for team teaching program; the process by which these decisions are determined must be isolated and communicated to all members of the team. Without formal approval from a status person or group, any innovation, including team teaching, is doomed to unnecessary travail and ultimate failure. d. The syllabus of Team Teaching Based on the research findings, English teachers of SMPN 1 Pitu Ngawi prepare the teaching and learning activities in “Perangkat Pembelajaran” in which the “silabus” Syllabus and “Rencana Persiapan Pengajaran” lesson plan included. A syllabus describes the major elements that will be used in planning a language course and provides the basis for its instructional focus and content Richards, 2001: 152, and a lesson plan is a unified set of activities that cover a period of classroom time Brown, 2001: 149. The syllabus used in SMPN 1 Pitu is a text based syllabus which its content combining the fourth language skills and the two language elements, and also expressions. Therefore, it can be commit to user classified as a functional syllabus, because some expressions and the two elements are involved in the syllabus Richards, 2007: 10. Moreover, Richard points out that the text-based syllabus can be regarded as the type of situational approach because the starting point in planning a syllabus was the analysis of the context in which the learners use the language. The text based syllabus is a type of integrated syllabus because it combines elements of different types of syllabuses Richards, 2001: 163. Meanwhile, lesson plan RPP means: Rencana yang menggambarkan prosedur dan pengorganisasian pembelajaran untuk mencapai satu kompetensi dasar yang ditetapkan dalam Standar Isi dan dijabarkan dalam silabus. Lingkup Rencana Pembelajaran paling luas mencakup 1 satu kompetensi dasar yang terdiri atas 1satu indicator atau beberapa indicator untuk 1satu kali pertemuan atau lebih Puskur Balitbang, 2007: 3 As the writer mentioned before that team teaching is to improve the quality of teaching and learning process. To make it success, Lesson plan called “RPP” should be discussed, planned, and done together in a team. The strategy how to teach, the steps how to make students learn, and how to evaluate the learning process is determined and agreed by them. Lounsbury stated that http:www.educationworld.coma a powerful team will break down fragmentation among subjects and interrelate the content of subjects taught by team members. So, it necessary to have an agreement between teachers about the commit to user devision done by every teacher in the team. The agreement covers learning activities of students, the subjects to be taught, and the goal of teaching which all of them stated in syllabus and described detail in RPP. The researcher found that syllabus implemented in SMPN 1 Pitu Ngawi is composed by MGMP of English teachers, especially SMPN English teachers. It means that it is in line with the theory above but “RPP” is not planned by the team. As we know that of course the steps of teaching and learning are explicit written on it. In short, lesson plan of team teaching is different from the single teacher in the class. Because there must be clear about all activities in the class and the share responsibility of teachers involved in team. The lesson plan will influence the performance of the learning process of students in the class while they are studying English by team teachers. So that, there is no different with the process of learning done by single teacher in a class. And it is not in line with Coffey’s opinion http:www.learnnc.orglppages4754 that Teams are typically composed of between two or four teachers working collaboratively to plan thematic units and lesson plans in order to provide a more supportive environment for students. It is not suitable with the concept of team teaching stated by Beggs, David W http:education.stateuniversity.compages2493Team - commit to user Teaching.html that teachers should set goals for a course, design a syllabus, prepare individual lesson plans, teach students, and evaluate the results. As the interview with the English teachers, they said that the syllabus is planned and discussed together before the time of teaching. As a result more supportive environment for students is not so well, because lesson plan which is not designed well by them. So, it is useless time and energy for teachers to teach in a team. And there is no change environment for students, no effect of learning process or the other words the implementation of team teaching doesn’t influence much the process of learning to be more effective. e. The Technique of Team Teaching Implementation According to Hammond et al 1992: 18 points out that in implementing the teaching and learning curriculum cycle, at each stage the teacher needs to select a number of different activities that provide a frame work of structure and support as the learners increasingly gain control over written language. In relation to hammonds’ statement, Michael 1971: 76 describes that a teaching team is a systematic arrangement wherein several teachers with a leader and assistants, and with an optimum use of technology instruct a group of students, varying the size of the student groups and procedures with the purpose of instruction, and spending staff commit to user time and energy in ways that will make the best use of their respective competencies. Shafer 1983: 2 gives two instructor model, those are as follows: 1 All instructors are jointly responsible for course content, presentation, and grading. They interact in front of the class, discussing specific topics from divergent perspective. 2 All instructors are jointly responsible for course content and grading. However, they take turns presenting material appropriate to their individual areas of specialization. The first model is called pure team teaching while the second one is called semi team teaching. In pure team teaching, two or more instructors are teaching the same students at the same time within the same classroom but for semi team teaching, the second, the instructors work together but do not necessarily teach the same groups of students not necessarily teach at the same time. Those model supported by Goetz and EGallery 2000: 2. The implementation used in SMPN 1 Pitu adopts the first model called pure team teaching which is in the form of traditional team teaching. She has the summary because teachers present together in the class, one gives the new material to the students by giving many examples, practices, while the other teacher guide the learners to make new sentences based on the new material. commit to user Additionally, the implementation is categorized into collaborative teaching which includes the pure team teaching. Teachers make small group discussions in the process of learning. The group is to accomplish the task given by teachers. Teachers go around to all groups simultaneously. Each teacher helps each group to learning process. Related to collaborative teaching, there are seven basic principles suggested by Ridgewood High School in Nooridge 1971: 77 which called “the Seven Principles of Appropriatness”. Those are: 1 The size of the group must be appropriate to its purpose 2 The composition of any group must be appropriate to its purpose 3 The time allotments assigned to any group must be appropriate to its purpose 4 The physical and psychological environment must be appropriate to the activities of the group 5 The nature of a task assigned to a team staff members must be appropriate to his talents and interests. 6 The nature of the supervision provided for a group depends on the nature and the purpose of the group. 7 The subject matter content must be appropriate to each learner in the group. Watkins and Carafella 1999 present four models of team teaching that are based on variations in working style: parallel teaching, serial teaching, co-teaching, and co-facilitation. All models suggest focusing too strongly on teacher control, which can blur the essential relationship between teaching and learning. Teaming can improve the delivery of teacher-centered education commit to user and create the practices and environments that are fully inclusive of learners. For this, teachers no longer viewed as disseminators of knowledge, but as collaborative learners themselves. In short, all strategies used by team teaching are to achieve the main target in the teaching of English at the senior high school. According to Widowson 1990: 1, the theoretical principles of teaching may come from variety of sources: from the teachers’ experience or hisher experiment of other teachers, from sudden inspiration insight, from documentation of conventional wisdom. Therefore, it is necessary for the teachers given the opportunity to joint training concerning to the application of team teaching, especially English. The training should focus on the teaching performance in applying the steps in the teaching and learning cycle. As supported by Beggs 1971: 101 that the best in-service training device used is the workshop. An essential aim of this type of activity is to set aside a block of time for depth consideration of team teaching. By workshop, teachers can work without the annoyance and distraction of other obligations, thus permitting total concentration on the subject. Qualified experts can be consultants and adequate time is keys to a worthwhile workshop. Moreover, workshop provides an ideal setting for the innovator to blend the ingredients of change with members working together commit to user in close proximity. Such an extensive exchange of ideas and group interaction, team members are able to be intellectually stimulated, particularly if new insights are contributed by consultants to enhance the scope of study and exploration. f. The Monitoring and Evaluation. A formal evaluation of progress for team teaching is necessary. All teams need to set aside some time to evaluate their progress in terms of both teaching the module and with their own development as an effective team. An outside facilitator could be called in to manage this where appropriate. For example, after the class, take two minutes to write down reflections about the lesson. It could be observation, thoughts or feelings; anything about the class. If one teacher the team-teaching didn’t go well, try to think about where you felt it needed work, or about when the other person seemed uncomfortable and why. Send emails to the partner to discuss the class. Express ideas honestly but politely. Respecting each other’s job and speaking from a team stance will contribute to the development of the team teaching as well as your own personal development as a language teacher. It is necessary to keep mind open to any suggestions. Related to the need of monitoring and evaluation, a useful consideration from Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching 1998 is that the goals associated with student learning commit to user need to be monitored and reviewed where necessary, so to do aspects of team behavior. Therefore, it is important for the team to find that everything has proceeded as they planned. It is possible that there are outcomes as a result of team teaching which they had not anticipated. The outcomes may be to do with student learning or with how the team is functioning. If there are differences between the plan and the achievement, then, the team will need to refocus on what is important. To do this, the team should have monitor continually how students are reacting to the team teaching experience. Conscious decisions will have to be taken to emphasize points that may have been missed or correct mistaken impression. There are many relevant questions to make evaluation of team teaching implementation, as Beggs statement 1971: 106. Those are as the following: 1 Can teachers operate more effectively as individuals or in teams? 2 Can personality conflicts be avoided? 3 Can clerical assistance be utilized effectively? 4 Can teachers plan their time so they will be able to make additional preparations for improved instruction? 5 Can esprit de corps be developed among members of the team? 6 Can teachers assume specialized function responsibility? Support to the important of evaluation of team teaching implementation, Wilson and Martin 1998 suggested that team teachers must be committed to the process of continuous commit to user improvement and be willing to spend additional time in planning future lessons, in reflecting on and improving completed ones. So, it is necessary to have reflection after teaching. It is to decide the next treatment for the learners, and to correct the teaching and learning process by using critical opinion of the team. Critically reflection can improve the activities in learning process as the statement from Donald Schon 1983 that reflection- in-action is a way of constructing new knowledge by analyzing an experience, constructing a new way of understanding it, experimenting with new response in the future, and further refining the new approach. Additionally, they observed with result that if the co-teachers do not share an interest in learning from each other, there will be a limit to the possibilities that can emerge from the teaming experience. The research finding shows that reflection as critical thinking is because the limited time, the teacher said. Critical thinking as the feedback can be used to rarely done by the team teaching of English in SMPN 1 Pitu, enhance the teaching and learning approaches in future team. Planning and management of the team teaching in the unit is seen by both team teachers as an integral tool in their own professional development as teachers of merit. To assist in this process of reflection-in-action, a team teaching lesson plan template was created to provide the opportunity for each commit to user member of the team to make notes on areas of further improvement and areas done well.

2. The barrier of team teaching implementation

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